"HAH" I screamed as they ripped the bag off my head. "You stupid raiders are gonna regret this!!" I screamed at them, "I WILL AVENGE JESS!"
"Oh I'm sure you are." The raider said mocking her, "I'm sure you can take all of us raiders, AND our king Ty out before the sun rises."
"Why couldn't I take you out during the sunrise" Sierra furiously questioned
"Because, at sunrise King Ty will sentence you and your idiotic little friend DJ will be sentenced to the same fate as Ex-Queen Jess!" The raider chuckled and looked at another raider sitting on a barrel playing cards with himself. I was tied to a wooden pole stuck inside the ice. Next to me was another person with a bag over their head, but I couldn't tell who it was. We were in a big tent, and next to us were just a bunch of old barrels and chairs and junk like that. As I looked around they knew what I was wondering, and they ripped the bag off of the other kids head.... It was Josh! He gasped and came to his senses.
"Please just let us go" he quivered, "we'll give you anything. PLEASE I just need to see my family! I have to know if they are safe in the school!"
"Your families fine" the raider said, " the school is just out of our side of the ice. You however, won't be fine though." They all chuckled
"Now tell me" another raiders asked with a low and raspy voice, " how did you even end up on our side of the ice?"
"It's a long story, but I think I know where it started........

The Bitter Cold
AdventureAs DJ and his friends prepare for Spring Break, an unexpected and deadly blizzard hits their small town. Will DJ and his friends be able to survive.... "THE BITTER COLD".