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Me and Aaliyah we were still there.
It was already 12:00
I texted everybody I knew
Aaliyah was still asleep.
I think.
"Yeah Jacob?"
"Oh I just wanted to see if you were awake."
"We gotta get out of here we have school tommorow." She groaned then sighed
"I know"
*i want you to play with my ding a ling ding a ling ding a ling my ding a ling*
My ringtone came on.
Aaliyah started silently laughing.
"Sweetie im coming"
I hung up.
It was my mom.
"Who was that"
"You know my mom"
"Hmmm" she looked at me then looked down.
*remix! 5,4,3,2,1 were going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship zooming through the sky little einsteins*
I looked at her and returned the favor.
"Omg yes hurry"
"Omg even better"
"Who was that"
"Your boo frank"
"Yeah right Aliyah" I scoffed and laughed.
"He's here,cmon get your stuff"
I got up and grabbed her hand and waited for frank.
"Hey guys" frank smiled opening the door.
"Thanks frank" we both said she hugged him I dabbed him and we all walked out.
My moms car pulled up.
"Are you guys okay"
"Perfect mom" I said sarcastically.
"Your lucky my mom is away for a business trip."
"You can stay the night then" I smirked.
"Alright ms.maybe" I smirked.
"Aaliyah I wanted to apologize to you. I'm so sorry that dinner got out of hand. I should have said something. I was just shocked that he stopped by. But I have extremely bad news."
"What?" I asked.
"He's staying with us for a little while till he gets back on his feet" she said looking down.
I didn't say anything I was to pissed.
"is he at the house now?" I asked calmly.
"Well he better check himself,because Aaliyah is staying over." I said quietly and calmly.
When I say something like that calmly. Don't touch me or even look at me.
Aaliyah took my hand.
She looked at me then smiled.
I gave her a weak smile.
She made me feel a little better.
"I don't think I should stay over I wouldn't feel comfortable" she said looking at my mom.
"No I'll protect you" I said looking at her.
She nodded and she smiled.
We reached the house I got out and opened the door for her and held her hand. We walked in.
"Well well well" he lingered of booze.he had booze in his hand.
"Well well well nothing" I took Aaliyah up the stairs.
"Tell your pet to stay upstairs I wanna talk to you" he said laughing.
I charged towards him but a hand pulled me back.
It was Aaliyah.
We went upstairs and we laid in my bed.
He was screaming terrible names at Aaliyah.
I scooted by her and spooned her.
I started singing to block out my dads hurtful words.
I felt warms tears on my arm.
She was crying.
I stopped singing and whispered sweet nothings.
My eyes burned.
My throat felt dry.
I was crying too.
I felt her pain.
It hurt me to see her cry.
It finally stopped.
Aaliyah turned around to me.
She grabbed my face.
"I don't know ill do without you" she said and smiled.
"Me either" I kissed her forehead.
It was already 5:30 we had school today. She was still sleep.
It was time to go to school.
I didn't wanted to wake her up she looked so peaceful.
I played with her hair and I fell asleep.
I woke up. It was roughly 8:30.
I got up and shook Aaliyah.
"Wake up wake up"
"Hmmm? What's going on?" She squinted her eyes looking around.
"We're late" I struggled to put my pants on.
"Babe chillax we can just skip" she laughed and laid back down.
"No no no no" I said brushing my teeth.
I ran downstairs and saw my dad passed out in the floor.
I rolled my eyes and went back upstairs
Aaliyah was already ready she was putting her in a bun.
She wore my shirt with a hair tie in the backs with a pair of my jeans.
She looked good in them.
"Like my outfit?" she smiled and put her hands out to the side.
I slowed down and looked at her
"You look amazing" I smirked.
"We gotta go" she said frowning.
We got in the car and listened to music and started singing.
We finally reached school.
"Stay here" I told her.
She looked confused.
I held her bag for her and
I opened the door for her.
She smiled.
I took her hand and we walked out to school.
Most people were in class but some people were in the hallway and we got hella hard stares.
I've walked to class.
"Hey ms.right" I said flashing a smile.
Me and Aaliyah walked to our seat.
Everyone stared at us.
"Hey hey hey what's up" Oliver and Tyler said.
I dabbed them and walked Aaliyah to her seat and have her. Her stuff
The teacher received a phone call.
Everyone instantly started talking.
When she hung up everyone got quiet.
"Jacob you need to go to the office" ms.right said.
"Grab your things" she said.
"Yikes" I laughed.
What did I do now.
I walked down the hallway in the office.
"Are you Jacob?" The lady asked me.
"Yes ma'am I am" I flashed a smile.
She frowned.
Second doorstep to the left.
I walked in I saw Evan and the principle.
"I'm aware that you had a party on Saturday and took the advantage to expose Evan.
"Yes is there a problem?" I asked. Folding my arms.
"I don't see how it happened outside of school grounds so."
I frowned and rolled my eyes.
"But yes I see but it's a distraction to school."
"What's my punishment" I sighed.
"Your suspended" he said.
"Nigga for what" it slipped out.
"Excuse me sir" he looked at me.
"Mane don't play me, I'll sue this whack school again." I threw my hands up and walked out.
I went back to class as soon as I sat down the bell rung.
"What happened in there?" Aaliyah asked me.
"The party when I exposed him. I'm good though I threaten to sue the school."
She smirked.
"Straight savage"
We got our things and walked with Tyler and Oliver.
We held hands everyone gave me a hi-five smirking.
We walked in the cafeteria.
I saw Evan.
"Hey umm Aaliyah we need to talk" he grabbed her wrist.
"Aye watch it" I pulled towards me.
"It's just real quick"
Aaliyah nodded and they went in the hallway.
I watched them a little.
"Sup dude" Tyler playfully punched me.
"Sup dude" I punched him back.
I turn back around and Aaliyah was trying to get out of Evans grip. I was about to walk over there but.
She finally got loose and walked over to me.
"You okay?" I asked rubbing her wrist.
"Yeah I'm fine" she let go of my reach and walked in the line.
What just happened. What did he say?
I was confused.
I walked over to her.
I hugged her from the back.
She pushed me away gently.
Well we can both play silent treatment.
"Fine I'll leave you alone but if you wanna talk you know where to find me" I threw my hands up and walked away.
She kept looking forward.
I was upset what possibly could have happened.
She sat by me but didn't say anything yet.
"We need to talk" she still didn't look me in my eye.
"Alright about that?"
"Evan told me that you were using me to get in my pants"
"And you believe that"
"When have I asked you for sex?"
"When have I Attempt to?"
"You shouldn't believe everything you hear"
"The fact that you think I would do that"
I took a breath and didn't say anything else.
She took my hand.
"I'm sorry I should have known"
I move my hand and got up and walked over to Evan.
He was talking to some guy.
I slammed my hand on the table.
"Next time you wanna chat with my girlfriend make sure I'm included" I faked a smile.
"Maybe what we talk about isn't your business"
"Nah it is"
"You really wanna talk about business,after the party you don't have business" I snickered.
Tyler and Oliver were behind me they were laughing.
Evan didn't say anything.
We walked off.
I felt a sharp pain in my leg.
"Ah" I screamed out.
I fell on the floor Aaliyah came rushing towards me.
Oliver and Tyler were speaking I couldn't hear anything but a loud ringing in my ear.
I look over and see Evan wiping blood off his face running out.
Did this nigga really stab me.
I felt like I was dying.
Maybe I was.
Maybe I wasn't.
But i feel so tired and weak.
I shut my eyes.

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