Chapter five ~ The Party

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Carina's Pov:

"Are you sure this is the place?" Sofia asked uncertainly.

"Yup. Says here 9087 oak st. ( a/n idk just a random address)" I replied.

I looked out the car window. This place was HUGE! Like no lie it was like four story's tall! It was also gated so I'm not sure how we're going to get in. So this is what they do with all their money, they buy big houses.

"Sofia I think we need to pull up towards that bodyguard to get in." I said.

Sofia nodded and made our way towards the bodyguard.

"Name please." he said emotionless.

"uhh Carina Fuentes and Sofia Garcia?" i said but it came out more like a question.

"Ok you're on the list you may enter. Make sure to park on the side of the house." he said and pushed a button to let us through. Gosh why all the security? Oh that's right they're a famouse boy band. Sofia drove around to the side of the house and I wasn't prepare to see what I saw. There where a LOT of cars like how are we going to find a parking spot!? It took about five minutes but we finally found a spot.

"God it's like trying to find a parking spot at the mall during holidays!" Sofia exclaimed as we got out of the car. I giggled at her comment. We made our way our the house to the front door.

"Umm are we suppose to knock or just walk in?" Sofia inquired.

"Uh I th-" I couldnt finish what I was about to say before Liam appeared in the door way.

"hey guys we thought you weren't going to come." he said.

"oh we kinda got lost." I mumbled.

He chuckled and let us in.

"come I'll take you to the guys they're upstairs." he said as he led us through the hallways and upstairs.the house was packed. But I mean PACKED with people. There was a DJ in What looked like a living room. There was a lot of girls with makeup done very badly and some were just so beautiful with prettier dresses. I started to feel insecure again. What if Niall didn't like my dress? Wait why would I give a flip what he thought about my dress?!

Once we were upstairs there was even more people! I saw a Harry and zayn playing pool in the center of the room. I looked around and saw Louis and Niall near the plasma tv playing FIFA. My heart did a little flip flop. Errr stop heart I don't like Niall! Stupid heart.

"Hey guys look who came!" Liam exclaimed.

Niall picked up his drink and looked towards us. His eyes widen when he saw me, and in an instant he started to choke on his drink. Why did he react like that? I looked down at my dress. Was I really dressed that horrible? Zayn came over and hugged Sofia first then me. Soon Louis and Harry came over to greet us with hugs. Zayn took Sofia's hand and led her towards the pool table. I taped on Liam's shoulder.

"Liam?" I asked.

"yeah." he relied.

"where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"down to the left." he replied.

I nodded and head towards the restroom. Suddenly I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me close to them. I gasped. Oh god what if it's some drunk creep. I truned around and saw Niall. My breath hitched in my throat as he pulled me into a hug. The stupid dinasouars where stomping around in my tummy again. His hands where around my waist as he hugged me tighter. He smelled faintly of cologne and he was also warm. I relaxed and leaned into him as I hugged him back. I felt as if I could let him hug me like this forever.

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