The Fallen Vs. The Reborn

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Nappa flew towards me, swinging his ki-infused arm at me. I jumped over him, and shot a good-sized ki blast at his head, knocking him to the ground very fast. He yelled out in pain.  "That's just a warning shot, Nappa. I'm not going to give you another. Leave now, or I will be forced to kill an old friend." I told him. "Damn it! I'm not going to listen to a traitor, you weak slug!" Nappa lashed out, still lying on his stomach. He then flipped on his back and shot a ki beam from his mouth on me. It was too fast to dodge. I was barely able to get ready to block it. It hit me harder than anything I've ever known, and, although I blocked it, I still got hurt pretty bad. I fell from the sky, and hit the ground hard. I got back up, holding my right arm, it took the most damage from the blast. Nappa started charging at me again, and swung again, this time I dropped down, and sweeped his legs. As he was on the ground, I picked him up with both arms, and threw him into a rock formation. Then, I brought my arms to both sides and started to concentrate. Nappa got out of the formation, and started flying towards me, but I still was concentrating. Then, right when he was on top of me, I brought my arms together, and shot him with a strange ki blast. Nappa stopped in midair, paralyzed. "What the hell?" Nappa uttered. "Thank you, Master Roshi," I whispered to myself. The Turtle Style's Last Resort, not effective for long, but definitely can save you in a pinch. Taking this opportunity, I brought both my hands to my side. Time for the other technique I've learned. "Kaaaaaaaa...." I started the chant. "Why can't I move!" Nappa shouted "Meeeeeeeeeeee...." I continued. Nappa struggled even harder. "HAAAAAAAAAAAA...." The ball of energy got larger. "D-damn it!" Nappa shouted. "MEEEEEEEEEEEEE..." The energy was getting harder to control, I was reaching my limit. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" I shoved my hands into Nappa's gut, and fired the wave. Nappa went flying off with the blast, and it exploded in the air. Gohan started cheering, and Krillin was laughing, both of them thinking it was over. "Don't start celebrating yet!" I yelled at them, "If I know anything about Nappa, it's that it'll still take more than THAT to take him out!" Right when I said that, Nappa emerged from the dust. "You're definitely right about one thing," he taunted, "It'll still take more than anything YOU can deal to finish me off!" Then, he started to look toward Gohan's direction. "What was that you said before about Kakarot seeing his son dead?" He asked me. I rushed over to Gohan, and stood in between him and Nappa. "No matter what happens, stay behind me, and DON'T fight!" I instructed Gohan. He nodded, but got ready to fight anyways. Heh, reminds me of when I was his age, I thought. Nappa started to rush towards me, and I got ready to deflect anything that he was going to throw at me. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a purple flash coming towards me. Vegeta, you bastard, I cursed. Instinctively I jumped out of the way to dodge it, then looked down in horror. I realized, Nappa still wasn't coming for me. Gohan dropped to the ground, covering his head, cowering and waiting. NAppa stopped right in front of him, and, laughing, lifted up his boot, screaming, "JUST ANOTHER BUG TO SQUASH!" I tried to stop Nappa, but as I was flying towards him, Vegeta appeared right in front of me, waggling his finger, and just simply said, "No." All I could do is watch in horror, as I failed to save on of the last of our people.

"Vegeta! Are you really going to let Nappa kill one of our own?" I yelled in Vegeta's face. "He's only half-Saiyan, if anything, I'm saving our honor," Vegeta rationalized. Right when Nappa brought his boot down, however, Gohan disappeared. Nappa and I both were looking around for where Gohan went, and then I saw him. He was sitting on a cloud, maybe about 30 feet away, and a man appeared next to him. "Dad!" Gohan yelled. "Hey son!" The man responded back. So this must be Goku, I thought to myself. Goku looked at Nappa, then up at Vegeta and I. "So these must be those Saiyans I heard about. Funny, King Kai said that there was only two of them!" I immediately felt a pit grow in my gut." Gohan immediately vouched for me though. "No dad! The one that's wearing the orange gi is with us! I mean, he IS a Saiyan, but he's changed!" Krillin spoke up too, "I can definitely say that he's helped us out. The others however..." Goku looked around. "Yamcha, Tien, even Piccolo... Where's Chiaotzu?" "He sacrificed himself to try and take him out." Krillin pointed at Nappa. Goku, pulled out a sack from his belt, and pulled out three beans. He gave one to Krillin after a short debate, one to Gohan, and flew up to me, completely ignoring Vegeta, and handed me the third one. "What's this?" I questioned him. "It's called a Senzu bean. It'll completely restore you, and revitalize you. I would eat it if I were you. You wouldn't have gotten it from me if it wasn't for them." He pointed to Gohan and Krillin as he said that. I ate it, and immediately felt restored, as if I never even fought anyone, and was ready to go. Goku then directed me to follow him, and we both went back down to Krillin and Gohan. "Both of you get out of here, me and..." Goku looked at me. "Oh! Okora, sir." I said, as politely as I could. I didn't need any sort of scouter or sensing to tell he was more powerful than Nappa and I combined. "Ah! Me and Okora will handle these guys." Goku glared at Vegeta. "Goku, you can't be serious! Okora can barely keep up with the big one over there! You seriously think you two can win?" Krillin sputtered. "I'm not sure, but we'll never know if we don't try." Goku looked over at me, and smiled. I smiled back, nodding. "He's right. I spent most of my life, killing for the wrong people. I'd much rather die for the right ones this time." Gohan protested us. "I can help though! I know I can!" Goku knelt down and told Gohan, "You've already done so much, Gohan! It's time you go rest." "I agree." I told them. "Krillin, if anything happens, protect Gohan with your life." Goku instructed Krillin. Krillin nodded, and took Gohan and left. "So Okora, you ready?" Goku asked me, stretching his limbs. "Ready as I'll ever be for a possible dead man." I responded, cracking my neck. Goku laughed, and responded with, "I'll take the one in the air, looks like you were busy with the bald one there." With that, Goku flew up towards Vegeta before I could even warn him, and as soon as he left, Nappa sprung towards me. I immediately held out my fist, so he ran right into it, and he slammed into the ground, holding his face. "So, now that you're weakened, and I'm all ready to go, you ready for a fight with a REAL Saiyan warrior, you 'weak slug?'"

The fight between Nappa and I was going relatively easier for me, now that I was in top condition, while he was in the condition I left him in last. He tried to throw a right hook at me, but I grabbed his arm, and threw him over my head, and then into the ground. He tried to grab my leg, but I jumped back, and shot six ki blasts into his back, pushing him deeper into a crater with every hit. He got up, and then fired another mouth beam at me. I grabbed it, and threw it into the ground, creating a large dust cloud. Nappa then started flying towards me, and swung into the cloud, clearing the dust. He smiled for only a second, realizing that I wasn't there anymore. "Looking for me?" I whispered next to his ear, directly behind him. Before he could do anything, I threw a quick elbow into the side of his head, sending him flying to my left. I then fired a quick Kamehameha Wave at him, sending him flying even farther. Then I flew behind him, and held out both my fists right where his back was going. His spine made direct contact with my knuckles, and he shouted out with pain. Goku and Vegeta stopped for a second to see what was going on. "Nappa! What's going on?" Vegeta barked. He flew down to Nappa, and Nappa smiled, and responded, "Vegeta! I can't move. Please help me, you can put me in the pod, and after you wipe the floor with these traitors, and this miserable planet, we can go back, and I can heal!" Nappa reached out a hand towards Vegeta. "Heh," Vegeta grabbed his hand. "Thank you Vegeta." Nappa stated. Vegeta's grip tightened, and he threw Nappa into the air, yelling, "A soldier who can't move is worthless to me!" VEGEEEETAAAAAAA!" Nappa screamed, before he was incinerated by Vegeta's ki beam. "Now then, now that the trash is gone, how about both of you try and fight me. I could use a warm up before I destroy this planet!" Vegeta hysterically laughed. "Before we fight, do you think we can move to another area?" Goku asked Vegeta. "Wanting to preserve the bodies, huh?" Vegeta taunted, "Very well, but you're only delaying the inevitable." We all flew up into the air and headed towards a rocky, mountainous area. We landed, and as we did, Goku looked over towards me. "Hey," Goku whispered towards me, "is there any chance of us beating him?" "The only way I can think of is either putting everything up front, and try and take him out quickly," I explained, "or we match his strength, pound for pound, and hopefully try and wear him down. I'm in favor for the latter." "Good thing I kept this under wraps then," Goku whispered back. Then he yelled, "KAIOKEN," and his whole aura turned red, and a massive energy spike exerted from him. I powered up as well, and we both rushed Vegeta. I attacked him from the front, with a strong right hook heading for his face. He caught it, but was sent flying from Goku's attack on his other side. I then fired eight ki blasts towards Vegeta, and on the ninth one, formed my hand into a gun, and concentrated a large amount of energy into the tip of my two fingers until it reached to be the size of a small boulder. "Boom." I shot the blast at him, and it directly hit him in his chest. The whole area around him exploded. "So what ever happened to 'wearing him down?'" Goku taunted. "Trust me, if I know Prince Vegeta, it'll take a miracle to plainly take him down, let alone anything worse." Vegeta stood up, and I could see the anger in his eyes from thirty miles away, let alone the distance we were apart now. "Now you've managed to make me angry!" Vegeta screamed. He then rushed us, and clotheslined both Goku and I, and then pointed two ki blasts at us, while we were on the ground. Goku moved out of the way of his, while I kicked Vegeta's arm to redirect his attack at a nearby mountain, then sweeped Vegeta's legs while getting up. He jumped over my legs, and stayed in the air, as I made a mad tackle towards him to throw him back down. He elbowed my back right when I made contact, and fired another ki blast at Goku. Goku moved, and yelled, "Kaioken times two!" His energy spiked even higher, and he flew straight at Vegeta, and punched him in the face, sending him flying into a mountain. Vegeta climbed out of the mountain, and stated, "I've had just about enough of both of you!" He then formed a ball of energy in his hand, and my heart sank. "Goku, by any chance, do you still have your tail?" I questioned. "Huh? My tail? No, Kame got rid of it years ago. It hasn't grown back since." Goku answered, curious about why I even asked. "I was afraid of that. Look, whatever happens from here on out, you need to get ready whatever attacks you can to take him out. I'll hold him off." I informed him. "How will you manage to do that?" Goku now questioned me. "There's no time to explain! Do you have an attack that can defeat him?" I ordered. "Well, I do have the Spirit Bomb but it'll take some time-" "Go get it ready then! I'll hold him off as long as I can!" I barked at him. Goku flew off to go get it ready, and I looked back at Vegeta. He was just about ready to throw the energy into the air. I knew that it really was going to be a fight to the death.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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