Alteration Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Lauren Vandorn


Chapter 5


“What do we have here?” asked Erin scanning Amelie up and down “Amelie Jones with a crop top and mini pink skirt? This is a once-in-a-lifetime even everybody” she said teasingly

“How do I look?” Amelie asked trying to hide her excited tone.

“Seriously, what are you doing?” Erin spoke with a little chuckle

“We’re going out tonight! Aren’t we?!” Amelie said trying to sound cool but failed miserably.

Erin laughed, “Since when are you in a party mood?” she looked at her friend with mocking confusion.

“Since today! We should have fun, we are young and someday we’ll be old and regret how boring our lives were in our youth” Amelie said, speaking ideas that had never even crossed her mind.

“Where’s my friend and what did you do to her?” Erin asked faking a serious tone

“Oh c’mon! Let’s go out and have fun! Besides, you know about every party going on in Seattle” Amelie said giving Erin a serious look from bellow her eyelashes.

Erin half-smiled. “You seem happier today, and we should go to a party before you throw me a tantrum” said Erin wrinkling her nose, to which Amelie responded by sticking her tongue out. Erin giggled and said “Okay let me get changed, you stay with that outfit, it looks cool”

“Were are we going?” asked Amelie

“Lake Washington waterfront, I know a girl who’s throwing a party there”

Amelie’s jaw dropped “You mean in the mansions part of Seattle?”

“Yeah pretty much” said Erin not facing her, starting to walk to her room.

As soon as they got to the party they were both handed a margarita. The music was so loud they didn’t even bother trying to talk. After the first drink they were laughing about everything, whatever they saw going around made them giggle like crazy.

The next drink was pink and looked kind of cute. Amelie started hugging Erin in a stupid position “Erin, I love you so much you’re my sister foreeeevaar” she said not even realizing how she was talking.

“Calm down with those drinks Jones” said Erin a little more conscious.

A cute blonde guy walked around with two drinks, they were aqua colored and had a little cherry and pineapple piece as decoration.

“Give me that you hottie” said Amelie taking the drink from him and pinching his cheek. He bit his lip but another girl pulled him away.

She sipped the drink a couple of times and started complaining about her life.

“Erin! I’m a loner I’m going to die alone!” she blabbered and then looked around to realize Erin was gone. She started talking foolishly to some people around her and they all patted her back and handed her another pink drink.

“Yay! Pink! Such a prutty colour” she said quickly swallowing the drink as if it was water. “Je suis la plus belle princesse du monde!” she said showing off her French but everyone just laughed in amusement.

She gulped down the rest of her drink screamed in joy and hit the dance floor. She couldn’t recognize the song but it was a bubblegum pop song and the singer had a whiney voice. Girls around her started doing a twerk dance and she just stood there slapping their butts. After the song ended she ran to the bar and got a pink drink with strawberries and a lot of ice.

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