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"You wanna have a baby?" She turned her head smiling.
"How about when we're married" she smiled
----two years later----
----Aaliyah's POV----
"Jackson come here" I yelled.
"Yes mommy" he said with his beautiful green eyes.
"Stop flushing your toys down the toliet it's disgusting" I said kneeling down to his height.
"Jacob baby can you come here" I sigh.
"Yes babe" he said holding my little princess.
He had glitter in his hair and a wig on.
I giggled.
"Don't I look lovely" he said putting his hand on his hip twirling around.
"You look absolutely beautiful" I said giving his a kiss.
"Olivia baby can I talk to daddy real quick".
Yep you guess it she was named after Oliver.
Jacob thought of the name.
Olivia ran to her brother and they went to the movie room.
"Bae we haven't been the same after we had kids" I said sighing wrapping my arms around him.
"Yeah I know the kids are a hand full." He said shaking his head giving me a kiss.
"We still have fun with them" he said flashing a smile grabbing my waist.
"I know" I said weakly smiling.
He pulled me in for a kiss.
Then the doorbell ring.
"Ooooo I got it" I ran to the door.
It was Tyler and Oliver.
"Hey guys" I said giving them a hug.
Olivia and Jackson ran out.
"Uncle Tyler and Ollie" Olivia yelled and ran straight to Oliver.
They were bestfriends
"Hey beautiful" he said squatting down and giving her a hug.
Tyler and Jackson had their own handshake.
* the doorbell ring again*
"I got it" I sighed and opened it. It was chance.
"Hey buddy" I said hugging him.
"Hey where are two favorite people" he said laughing and walking in.
"With Oliver and Tyler." I said closing the door.
Chance was on good terms with everyone now.
Chance walked in.
*ding dong*
"You know what" I mumbled under my breath.
It was Ashely.
The hoe that Jacob cheated on me with we were cool to.
"Hey Ashely" I said hugging her letting her in.
Before I closed the door I saw Jacob's mom and dad.
"Mom and dad" I ran and hugged them.
"Hey beautiful how are my grandkids"
"Their great mr.sparks" I said putting both hands on my hips.
"Hey momma" I said kissing her cheek.
"Hey baby" she said kissing me back.
We were throwing a house warming party.
Me and Jacob got a new house.
His dad went to rehab and got fixed.
Life was great.
I closed the door that's all the people I invited.
I walked in and everyone was talking and laughing it felt great.
Olivia and Jackson loved company so they were jumping around and talking to everyone.
I finished making my special cinnamon buns.
They were amazing everyone ate them all before I could even take them out the oven.
"I'll be back I need to change" Jacob said and went upstairs.
"Alright" I yelled from upstairs.
"Where's the bathroom" Ashely said doing the potty dance I mocked her and laughed.
"Upstairs to the left" I said pointing.
She playfully hit me and jogged upstairs.
We all played a board game.
We had to silent for a party of a game.
We heard sounds coming from upstairs Oliver,Tyler, chance and I went to see what was happening.
We kicked the door in and walked in on Jacob and Ashely the room was a mess her clothes were on the floor. The mattress was hanging off the bed.
I clenched my teeth and ran outside.
Chance came after me.
"I'm so sorry" he said patting my back.
"Don't touch me" I cried.
I got in my car and drove off.
----Jacob's POV----
I went upstairs to change and Ashely came in.
"Let's do it I miss you" she was touching all over me.
My body wanted more it just happened.
Tyler Olivier chance and Aaliyah walked in.
Oh god.
Aaliyah eyes are black full of hate.
I can't believe I did this.
"Man what the hell is wrong with you." Oliver said covering his eyes.
"Man you have this amazing girlfriend and two beautiful kids and you cheat on her with this?" Tyler said pointing at Ashely with disgust.
"Man it just happened" I shuddered.
"Whatever man" Tyler and Oliver left.
My mom and dad looked at me with disappointment and left but not after saying good-bye to my kids.
"Daddy what's going on" Olivia said with tears in her eyes.
"Nothing baby nothing" I said holding her and Jackson close.
"Where did mommy go daddy?" She said hugging me back.
"I don't know baby" I said releasing and putting her on my lap.
"Do you know when she come back?" She said playing with my hair.
"No baby I'm not sure" I said shaking my head.
----Aaliyah's POV----
I drove off to my favorite spot in the woods where I could yell and shout and nobody would hear me.
I climbed into the treehouse and laid on the floor.
I cried and cried how could he do this to our kids.
"I hate you Jacob" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"I hate you I hate you" I shouted over and over.
I heard a twig snap I immediately stop crying and look down.
I see chance making his way over here.
"Don't come in" I screeched my throat hurt.
I don't think he heard me because he came up anyway.
"Hey you okay" he said catching his breath.
"Does it look like I'm okay" I whispered sniffling.
That was a dumb ass question he just asked.
"That was a dumb ass question I'm sorry" he said as if he read my mind.
I nodded.
"I'm sorry that happened he doesn't deserve you" he said shaking his head.
"I know he doesn't I thought life was perfect until that just happened." I said wiping my tears.
"You can stay with me for a little till y'all work something out" he said questionably.
"Work something out?" I laughed.
"We're completely over" I scoffed shaking my head.
"What about your kids?" He said looking into my eyes.
"They wouldn't mind a new father" I said looking down.
"I think y'all should talk it out before you make a decision you regret" he said making me think twice about what I planned on doing.
"I'll see" I said wiping my smeared makeup.
"Let's get out of here" he said smacking a ant off his arm.
I laughed.
I took his hand and we left.
We pulled up the house.
I unlocked the door.
"Aaliyah your back" he got up from his chair and he ran to hug me.
"Get off me" I whispered.
He held me tight.
"I said get off me" I said trying to get out of his grip.
"Please Bae I'm so sorry I made a mistake I'm sorry" he started crying.
He barely cried.
He let go to wipe his eyes.
I went upstairs to get my clothes.
"Babe stop" he said taking the clothes out of my hand.
"No you stop" I picked my clothes back up.
"Bae we can work something out" he said weakly smiling at me trying to take my clothes.
"No you had your chance" my voice cracked I was getting ready to cry.
"Where are my keys and kids?" I asked him.
"With their grandparents" he said trying to grab my hand.
"Good so I can do this" I started hitting him.
"Babe stop" he said grabbing my waist. I could tell I wasn't hurting him. I didn't care I just wanted to show him I pissed I was.
"No you hurt me Jacob you hurt me!" I screeched trying to swing at him.
"I know I know I'm sorry, please forgive me I'm sorry" he said tightening his grip tight enough to hold me but not tight enough to hurt me.
"I can't forgive you Jacob" I finally stopped and his grip didn't lossen.
I bawled my eyes out.
He held me close playing with my hair.
He kept repeating "sorry".
"Jacob I'm leaving I'll be back to get the rest of my clothes I'm settling for a divorce" I said softly. His eyes grew dark. Tears flowed out of his eyes they just fell without no force.
"No no no no" he cried as I walked out the door.
Chance was in the car waiting I hopped in.
"You okay? You were in there for a while" he asked before pulling off.
I just nodded.
He looked at me then started the car.
We went to his house.
I grabbed my clothes and went inside.
"Thanks for letting me stay here." I said softly trying not to strain the rest of my voice.
"No problem" he said playing with his hair.
"You can sleep in my bed, I'll take the couch" he said smiling without his lips showing.
"Thanks" I said as I headed my way upstairs.
I took a long shower.
Just thinking about Jacob sparks.
My husband.
Scratch that.
My ex-husband.

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