The truth!

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The morning goes in an awkward silence at the breakfast table. I sit besides Jay,  whereas Grey across from me. Mom and Dad are either ignorant or dont acknowledge the tension in the air. After breakfast Grey tries to corner me in the hallway to talk but I couldn't handle any descant at the moment so I leave him be.

Jay takes his leave,"Sarah, thanks for accommodating me for last night, it was lovely spending time with you all!".
I follow Jay outside to see him off.
He turns around on reaching the car and speaks,"Thanks for inviting me to help you, it was really a pleasure" with a genuine smile. I don't speak anything, instead I smile..not  forced but one that automatically reaches my lips on seeing him smile.

Then all of a sudden something unexpected happens...he tackles me with a hug..I mean a tight one, as if afraid that I'll evanish even from his tight grip on me.

Its like current is passing  through my veins, like tingles are brushing over my skin at such intimate contact with him. Every part of my body is surging with life when he holds on so tight.
And when he reluctantly leaves me, the cold breeze makes me shiver and instantly I crave for the warmth that he was providing me with his touch.
He shies away after that and leaves in his car.

I turn around to enter my house only to see Grey watching me intently through the window. I step forward and he pulls all the curtains down and disappear from my line of sight.

I sigh and simultaneously shake my head but nevertheless move ahead to enter the main door. I enter the living room to watch mom and dad having a deep conversation with each other. I head upstairs to my bedroom  but stop and scrutinize the figure standing at the base of stairs with one foot behind him on the wall and head hung low.
On seeing me, he steps forward and I fall silent when I hear him speak,"You got the wrong impression that day, I was forced into going with her. She said that her father is suffering with Atelophobia, so just to make him feel special she needed my help in buying him a present. She tricked me into that, so it was not by choice." When I don't say anything he continues,"Rory, you just saw that she was clinging to my arm but didn't you see my facial expressions?".

Now that I think of that...his expression was ghastly...

"Rory don't you think that you overanalyzed that scenario.. And why would I hide that I like Dianna?..Cummon Aurora Stacey, you know better than that!".

At that time I do realize that how much idiotic I was being. I mean I came to my own conclusions without confronting Grey about the whole thing...'He's right i can really do much better than that!'

"Grey, I'm really sorry for not directly coming to you for was a mistake from my side and I won't repeat that"I say and just like that things come back to normal between us. That's the thing with best friends, they don't need time to think twice about forgiving the other one. I tackle him in a bear hug and he responds immediately by putting his arms around me.

"Hey bugs bunny, promise me that if you ever like a girl..I'll be the first person to know.." I tell him.

He opens his mouth to speak but I 'Shushh' him by putting my finger on his lips. He licks it and puts his saliva on my index finger and I make a face in disgust at this. He starts laughing hysterically and i say," are Gross!" And quickly run to the washroom to wash my finger.

He stands while leaning on the doorframe behind me snickering at me.
"You Grey boy are just hopeless.." I say while maintaining my eye contact with him through the mirror..he winks at me and I just shake my head at him.


Next day is just hectic, but the relief is that I have classes till break only. So when the bell rings I head towards the parking lot to leave in my AMR.
On reaching my parking spot I see Jay leaning on his red Porsche just next to my car.
He steps forward and greets me with"Hey.."notices my car keys in hand "..i see that you're leaving early today..may i ask why so?".
"Hey yourself, yes I'm leaving early today and yeah you may ask"I tell him with a witty smile on my face.
Much to my dismay he conflates with my response and asks again,"Why are you leaving this early Miss Stacey?" With a knowing smirk.
I swash his smirk by saying,"Because I can Mr.Blake!".

He's amused by my comebacks and declares,"You Rory are something else!"with glitter in his eyes.
We both laugh at that and when I put the key in and engine blows with ignition he speaks again,"Can I accompany you wherever you are going?".

I permit him and that's how he's following me in his car to my favorite place since my childhood. Its a forty minutes drive till the shore out of Cheshire. Me and Matt found this place when I was seventeen and he eighteen. We went on a long drive in celebration of him getting his driver's license and found this place behind the bushes on a dead end of road.

I put my foot on brake and bring my car to a halt at the same dead end and Jay follows my pursuit. I move past the bushes towards the log of wood that sits in the middle of this small piece of land besides a waterfall and sit on it.
I lift my head to see Jay blinking in surprise at the iconic view in front of him. I know exactly the feeling on being greeted by such a magnificent scenario.
He sits beside me taking in the divine nature that surrounds us.

"How did you find such a place?..I mean its just amazing, I don't have words to express my gratefulness to you for showing me this piece of art by the Almighty....its like I'm in a place of tranquility and peacefulness.."he closes his eyes and takes a long breath and releases it slowly. I just admire him while sitting there with my eyes on him. He opens his eyes to see me staring at him but I just couldn't bring myself to look away. It was like he's  captivating me with just his intent stare. We get lost in each other until he clears his throat to bring us back out of this trance.
I instantly look down and mutter profanities in my mind for letting off my guard and showing my pent up emotions.

"So who else knows about this place?"he asks to distract me from playing with my hair.

I look up at him and let a smile greet my lips,"I first got to this place with Matt and Grey knows that whenever I'm extremely happy or sad or feeling annoyed, I come here. But he hasn't seen it yet. So that makes you the second person to view this place"I move my hand as a gesture to show around.
His eyes lit up on hearing this.
We sit in comfortable silence for almost an hour and then he says,"As much as I would love to spend time here with you, we must get you home before the night let's go now" he tugs at my arm to help me stand and just like that we walk to our cars. On the way to home a single tear flows down my right cheek as a signal that says a lot about the inner happiness the last two hours have brought with them. I didn't say to anyone but I do miss my brother and this was the reason that i came to the waterfall in the first place.
We both head to the front door of my house to find the door already open wide. We enter inside and I speak loudly,"Dad you home?" But I don't get any reply. I look behind at Jay to see his concerned expression. And then I hear sound of TV playing from the living room. I push the half open door and put my hands impulsively on my ears to block the unanimous shout of,"Surprise!".

I never expected the unexpected...

The picture above is of Grey and Rory.
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