Chapter 2 - Magnetism

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Hiranya arrived at Ellora with the dawn sun rising. Once he had made up his mind about accepting the job, he only waited long enough to finish the sculpture he was working on. It wasn't long before he was riding hard towards the caves which were now going to be his new home.
As the present cave was a brainchild of Maharaj Indradhwaj, Hiranya had expected the caves to be a beehive of activity. But there was a strange quiet prevalent on the site. The masons and sculptors were working at a steady pace but there was a stony look on most faces.
Nobody paid him even an ounce of attention. It was evident he was not welcome here, thought Hiranya. The situation suited Hiranya anyhow, he had never lead a team of artisans and had never had to explain his vision to anyone before. If they continued in this manner, Hiranya would surely enjoy his work here. As long as nobody came in his way!


Apsara sat in the shadow of the cave, hidden from the burning sun overhead. Her Baba was gone and this was the only place she could still feel his presence. The house had felt like an empty shell without him. Maharaj Indradhwaj had granted her a royal dowry and set up a modest estate for her in honour of her deceased father. But it didn't lessen the slight that just three days after her Baba's death, a new Master Sculptor and Designer was already arriving in the caves.

Apsara knew that she would have no place in these caves anymore. The sculptors had never really appreciated the fact that her aesthetic sense was given more weight against their experience by her father...

A lonely tear trickled out of her already swollen eyes. She had cried her heart out when her Baba had burned on the pyre. But somehow the tears didn't seem to stop. They wouldn't stop coming...

She leaned her head against the wall of the cave. In the steady ticking of hammers on the stone which was tinkling from within the cave she could find some peace, some solace...
No one would call her Sara again...
There was no one to call her own in this whole wide world...
Nothing left for her but these caves.


There was much to see inside the caves. He had to scope all the space available for sculpting and map out the complete cave design. While the inner chambers of the temple were largely complete and need minor additions, the entire outer courtyard was yet to be designed.

Master Sundarbuddh had left behind vague blueprints which were easy enough to interpret. But Hiranya doubted he would be using them to form his own designs. This place was too simple for his taste. It needed a large dose of grandeur.

May be a horde of elephants supporting the temple canopy, surrounded by episodes of Lord Shiva's life was a grand enough idea in itself. But it's execution required artful design and mastery over the art of sculpting. And Hiranya was sure he would be able to bring out the desired effect. There was no reason to believe otherwise.

'Master Hiranya, why don't you acquaint yourself with the layout of the cave? The sculptors are all working on their designated stations for now. I will introduce you to them formally at supper time.' Offered my new associate designer, Bindudev. For a sculptor he had quite a slight frame.

Hiranya nodded absently, while admiring the rustic granite walls which were to become his canvas very soon. As he started taking a feel of the stone with his hands, Hiranya felt himself getting pulled outside the cave. He had never felt the need to let go of the cold, hard touch of stone to explore anything else. But today it was as if a stronger pull was present beyond the stones...

He kept on exploring the walls and smallest possible niches which could be adorned with his imagination. When finally he couldn't refrain from going out any longer, he gave into the quaint temptation and stepped out of the cave complex.

Workers were moving stone blocks from inside the cave to a ditch created at a distance from the cave. A narrow channel of water meandered around the cave. Hiranya followed it, admiring the lush green bushes that decorated the area. Despite the sweltering heat of summer, the area around the channel was cool.

As Hiranya started going around the outer boundary of the cave, the mammoth nature of the project started dawning on him. He was lost in contemplation when he turned the corner and rested his eyes on the most fascinating yet heart wrenching vision he had ever witnessed.
Sitting reclined in the shade of the outer cave wall was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

Dressed in all white, she looked like a goddess who had come down on earth to rest her eyes. But the tumult on her face didn't show any form of restfulness or peace. Hiranya stood there enthralled as a single tear rolled down the fair cheek of the goddess.
She did nothing to wipe it away or for that matter moved at all.

Overcome by a strange inquisitiveness, Hiranya took a tentative step towards the vision. He had to get a closer look. Touch her, smell her, make sure she was real and not just someone he imagined. If it was a mirage, Hiranya wanted to be a part of it, forever.

As if alerted by his presence, she suddenly opened her eyes and turned towards him.
Bottomless, black eyes pierced through Hiranya's soul, the instant she turned towards him. He stood immobile, terrorised by how fast he fell for the woman in white. She showed no emotion or recognition at seeing him. It felt like eons passed during which time all she did was looked at him unblinkingly.

Before Hiranya could gain some semblance of bearings, she stood up. Wordlessly she turned and ran away...and with her she took his heart and his imagination.


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