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"Nothing" I said hugging him.
"Well umm the boys are spending the night tonight" he said smiling.
"That's fine"
Chance came out the bathroom.
"Oh my bad" he said smiling walking out.
"What is he doing here" I asked putting my pants on almost breaking my neck trying to.
"He's spending the night babe" he said laughing.
"Babe about that I have to tell you something" I said sighing.
It was time to spill.
"Chance has been hitting on me for quiet a while now" I said looking down.
"When were you gonna tell me!" He threw his hands up pacing the room.
"I don't know I was planning on it but" I said sitting down playing with my hair.
"I'm not mad baby I'm just glad you told me" he said kissing my forehead.
We walked downstairs.
-----Jacobs POV-----
"Chance man you gotta go" I said scratching my head looking down avoiding eye-contact.
"Why man what's going on?" he said chucking nervously.
"You've been hitting on my fiancé that's what's going on." I said getting pissed off.
Like how dare this dumb ass nigga question me.
"That's a lie" he said frowning.
"Your dismissed" I said pointing to the door.
"If anything your wife wants me. Especially at the club. Mhhhhm" he smirked winking at Aaliyah.
"So your the one that made-out with her huh?" I said rolling up my sleeve.
Aaliyah came in between and pushed us away from each other.
"Come on Bae" she said hugging me taking me to a different room from Chance. I kept pushing her trying to beat this nigga up.
I stop resisting.
"I'll be back and with Aaliyah to believe that." He yelled from the hall.
I ran so quick to that nigga and I punched him slab right in the jaw.
He had a few hits but I beat that nigga up.
Aaliyah shouted for Tyler and Oliver.
Tyler pulled us apart and they kicked Chance out.
It was a few minutes we all settled down.
*ding dong*
I opened the door it was my mom.
Now I haven't seen her in months yo.
"What" I said leaning on the doorframe.
"I've missed you" she said crying hugging me.
I just stood there.
"Okay" I said gettin ready to close the door.
"That's how your gonna do your mom" she said pushing the door back open.
"What do you want" I said raising my voice.
"I wanna come in and see Aaliyah" she said smiling peeping in.
"Look you've gotta go" I said closing the door.
"Just for a little please" she said crying.
"Make it quick" I opened the door and let her in.
She walked in and hugged Aaliyah.
Aaliyah looked shocked and patted her back akawardly.
"I've missed you so much" my mom said kissing her hand.
"No way" my mom said grabbing her hand looking at the ring.
Aaliyah nodded blushing.
I smiled to the thought of me being with her forever lit me up inside.
"Well I need some help" my mom said looking down.
"I don't have money or a place for you to stay" I said before she could finish.
"I don't need any of that" she said smirking fixing her gold watch.
I rolled my eyes.
"I need help to get rid of your father" she said quietly.
"Kick him out the house" I said scoffing.
"Not get rid get rid as in kill" she said smirking.
"What the hell is wrong with you" I yelled.
"I'm tired of getting beat everyday" she said tearing up.
"There is other solutions to that" I said scoffing.
"Just help me" she said begging.
"you've gotta go" I grabbed her arm and pushed her out the house and closed the door.
"Can we at least live stress free for a little" I said grabbing Aaliyah's hand.
"I know what we can do tomorrow" she said squealing.
"What's that?" I said smiling.
"Out to eat at a resturant, you know how long we have been together and we haven't been to dinner by ourselfs yet." She said smiling.
"Sounds great" I said laughing.
I stayed up with Tyler and Oliver and Aaliyah went to sleep.
"Mane your so lucky" Tyler said shaking his head.
"Forreal I want a girl like Aaliyah" Oliver said scoffing.
"I guess mane" I said trying so hard not to brag on my baby.
Soon these niggas fell asleep on me I went upstairs to lay with Aaliyah.
She was putting on one of my t-shirts.
"Hey babe" she said yawning.
"Hey" I said catching the contagious yawn hugging her.
We plopped in the bed.
I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in and she put her cold feet on me.
We soon drifted off to sleep.
"Wake up in the morning then I dap had to pull up on the block cause today I get to whip---" Aaliyah was on the bed dancing and jumping she was making a thriller.
She sat down catching her breath.
"Well good morning to you." I said laughing she turned around and smiled.
"Here come do take 3 with me" she said grabbing my arm.
We started dancing and laughing.
We finally finished and watched it.
"Babe I have so much stuff for us to do today" she said laughing.
"I'm excited" I said grabbing her.
She hit my arm.
"We don't have time I have a schedule" she said laughing.
She was so cute I laughed to.
"Get up get dressed" she said getting up and getting ready to shower.
She put her iPod on the speakers and played her music out loud.
"Work work work work work work" Aaliyah started singing and dancing in the mirror.
I laughed today was gonna be fun.
We finished getting dressed and we did some musical.ly's .
She posted one.
It was only 12:00 we had 6 hours till dinner.
"Get dressed put on your swim trunks" she said smiling and doing a lot at once.
I did what I was told and we left blasting music.
She wanted to listen to some dubstep and we listened to fade by Alan walker. I smiled as I watched her dance to every beat.
Then the bass dropped and she full blown started dancing crazy.
I was laughing so hard I could barely keep my eyes on the road.
We arrived to the beach and we walked on the beach for a little and collected seashells.
"Look at this" she said holding one up smiling.
"Mines better" I laughed and I showed her mine.
"Yeah right" she said laughing.
She stepped off the towel and
she walked in the hot sand.
"Ow ow ow ow" she whispered and hopped to the ocean.
I followed her and picked her up and put her on my back and went into the waves.
The waves crashed into our body.
I chuckled as Aaliyah held my body close.
"What time is it" she asked getting down.
"Around two"
"Oh no omg Jacob we gotta go" she said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the shore.
We changed into the car and she put a blind-fold over my face and smiled.
"Where are we going" I asked laughing.
"Somewhere" she said smiling.
We pulled up and she got out I waited for her to get me out.
"Come here I gotchu" she said unbuckling me and grabbing my arm.
We got out and into the building.
She covered my ears.
"Sure thing" that voice sounded familiar.
We got whatever we got and we went through another door I know because I got hit by the door.
"Oops I'm sorry" she said giggling.
"That's not funny" I laughed
She took the blind-fold I took it all in.
"Memories" I sighed hugging Aaliyah.
"Hurry put on your skates so we can get on this ice" she said putting hers on.
We got our skates on and skated.
me and Aaliyah twirled around and I fell once this time.
"I love you" she said skating towards me.
"I love you too" I skated away from her.
"Come here" she said chasing me.
I panicked and fell.
She was going so fast she fell to.
"Ow jacob" she whined groaning.
I burst out laughing.
"It's not funny" she said hitting me. Trying to get up.
"Yes it is" I said laughing getting up. I helped her up.
She started laughing too.
We left after a little.
"Here I got outfits in the car I'll be back" Aaliyah said going to the car.
I waited.
She grabbed a duffle bag and handed me some clothes and shoes.
"There now change and meet back here" she said walking off to the bathroom.
I got dressed and I went out and waited.
When Aaliyah came out she had a beautiful dress on.
I smiled pulling her in close
"You look drop dead gorgeous" I said kissing her hand.
"Thank you so do you" she smirked.
We pulled up to the restaurant.
I opened the door for her and we walked in.
We took our seat.
We ordered our food and we waited.
"So how was your day" she asked me smiling.
"Amazing" I said laughing.
"This morning even more amazing" I said chuckling.
"Right our dance moves were fire" she said doing some at the table.
I laughed.
We finished eating.
"Well today was fun" I said writing a check.
"Who said it was over" she smirked.
"It isn't?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Hecks no" she scoffed.
We left and we drove for a good 30 minutes.
We pulled up to a huge field of flat grass Aaliyah pulled out a picnic cloth and some bread and apple juice. Since we aren't old enough to drink and respect the law.
"your more romantic than me" I chuckled.
"Right" she said laughing.
We laid down and looked at the stars.
"Look at that one" Aaliyah said reminding me of a 5 year old child.
"Can we talk" I turned my head to look at her and took her hand.
"Of course baby anything spill what's up?" She smiled.
"Can we have a baby?"

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