Chapter 25

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Lanai's POV

It's been a month since I was gone from Ben and I have to say, I miss him. Luke and Rey have helped me all they could. Luke was training me. I could be due any day now. I've been relaxing more than training and that's okay. I want to be ready to have my child. I went to my ship and flew to Tationee. Luke let me so I could see if someone wanted to have my baby but then I realized, I want my baby. I want to be its mother. I got back on the ship but storm troopers came and took me back to the first order.

This is going to be a long day.


I woke up seeing Ben or Kylo Ren in front of me. "You're a lier you know that?" He said. I frowned, "Ben please. Rey took me I didn't leave on my own. You have to believe me!" His hand went up, I started choking. "No!" I yelled. "Please Ben." He stopped and I fell to the floor. I was choking still then I touched my stomach, feeling something wet.  Ben took his helmet off and he smirked.

"It's time to have the child, my wife."

I screamed, for the first time in my life, I actually damn screamed. I was in so much pain as Ben held my hand and I was giving birth to our child. I screamed and closed my eyes. "One more push." The doctor said. I gave a final push. "It's a girl!" Ben's eyes widen. "Wait! There's another one!" I opened my eyes and pushed. I gasped when I heard another cry. "It's a boy." I felt so weak, then felt a kiss on my head. Ben was crying, actually sobbing.

"Our kids." Ben whispers as he took his son in his arms. I sat up and relaxed. I got my baby girl and smiled a bit at her. I kissed her head. 

My little family is beautiful.

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His Childhood Love ( Kylo Ren/ Ben Solo x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora