Lanai was taken by the age of three by Luke to train to become a Jedi. Sadly when Ben Solo destroyed the temple, all her friends dead but she....she escaped. She's been living with her family, which is the ruling family of Naboo. But when, years lat...
"Be with the light side you must. Dark path down sith, if you go." Yoda spoke as they mediated in the dream. Lanai sighed in defeat, "Yes I know master but how do I get away from The first order and Kylo Ren?" "Strange this is. Ben Solo there he is." Yoda sighed and nodded. "Ah, yes.....there is he, watching your body he is." Lanai could feel his touch and heard his voice.
"Wake up, my princess." His voice was like a sweet song to her yet she didn't wake. She was too much in the force to wake up. "Sometimes, master. We have to let go to the people we love." Lanai opened her eyes and stood. "And I know what I must do."
I woke up and saw Ben. His hands were on my body. "Ben..." "We found the droid...I will finally know where Luke is and kill him." Ben looked at me. "But I want you to help me." I gasped softly then sighed. I looked into his eyes, touched his cheek, then said the sentence that I thought I would never say.
"Yes Kylo Ren, I'll join you."
I had to get into dark clothes. Most of my clothes were too light. They made me put makeup on, so I can look like the part. "Comfortable with this you should not be. Undercover you are." Yoda said in my mind. I looked different, very different from who I am but that was the part of the dark side I am going to hate the most, not being me.
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Ben or should I say Kylo Ren came behind me. "You chose the right thing, Lanai." His voice was robotic so I knew that the helmet was on. His gloved hands touch my shoulders. We look at us in the mirror. I could tell, he was proud of me. I wasn't proud of myself. I smirked, acting darker of my self. I turned to him and took his helmet off, then I kissed him. My mission was clear. I have to do it.