Chapter Eight ~ Carnival & Fans

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Carina's POV

"You're taking me to the carnival?" I asked.

"Sure I thought girls like that but umm we dont have to if you dont want to. we could go to the movies if you want." Niall said.

"No its okay I like carnivals." i said.

*~* *~* *~* minutes later*~*~*~* *

"Come on Niall don't tell me you're afraid of a ferise wheel." I teased poking his arm.

He playfully slaps my hand away.

"I just think they're not safe, you know. And besides I got you a panda bear you said you wouldnt ask for any thing else.lets go to some other ride." He says, his eyes wandering around looking for another ride.

"Well I think its safe enough. And please this time I really won't ask for anything else cross my heart. now come on before the lines get bigger!" i wine as I pull him along.

He sigh and shakes his head.

"Fine but if I die you pay for my funeral."

I laughed and punched his shoulder lightly.

"I'm pretty sure that you can pay your own funeral."

I drag him along and we get in line. It takes a few minutes for us to reach the front. I grab his arm and pulled him towards the ferries wheel. Once they closed the door the ferries wheel started and Niall hugged the pole in the middle of cart. I laughed so hard I started to cry. Once the ride was over I pulled Niall off the pole and lead him outside. He clutched his stomach

"I don't feel so good I think I'm gunna puke." He groaned.

"Aww sorry Niall but come on it was fun you have to admit."

Niall shook his head.He looked a bit green.I walked him over to a bench but before I could say something Niall got up and ran to the restrooms. I shook my head, I should have know he was afraid of hights. I sighed and got up and went to the restrooms to wait for him outside. I hugged the medium size panda bear Niall won for me at a booth. I waited for a few minutes until I saw a group off girls heading my way. They looked angry, oh I really hope they'll leave me alone. I looked at my shoes hoping that they would walk past me. Soon I saw a pair of Skechers were in front of me. Crap. I looked up and saw a girl about 12 with blond hair and brown eyes. She placed her hand on her hips and smacked her lips.

"Are you that girl that hanged out with Niall and the boys at nandos last time?" She asked glaring at me.

I placed my hands around my bear.

"Umm yeah. Why?" I asked.

Her lips formed a frown. Then I felt a sting on my left cheek.That bitch just slapped me. A coures of "oooo" where headed from her little group. I cupped my cheek, even though she's small she hits hard.

"What the hell was that for?!" I yelled at her.

"Stay away from Niall you whore! He's mine and were going to get married some day so stay away from him! You're ruining my dreams!" She yelled back trying to slap me again.

So that who they were: the crazy fans of one direction.

I dogged her hand and grabbed her wrist and pushed her back. One of her friends stepped foward and said," yeah leave Niall alone we love him you're just some ugly slut trying to make him fall in love with you so you can keep all his money like elanour.!"

I stared at her in shock. I just got out of a marriage/relationship!

"How dare you!" I yell back.

"Yeah you better not make Harry fall for you! I will kill you!" Another screamed.

"Leave our boys alone! Don't touch them you whore!" Yelled another.

I closed my eyes trying to keep calm. How dare they accuse me for stuff I'm not even doing!

I pinched the bridge of my nose before I spoke.


The blond haired girl walked up to me and pushed me to the wall.

"Yeah you better keep it that way. He's going to be the father of my Children. So don't you dare go out with him. He wouldn't love you any ways your fat and ugly. I mean look at you. You're not for him. He won't ever love you." She whispered.

Ouch. Well that hurt.

I closed my eyes trying to keep my tears at bay. I pushed her away and ran towards the parking lot. As soo as they where gone out of sight I let my tears fall. I hugged my bear as I walked away from the carnival. I didn't care where I was going. They have no right to say that to me. But it hurts. There words where like a thousand punches to my heart. I sighed and hugged my bear tighter.


Hey guys sorry its so short but my parents took all my electronics and I can't write anything! I'm writing this through my cousins iPad. She's cool guys :) anyways I'll try to make it longer next time Kay. And if you haven heared I'm writing a Harry styles fanfic called forbidden love. And also my Liam Payne one is coming soon so add it to your library so you know when I'll write it Kay. All my book are in my bio. Bye loves don't forget to push that beautiful vote button!

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