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  Cole protectively walked me back to the car as if the littered ground would kidnap me. Once we were inside the car he took a deep breath smiling widely.

" Well that was a rush" I gave a fake smile and turned to the stare out the window. The drive back was even more nerve wrecking than the 'help' I received from that sorry excuse of a gas attendant. Cole made sure to park his car behind the trees where it would almost be hidden to the common eye.

" I guess we should call it a night" I said as soon as I stepped a foot into the door. He eyed me as if he could see right through me so I added " We'll have a full day tomorrow" Instantly I regretted my kindness.

" It's a date!" He said kissing my cheek. I flinched at his touch hopefully he couldn't tell the difference.  "There's a room to the right you can stay in on your first tonight just to get a feel of the place"

"Thanks" I muttered. Turning to the room he described I was quickly yanked back to my nightmare. Cole's hands were cold on my wrists.

"Good night Jamie"

"Night" I pulled my arm back away from him.


The room seemed crowded but empty at the same time. Family photos cluttered the walls while a lonesome bed sat in the far corner. It all became clear why i'd spend my night in this room haunted by old family memories .There were no windows to inform me when it became morning and the door seemed to have locked from the outside. I peeled off the damp clothes that felt like they had grown attached to my skin and  Cautiously I walked around the room as if i'd step on a tripwire that would send me to my doom. I knew I wouldn't get any sleep tonight. I picked up the bad i had left by the door and changed into the custom outfit courtesy of Cole in some odd way it made me feel safer. I breathed in falling on the bed here goes nothing  I thought to myself . Ten minutes later there was a scraping sound by my door like Cole decided to move around some furniture then finally stopped. He was going to keep me in here no matter what. I closed my eyes and tried to get as much peace as I could that night,

  Scrapping of furniture woke me out of my hour of sleep.

"Morning sunshine!" Cole said suddenly bursting into the room with a full breakfast that was probably previously frozen.

" Hi" I could feel myself saying quietly I could feel the stiffness in my shoulder start to throb as i propped myself up.

" Well I got you some healthy food" He said pushing the plate closer to my face. I felt sick and i knew it wasn't from the food "It's organic only the best for you" He placed it my lap and watched me for a moment.

" Thanks" I finally said

"No problem" The bed shifted with Cole's weight  as he sat in the corner " Don't worry about me i already ate" He smiled

" What time is it?"

" It's almost 6"

"Oh" I said taking a bite out of the scrambled eggs which i hate to admit it but it tasted wonderful.

" So maybe we could go out or something i mean as long as you don't try to runaway again" He said laughing

" What?" I could feel my self chocking on the eggs

" You ran away from home" He paused "With me remember?"

" No Cole you kidnapped me"

"Don't be silly Jamie you willingly came with me"

"You tied me up"

"That was our little game remember?"


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