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On reaching back to college canteen, we both manage to get two wraps to eat and then head towards Starbucks. When he is about to open his mouth to speak, all of a sudden Heather appears beside me and starts pulling me towards the opposite side. I give Jay an apologetic smile while trying not to step on my own feet.
"Heather, if you dont slow down now..I'm going to fall face first on the floor"i say when we enter the hallway. Then she finally comes to a stop and turn around with a sheepish grin on her face & says,"Ben asked me out today". My face is instantly greeted with a wide grin on listening this, we have become just best of friends in such a less time that i cant help but be appeased to see her happy. I congratulate her and we move towards our history class hand in hand.


At the end of the day, i wave Heather and Ben and move towards my lift that is Grey's car. I wait for him for few minutes and start fiddling with my phone and a message pops up on my screen from Grey,"Hey Rory, I'm sorry but i wont be able to drop you home, got detention for one hour for sleeping in class today :(".

"Don't worry, I'll manage :)" i text him back.

I move towards the exit of parking lot while dialing my mom's phone number when on spur of a moment a car screechingly halts right beside me. I move my eyes to see the door of a sparkling red Porsche open. Jay steps out in his full glory with his head slightly tilted to the side and says,"Need a lift Aurora?"to which i shake my head and impulsively say,"No!.." then cover it up by saying,"uhh..i mean no I'll manage on my own"with a sly smile.
He nags again,"Cummon Miss Stacey I'll just drop you home and leave, not a big deal". I don't see another option but to accept his offer as my mom isn't picking up my call.
His car is so spacious from inside and I really feel comfortable sitting in it. He asks"So your best friend ditched you huh?" with a smirk and I narrow my eyes at him,"He's in detention right now" then i face towards the window and watch the streets outside lined up with trees with arms folded against my chest.

"Oh cummon don't be so possessive towards him...never mind, I was just trying to converse"with this he just seals his lips and continues driving.
After fifteen minutes drive we reach outside my house and I ask him,"Would you like to come inside?". He takes some time to answer and says "Okay, sure". He follows me to the living room and places himself on the couch. I excuse myself for few minutes to change clothes and start ascending upstairs. After taking my sweet time I come downstairs and hear voices coming from the kitchen. On entering I see Dad chatting up with Jay like long lost buddies and I can't help but admire both of them while standing at the door.
On heeding my presence dad says,"Rory hons, might i say that I really like this Jay boy over here, you didn't tell me you're friends with him?.. He frequently comes to our restaurant".
I reply to him,"Dad, he just came to drop me home as Grey is in detention for his laziness and we.."I move my finger back and forth between us".. are not friends.." to which Jay inaudibly mutters under his breath"..yet" although I hear him say that then too choose to ignore it.
Dad suspiciously eye both of us for a bit long but drop the topic,"Well your mom got a big contract today so she'll be busy till late tonight, so let's start cooking for dinner now".
"Jay you are staying up for the dinner, right?"he asks and I just pray that he says no...
Say no..oh come on...
Jay speaks up,"As much as I would love to stay.." he looks towards me for a second before continuing"...I really need to head for home now"and I sigh in relief. I don't know what happens to me when I'm in his presence, I start feeling antsy, at loss of words and even squirm under his stare.
I come out of my reverie when dad call my name and wave a hand in front of my eyes,"...Rory, go and see him off".
I hurry outside after Jay and call,"Jay.." on hearing his name he turns around and raises his eyebrow "Umm..thanks..for giving me lift" with these words I turn around and begin to leave in a rush but he right then stops me by putting his hand on my arm. I tightly close my eyes and pursue my lips for the sensation that runs through my body with that mild contact to go before turning around and giving him a sheepish smile. He releases his hold and puts his hands in his jean pockets and asks little nervously, "So...uhh...Friends?".
I answer him with,"I'll surely think 'bout it!" and impulsively wink at him.
He gets into his car and when is about to go I say,"STOP!!..how did you know where I live??..i mean now that I think of it, I never told you my address!" I point my finger accusingly towards him.
He moves his hand through his hair and shies away from answering me. Rather he steps on the accelerater after winking at me and speeds down the lane leaving me all bothered. I shake my head to get rid of all the thoughts and decend my journey towards home...alright alright just those few steps...


I sit on the edge of my cavernous bed and think about what dad said when I re-entered home..." I think you might just like that boy Rory...".

'No, that can't be true we just met yesterday' I think to myself..'or can it be?'

"Uhhh its so confusing!" I drop myself on my bed and put a pillow on my face and stay like that for god knows how long..and finally exhaution consumes me. I sleep through the dinner and full night dreaming about the person who has invaded my mind in these two days.


Next day I open my eyes to bright light entering through the window panes uncovered by curtains. I check my phone just to find that i have seven missed calls and three messages from Grey saying sorry again and asking did i reach home safely but the message that catches my interest is from an unknown number that says,"G'night 'Friend'..".
I find myself smiling on reading even such a simple text from him.

Its Saturday today so I just brush my teeth and head downstairs in my PJs for breakfast only to find the house empty with a note on kitchen table 'We are going to your aunt Margaret's house, she's preggers with three babies and needs us. Stay safe'.
I sigh and find myself cornflakes with milk to feed my empty stomach.

pass almost the entire morning like a couch potato watching Netflix and around 1 my phone starts ringing with 'one last time'.
I pick it up to see Heather's phone number flashing on the screen, I quickly answer it,"Hey ya goofy bells" to which she replies,"Hey babe, I need to go shopping, ya free?".

"Oh I have all the time in the world for ya".
"Good, I'll be at your place in fifteen" and with this she hangs up.

So..I guess time for some shopping and a #girlsdayout!

Thanks for reading.. Hope you people liked it.
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