Chapter Four: Where is He?

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I powered up my scouter, and started looking for power levels. Large power levels. I didn't like using it anymore, since Master Roshi taught me how to sense energy over the year of training, but in this crisis, I couldn't trust my poor sensing. Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamcha, and I all left the house, and started heading towards the two huge power levels I picked up in the wastelands. We landed in the area, and not long after, the Namekian, Piccolo, and the hybrid, Gohan, appeared. At first Piccolo was threatened by my appearance, not knowing we were on the same side, but after noticing who I was standing with, he just smirked, and said, "So here we are. Two humans, a triclops and his small psychic friend, a demon, a Saiyan/human child, and a traitor to his people. At least with you," he pointed at me, "we stand some sort of chance." Vegeta and Nappa landed shortly after Piccolo was done. Looking at us, Vegeta started to get ready and laugh. That laugh was interrupted, however, when he saw me. I turned around fast enough to see the surprise on his face, which quickly melted away into realization and anger. Looking over at Vegeta, he hasn't changed at all since last I've seen him. He was a very short and lean man, with jet black hair, and the newest model of armor with a blue under suit. He had his signature red scouter. The only things that were missing on him were his insignia, marking his "royalty," and his "royal cape," signifying his prince title over a race that died decades ago. Looking at Nappa, he was as threatening as ever. Still a very large man, he made Vegeta look like a child next to him. Size, however, did not matter with them. Vegeta, small as he may be, is much more powerful than Nappa, Raditz, and I. Nappa still had some changes to him. Less hair since last I saw him. "So, you're helping these Earthlings then, is that it?" Vegeta said in that scolding, high-and-mighty voice of his. "Better than being a puppet to that monster, Vegeta." I responded, just as cold as him. "Fine, if you want to be on the losing team. Nappa, grab the Saibamen seeds." "Oh no." I said quietly. "Krillin heard me, and got worried, "'Oh no?' Why 'Oh no?'" He asked. "Saibamen are small green creatures that usually are used as training dummies by Saiyans, but can also be used as minions for us. Typically, for an elite, like me, they're no problem, but for you guys... I'm just going to tell you right now, they're basically GROWING Raditzs." Krillin shuddered at this thought. "They must know they're going to win if they're going to toy with us like this." I continued, quietly.

Nappa planted the seeds, and poured the special liquid on them to ensure a fast, almost immediate, growth. The Saibamen popped out of the ground, and they were just as ugly as I remember. There were seven of them in total. Seven, enough to match the Earthlings numbers. Then, who am I going to fight? Before I could think, Vegeta barked at Nappa, "Nappa! You'll be giving our old friend, Okora, a nice fight." Vegeta laughed, and continued, "Only start your fight after the Earthlings fight the Saibamen, I want to see what they can do." At this point, Krillin stepped up and said, "Well, I guess I'll go first then." Yamcha walked up to him, grabbed Krillin's shoulder, and told him, "No Krillin. You've died already, if you die again, you won't be able to be brought back with the dragon balls. Let me go first. I'll show these freaks what a true warrior can do!" Yamcha walked up to the Saibaman that walked up to him, and immediately the fight started. Tien, Krillin, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, and I were easily keeping up with their nearly invisible movements. It was rather easy, just sense their powers, and they'll appear as if they were in a normal sparring match. I looked over at Gohan, however, and noticed he was struggling, badly. I walked over next to him, and sat down next to him, obviously scaring him for a second. I could understand, the last time he saw a Saiyan in armor, they kidnapped him. "Don't worry, I really am on your side." He got a little less tense, which made both of us feel a little bit better. "Now, I want you to concentrate hard, focus on their energies, no one elses'. You'll be able to see them. Just concentrate." After saying that, he calmed down, and looked less frustrated. "I can see them! It's amazing how fast they're going!" Gohan cheered. I laughed, and messed up his hair a little. Piccolo said, "This is no time to be celebrating anything. You need to be prepared for when it's your turn." Gohan looked slightly confused. "My turn? What do you mean, Mr. Piccolo?" "Isn't it obvious, there's seven of them, and seven of us." Piccolo pointed out. "Okora has to fight the big one over there, so that means they plan for each of us to fight one, and lose. The large one, or even the small one will have the pleasure of killing off Okora. The monsters! They just plan on toying with us, and then wiping us all out!"

The fight between Yamcha and the Saibaman continued for a few more seconds, until it appeared that the upper hand went to Yamcha. They were in the air before Yamcha knocked the Saibaman into the ground, and then fired a Kamehameha Wave into the Saibaman, possibly killing it. Yamcha landed on the ground, the defeated Saibaman behind him. The others started cheering, but I didn't take my eyes off of the Saibaman. "Don't think you've won yet." Vegeta warned. I saw the Saibaman's hand twitch, and instinctively, I yelled out, "Yamcha! Look out! It's not dead yet!" In the end, all I did was let Yamcha see his own death. Yamcha turned around to see the defeated Saibaman lunge at him, and pin his arms to his side. Yamcha struggled for a few seconds, before the Saibaman lit up, and exploded in a great flash of light and ki energy. After the light died, all that was left was a dead Yamcha in a crater. Krillin tried to run over to Yamcha, but Nappa stopped him. "Not so fast, shorty!" He said, before causing a crevasse-like crater to appear in front of Krillin. " He must of known something was going to happen. That's why he went in my place! You monsters! I'm going to make you pay for what you've done!" Krillin got angrier than I've ever seen him, and started powering up. I could sense his power rising fast, and, judging from Vegeta's face and his scouter's numbers rising, he was getting intrigued. Krillin then fired a huge blast that split apart, and started to track the remaining Saibamen. He destroyed the rest of the Saibamen with that blast. Vegeta merely just laughed. "Great job! You killed the Saibamen! Each one had the equivalent power level of twelve hundred. That's the same as one Raditz. Unfortunately for you, my partner her, Nappa, has a power level of four thousand, and I, have a power level of eighteen thousand." "Vegeta, can I start my fight now? You said after they got rid of the Saibamen, I could fight Okora!" "Fine, but I want to change things slightly. Fight the others first." Before Nappa could complain, Vegeta interjected. "Don't you want to save the best for last?" Nappa smiled at the thought. "Fine," Nappa smiled, "I'll make it fast, though." I shuddered at the thought of Nappa fighting the others. I could've dealt with Nappa myself, I grew just as strong as he has with my training, but the others? They don't stand a chance. Where is he? I thought, scared. Where is Goku?

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