Chapter Five: The Showdown of a Century

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"Wait Nappa! Before you attack, don't kill the Namek. If he dies, we lose the dragon balls." "How do they know about the dragon balls?" Piccolo cursed under his breath. "That may have been due to Raditz," I explained, "Our scouters have communicators. Raiditz must've said something about them." "Fine. I can't attack the Namek." Nappa was walking and scanning each of the fighters. His gaze stopped at Krillin. "SO I'LL JUST ATTACK YOU!" Nappa started rushing towards Krillin, when Piccolo appeared in front of Krillin, and shot a blast at Nappa. Nappa stopped charging after a couple seconds, and dodged the blast. The blast struck a mountain, and before any of us could react, Piccolo was struck through a boulder by Nappa. "Mr. Piccolo!" Gohan shouted. Nappa landed in front of the others, in front of Gohan. "You're a Saiyan, you should be enjoying this!" Nappa laughed. Unfortunately, Piccolo stood back up, looking determined to fight. "You ok, Piccolo?" Tien questioned. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a broken rib or two." Piccolo assured, but one glance at him, and I could tell that one hit did its damage. Nappa then started to power up, and the very ground beneath everyone's feet started to quake! Shards of earth started floating into the air! "I- I've never felt a power like this before!" Tien exclaimed. "Tien! Look out!" Chiaotzu warned. The earth split beneath Tien's feet. "It feel like the earth is splitting apart!" Chiaotzu screamed. "Oh man! This is bad!" Krillin managed to sputter. All the while, Nappa had the most sadistic smile on his face. Gohan, never being used to a power this large, fell down behind Piccolo. "Okora, grab Gohan!" Piccolo commanded me. "On it!" I ran over to Gohan, grabbed him, and placed him back down with the others. "You need to stand firm, Gohan. Keep your balance!" I explained. Gohan was still struggling. "You need to stand! Don't be overwhelmed!" I shouted at him. "I'll try." Gohan told me. Gohan got up, and looked determined to stay that way. I've almost forgotten how powerful he is, I thought.

He just kept powering up more and more. Everyone, even I, had a hard time standing. The only one that didn't was Chiaotzu, and that's because he was in the air. Even the very elements bent to his will. Lightning struck Nappa, seeming to make him even more powerful. Chiaotzu tried to use his powers to stop Nappa. "Chiaotzu! Be careful!" Tien told him. Nappa must've felt him trying, and shot a beam at him, striking Chiaotzu into another rock. "Watch out! He's almost ready to attack!" Piccolo told everyone. Nappa laughed, "Yes! Now! Which one of you wants to die first?" No one answered. "Well then! If there's not going to be any volunteers, I'LL choose!" At which point his gaze stopped at Tien. He charged at Tien, and striked at him. Tien blocked it, but his arm was bombarded by Nappa's energy. "Tien! Watch out! Above you!" Piccolo shouted. It was too late though.  Nappa struck the same arm again. Tien screamed out in pain, and grabbed his arm, or... what was left of it. Nappa had severed it from the elbow down. "Tien! No!" Chiaotzu screamed out. Nappa tried to strike at Tien again, but he flew up into the air to dodge. Then he mustered whatever energy he could in his good arm to fire at Nappa. Nappa started to charge up towards Tien, and was able to land a kick onto the top of his head, sending him to the ground. "No! No! Mr. Tien!" Gohan shouted out. Tien started to get back up. "Heh, why that stubborn little- He just REFUSES to die!" Nappa complained. "No! we need to get to his tail!" Piccolo shouted out. All of a sudden, Krillin started running out towards Nappa, shouting, "No! This ends here!" "Krillin! It's too late to save him!" Piccolo warned him. "Where do you think you're going?" Nappa cried out, before blasting the area in front of Krillin, sending him flying. A giant crater laid out before all of us. "In- Incredible! There's no bottom to this thing!" Piccolo gasped. "Heheh, that's just a pothole, you Namek lizard! Wait until I really get started!" Nappa told him. "Chioatzu!" Krillin exclaimed, looking around for the psychic warrior. "Chiaotzu! He's gone! He must've been hit by the blast!" Krillin shouted out. Tien, hearing all that, said, "No! Chiaotzu!" "Heheh, I guess my aim was a little off," Nappa joked, as he descended to the ground to meet with Tien. Tien stood back up, and was furious. "Aaawwh, what's the matter, Three-Eyes?" Nappa taunted. "Nappa, watch it, you're being careless," Vegeta warned. At which point, Chiaotzu flew over to Nappa, and grabbed onto his back. "Chiaotzu!" Tien cried out. Then, Chiaotzu began glowing.


I can't believe what he's doing! He just latched on to that maniac's back! I looked with disbelief in my eyes. Nappa started smashing himself into mountains to try and get him off, or worse. "CHIAOTZU! GET AWAY FROM THERE!" I shouted. His attacks continued, but Chiaotzu held on. "I can't watch!" Gohan turned away, as Piccolo immediately said, "Watch, Gohan, watch! Honor his bravery!" "You're asking for it!" Nappa warned him, before he started sending himself into a rocky spire. "Chiaotzu! Get off! That's enough!" I yelled out. Tien, can you hear me? I hope my ESP is working, I heard a tired and hurt Chiaotzu say, I have to say goodbye now. "What? What are you talking about?" I found myself saying out loud. I didn't care, I needed to ask. "Chiaotzu, you're not going anywhere. Just stop it!" I'm sorry Tien, I have to do this. Thank you for everything. You're my best friend, always. Suddenly, I understood. "No! Don't, Chiaotzu. Please, this isn't the answer!" It's the only way, Tien. Nappa started making his fast descent towards the spire. Don't worry, I'm not afraid, and if it means saving oyu, that's worth dying for. "No! Stop it! Get off!" I stood up and exclaimed. Goodbye Tien! Remember me! Suddenly Chiaotzu's whole body started glowing, and the light started overtaking Nappa. "What?" That monster cried out. "CHIAOTZU! NO!" I screamed, as loud as my lungs would let me. That Saiyan freak was right above the first spike. Then, an explosion. Chiaotzu blew himself up. My world broke.


I couldn't believe it. Chiaotzu sacrificed himself to take out Nappa. Piccolo was right, that was the ultimate bravery. When the dust cleared though, Nappa was still there, with no Chiaotzu. "Really now. It's going to take a lot more than that to get of little old me." Nappa stated. Tien looked furious. He held up one arm, and focused his eyes on Nappa. "TRI-BEAM!" Tien shouted. A huge blast of energy flew and hit Nappa, and it seemed to have done its damage on Nappa, only slightly. Nappa laughed, and shrugged it off. "I'm sorry Chiaotzu. I failed you." Tien said, before collapsing on the ground. Nappa turned his attention to us. "Who's next to die?" I looked over at Gohan and Piccolo, and Gohan looked furious. Piccolo looked ready to fight. I looked at Krillin. He was still staring at the crater made by Nappa. "You big bully!" Gohan yelled, before charging at Nappa. He hit Nappa a few times in the gut, taking him and everyone by surprise, and actually hurting Nappa. He then proceeded to kick Nappa in the face, sending him into a rock formation. Gohan looked confident landing back onto the ground, until a very angry Nappa stepped out of the rubble. "That made me angry, kid." Nappa walked in front of Gohan. "You're going to have to pay for that!" "Gohan!"Krillin yelled, as he tried to stop Nappa. Nappa sent Krillin flying into a nearby boulder with one hit, and proceeded to shoot a huge blast at Gohan. Piccolo, however, got in front of the blast, and took the entire hit, astounding even Vegeta and I. Piccolo hit the ground, and Gohan immediately checked on him. After a short conversation that they had that I couldn't hear, Piccolo died. Gohan stood up, and looked furious. He was powering up, stronger than I have ever seen him. I walked up behind him, and grabbed his shoulder. "That's enough Gohan. You've done everything that you could, but now is not your time to fight. If he wants a good fight from a Saiyan, I'll give him the satisfaction." Gohan tried to argue, but I looked at him, and told him, "We can't have Goku coming back seeing not only all his friends dead, but his son too. He didn't know me, me dying won't be a loss for him." "It'll be a loss for us though," Krillin pointed out. "Look, with whatever energy you two have left, you need to get out of here." "I'm sorry, but with how hard he hit me, I don't think I'll be moving for a while," Krillin stated. "Gohan, go to Krillin, and protect him. Maybe when Goku gets here, he can give you whatever he can to help you two before he helps me defeat these two." Gohan went to Krillin on hearing this, and I stood in front of Nappa, preparing for his first attack. "So Okora, you're that desperate to die?" Nappa mocked. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to make it quick!" Then he charged at me, and I knew I was in for the hardest fight of my life.

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