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----Jacob's POV----
I woke up and hopped out of bed and got ready for this dumb divorce meeting.
I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.
"What should I wear today" I asked myself looking in the closet.
I picked out a suit and tie.
I put it on and checked myself out in the mirror.
I bit my lip I looked good
I put my hair into a bun to keep it formal.
I got into the car.
I pulled up to a office.
I walked in.
There was a blonde lady on the computer typing in appointments.
"Hello Ma'am I'm here for a appointment with Amy head."
I said fixing my bun.
"Yes sir" she said winking.
I rolled my eyes.
"After the divorce Yenno I'm always here" she said smirking.
I laughed.
"We're actually working it out" I lied shaking my head.
"Oh that's to bad" she said tilting her head poking out her bottom lip.
"Yep where's the room again" I asked losing patience.
"Room 12" she pointed down the hall and I left.
I walked in and saw Aaliyah sitting across from the person.
I stopped for a second and took a seat across from her.
"Hello good evening mr.sparks"she said shaking my head.
All I did was nod.
"So why exactly do y'all want this divorce?" She asked putting her hands on the table.
"well um we're kinda working it out were doing marriage exercises." She said pulling out three piece's of paper it was The list I told her to write. She pulled it out and I looked I only had 2 bad things in 83 good things.
I smiled.
"I'll go first" she said smiling.
I nodded.
"Bad things about you" she said starting off smirking.
"(1)You cheated on me,(2) you can't cook." There was a huge list of good things. I smiled really hard.
Not because I can't cook. But because she actually made the list she really did wanna build our relationship back up.
"Bet you can't beat that, your turn" she said folding her arms tuttin up her lips leaning back in her chair.
I chuckled.
"You aren't ready for this" I smirked.
Our counselor or whatever she is laughed at us.
I reached in my pocket and pulled out a 3 pieces of paper.
She rolled her eyes.
"Things I hate about you" I started off.
"(1)you can't cook,(2)you cheated,
(3)you always snore"
The things I hate about her were funny but it was all I could think of.
She looked down and looked back up and started laughing.
I did the good things she was gonna fight me for on I said because our secret.
"So I wanna leave off with this, we have two beautiful kids who need us, you have a beautiful husband who needs you. I know what I did was stupid, but i really wanna make it up to her. Can I take you out to the beach?" I asked smiling.
"Yes Jacob yes" she said smiling.
"Well I guess that closes up our session today" she said laughing.
She smiled and left the room leaving us alone for a little.
"Thank you for the list" I said standing up to hug her.
"Of course" she said hugging me back.
"So I'll pick you up when the sun is setting I have a surprise" I said smirking.
"Oh lord" she said playfully rolling her eyes.
We left I walked her to her car.
"Well I guess I'll see later" I said questionably leaning on her car door.
"I'll you later" she said getting into the car.
"Wear a dress or something" I said getting ready to close the door.
"Alrighty I better be in tears" she said rolling her eyes.
"You will be" I said smirking. Closing the door.
I walked to my car.
"Hey man what's up" chance popped out of nowhere.
"Hey Man what's good whatchu doing here?" I said still walking to my car he followed.
"Just coolan" he said laughing.
"Oh well I'll catch you later" I said and got in my car.
Why was he there that was weird asab.
I drove to my mommy's house.
"Hey mom" I said walking in without warning.
"Boy don't do that again you scared me" my dad said putting his shotgun down.
"My bad I just wanted to know if y'all can watch them a little bit longer I can pick them up tonight." I asked scratching my head.
"Sure is everything okay?" She asked looking worried.
"Everything is perfect it's just that I'm going on a date with Aaliyah." I said poppin my collar and twirling around.
"Awwww that's good baby" my mom said hugging me.
"where are my kids" I said laughing.
"Taking a nap" she said laughing.
"I got to go pick her up I'll be back later." I waved good-bye.
I went to my house and changed into a Hawaiian shirt with flowers I didn't button it I wore it with some yellow shorts with my tan sperry's. I grabbed my guitar and put it in the trunk along with my picnic set.
I got in the car and headed my way to Chance's place.
My and Aaliyah's song came on.
Thug waffle by Flatbush zombies.
"Seaweed flow must be from that weed smoke." I was so excited.
I pulled up on the block.
I rung the doorbell.
I waited for someone to answer.
"Hello" chance said cracking the door smiling he didn't have a shirt on just pajama pants. His smile faded when he saw me.
"Hey what's up" I said laughing awkwardly.
"What brings you here?" He said scratching his head.
"Me and Aaliyah are going to the beach together" I said trying to look inside but his body blocked the entrance.
"Oh I wasn't aware" he said tilting his head.
"Hold on wait a minute" he closed the door for a second and opened it.
"Hey Jacob!" She said and hugged me.
Chance just watched us it was weird.
"Alright well text me if you need anything" he said and waved us good-bye.
We arrived to the beach.
I took my basket and my guitar.
I placed it on the sand and laid the picnic cloth down.
I had some wine and bread.
"Copycat" she said laughing takin a piece of bread.
"Whatever" I said playfully rolling my eyes.
I started stringing my guitar.
"I wrote you something" I said getting close to her.
"Really?" She said looking shocked.
"Yeah" I said laughing.
I played for her.
(I suck at writing songs so just play one of your favorite songs or sum💀💀.)
She started crying.
"That's was beautiful" she said kissing my cheek..
It's been a while since we kissed so I immediately blushed.
"Jacob I forgive you I want you back" she said wiping her tears.
"Thank you so much" I kissed her passionately.
"Let's get outta here" I said grabbing my stuff and her hand and we left.
We listened to our favorite songs.
We arrived to Chance's house.
----Aaliyah's POV----
Me and Jacob were gonna work it out I wanted to scream of happiness.
He stayed in the car.
"Hey chance I came to pick up my clothes" i said walking in.
"Your leaving?" He said coming close to me.
"Yeah me and Jacob worked it out" I said going upstairs.
"Why so soon" he followed me.
"Ehh I miss him" I said thinking about his beautiful face.
"Well Ima miss you" he said smiling pulling me in for a hug.
"Ima miss you to Chance" I squealed and hugged him.
I packed up my stuff and got ready to leave.
"Don't forget this" he said handing me my laced purple bra that was on the banister smirking.
I snatched it out of his hand and playfully hit him.
"If you need anything I'm here" he said opening the door for me.
"Of course same offer for you Ima miss you" I said hugging him.
When I released the hug before I released he kissed my cheek.
"Bye" I smiled akawardly and walked out.
(Y'all I think I might stop this book at chapter 40😭)

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