Lanai was taken by the age of three by Luke to train to become a Jedi. Sadly when Ben Solo destroyed the temple, all her friends dead but she....she escaped. She's been living with her family, which is the ruling family of Naboo. But when, years lat...
His body pulled away from mine, holding his face. His anger was building up and I backed away from him. His other hand lifted up and I started choking. "B-Ben." She tried to stop it but I couldn't. "ITS KYLO REN LANAI. YOU SHOULD LEARN TO RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE'S WISHES!" He yelled in my face.
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My eyes were starting to drop. My hands were on my throat trying to stop it. 'I can do this.' I thought. 'I can do this.' "HOW DARE YOU!" Ben roared. "IM DOING THIS ALL FOR YOU LANAI!" He put his arm down and cried. I gasped for air and fell to the ground, dropping to my knees, "B-Ben." He looked at me, "Lanai...." He came close but I backed away. "D-Don't." I looked away from him, getting scared. "Lanai....please let me help yo-" "I SAID NO."
He was pushed back, with the force. I didn't do that....i thought. I didn't do that. He smirked and tried to come to me again, which I let him. "Lanai look at me." He said softly . I looked up at him, my eyes filled with anger, hate, regret. "You just used the dark side of the force." He smirked. "No......No!" I backed away and shook my head. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close, our lips so close. "Join me, Lanai." He purred.