Chapter 2: Just A Normal School

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Sincere and I ran into the school and was ultimately caught in the giant fast crowd river of the kids running into the school. In fact, we were nearly drowning in that river. Me and Sincere began to be whisked away from each other as we were nearly being trampled. The only thing I could hear were the muffled screams of kids trying to swim through the river. The last thing I saw was Sincere's hand reaching out to grab me through the crowd. Sudden to I was grabbed and threw up out of the crowd. What had happened? I looked behind me to see Queen Jess sitting on a throne of penny boards being held up by her minions. "You OK?" She asked me in a caring tone, "The kids in here are animals. Good thing I'm the queen of animals." She winked at me again and giggled. "MINIONS!!" She screamed, "FIND ME SINCERE!" All of a sudden five boys with dreadlocks stood straight up behind Jess's throne and suddenly ran into the depths of the people.
"DJ!" I heard a voice scream, "I'm over here!!" It was Sincere! " Don't worry! My 8th graders got me! I'll see you during lunch. " All of a sudden Sincere and his body guard 8th graders turned the corner and went the opposite direction of where we were going. Before I knew it we were at my classroom.
"Your stop is here DJ" Jess bellowed, "See you at lunch kid. MINIONS AWAY!!" and just like that Jess and her throne were gone. I walked into the classroom and sat in my seat. Soon Math started, and not much happened. Then Science, and then Social Studies. Finally it was lunch. We all went outside for recess. Me and all my friends went to kickball, while the "athletes" went to play football, and the "drama queens" went to a bench to gossip about who's ugly. Jess and Sierra were of course penny boarding around the grounds, terrorizing the people they didn't like. After kickball was over, we all went inside and ate lunch. I opened my lunch bag and saw the usual ( a PB and J sandwich with a cookie and a juice box ). I sat next to Cooper and Josh. They began to talk about their plans with the grounds, and even though I wasn't going, but I was still listening. After I finished my lunch, I got a shout from Sincere, and I moved over to him.
"DJ, I'm going to need you to do me a favor. I'm going to be at one of my Grandfather's warehouses tonight, and I'm going to need your number so I can send you a couple of pics. I was thinking that maybe you would wanna shoot something there." Yes it's true, I was an aspiring director, and I was looking for directions for my first film. A warehouse would be perfect for my new film, so I was very excited. Soon the ball rang and I was back into class. Once again nothing happened until the bell rang. I ran outside trying to miss the dangerous river of people, and surprisingly missed it by a lot. I ran to the grounds to say good bye to everyone, and saw more than I had expected at the grounds. It was Josh, Cooper, Sierra, and the queen herself, Jess. I said goodbye to everyone, and then began to walk home. Once I reached home I did my homework and then took a nap. Before I knew it it was time for swim practice. In fact, my ride would be here any minute! I quickly put on my bathing suit and packed my bag. As soon as I heard the honk. I ran outside and jumped into the car. My day was still going normal.... But it was going to change very soon.

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