Chapter 6 - Distractions and Desperation

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His rock hard body was wrapped around her supple one.
With every flick of his tongue on her breast she could feel herself getting wetter.
The tension in her belly was building and Apsara couldn't wait for the moment when he would enter her.

He looked at her with those hazel eyes and tightened his hold around her waist.
The summer heat had never felt this good. His sweaty, hot body was all the reason in the world she needed to live...
With one swift thrust he pushed into her...

...and with that Apsara woke with a jolt, a muffled cry on her lips! Her fingers were rubbing against her clitoris and she was wet like she had never been before. Unfortunately a delicious sleep orgasm had just escaped her. She kept feeling herself while she marveled about her obsession with the hot bodied, hazel eyed stranger, Hiranya...

She had had the same dream for three nights in a row now. The details changed and the way they would make love would change. The first night it was too rough, like he was hammering her. The second night it was in a dark lake, bathed in moonlight. And tonight she had dreamed of him at her home, in her bed...

While what they did in the dreams was all a figment of her imagination, those intense hazel eyes were not. Apsara could almost feel the burning desire in her loins whenever she would think of those eyes... Oh yes, that was what was needed to push her over the edge! She clenched her legs tight as she enjoyed a brief but sweet climax which her fingers and apparently his eyes had managed to achieve!

It was strange how she was getting attached to the idea of this stranger, both physically and mentally. He had barely talked to her, hadn't even touched her and here she was going mad about him. She only knew how she had endured a week at her aunt's place.

Aunt Urmila was loving and warm but even she couldn't offer enough distraction to take Apsara's mind off of Hiranya. She may have to think about going back soon. If she continued to have these lurid dreams every night, she would be wanton with lust pretty soon...

As the haze of her morning orgasm and fantasizing retreated, Apsara wondered if Hiranya had even noticed that she had been gone for a week. After all, she was nothing but a stranger to him... An ugly, white skinned stranger!


Hiranya was sure that every muscle in his body was on fire. He hadn't been able to sleep properly for a week now and had always woken up with a painful hard-on. He had learnt to satisfy his needs as soon as he had grown into a handsome young man. There were always women willing to warm his bed. Some stayed for a while, some only enjoyed a one night fantasy of sleeping with a sculptor. But there were always one or the other who would satisfy his needs.

In return, he would satisfy their desires too, he was gracious that way. And as he had found heaven between the legs of women, he had decided to never help himself with a release after that...but he had never imagined that he would ever get into a situation like this one... A fair skinned demon had possessed every cell in his body and was having her way with him. There was no release, no ecstasy at the end of this wait... just longing and pain.

The only way he had hoped to retain some form of his sanity was by engrossing himself in his work. But even there he couldn't find his inner center, a place where he would focus to get inspired and tap into his imagination. Every time he would try to channel his thoughts, they would end up at those black, doubtful eyes!

He hadn't been able to come up with a single innovative idea for the outer cave complex and it was a matter of embarrassment for him. Obviously he had been venting out much of his embarrassment and frustration on every single person in his sight. Lakhan was quickly becoming his favorite target, but every craftsman working under him was getting his fair share of Hiranya's foul temper.

Hiranya hammered on the hunk of stone that he meant to shape into a life size elephant. It was going to be one of the many elephants that will seem to support the temple canopy on the outside. It was one of Master Sundarbuddh's better ideas and Hiranya had found it quite agreeable. Unable to come up with ideas of his own, he had continued to drown himself in ongoing work.

His muscles ached from the lack of rest and the constant tension that had his stomach in knots. But he paid little mind to it and kept hammering the stone.

'Master Hiranya, your supper is ready. I got the freshest side of mutton for you and...' Lakhan came up for his daily dinner summon but Hiranya cut him short with a bloodshot look.

'I will come home when i am hungry.'

'But Master, there is something else waiting for you at home!' Lakhan almost squeaked.

'What?' Hiranya turned sharply and caught Lakhan stealing a hesitant glance at the cave entrance. Bindudev was standing there talking to some craftsmen and seemed conveniently in earshot of Hiranya's conversation with Lakhan.

'I can't say master...' Lakhan began fidgeting and nervously shuffling his feet on the spot.

'You moron! What have you done now?!' Hiranya chucked away the hammer and started moving towards his house. What could Bindudev have arranged that was making Lakhan so uncomfortable? May be Hiranya would find some concrete reason to yell his lungs out at Bindudev.

At least for a moment this strange arrangement had made him forget about Apsara. That was certainly new, something that hadn't happen even once in the past whole week. Those dark eyes had done a great job at screwing him throughout the week. He was still busy thinking about Apsara's mysterious eyes when he stepped into his house and froze.

Standing next to his earthen oven was a dusky beauty, clad in nothing but a flimsy, red sari. He could make out her hard tits from the transparent sari covering her upper body in a single drape.
Her hair were long and flowing beyond her waist. Her lips were stained red, as if she dabbed on some beetroot juice and her eyes were coated with thick kajal. Every inch of her body that was not covered by the sari was glistening, as if massaged by aromatic oils. A faint smell of jasmine was hanging in the house and Hiranya was sure it was coming from the dark beauty.

A week ago, the sight of such an exquisite creature would have given him instant erection and he would have devoured her in no time at all. But today, he was frustrated by his body's lack of reaction. His penis didn't want anything other than that fair skinned she-demon who had disappeared and left him desperate.

Hiranya stepped closer to the whore standing next to his food.
'Why are you here?' He asked her.

'I was told that my lord was looking for a release...' She replied in a husky voice.

'You are misinformed...who sent you?'

'I can't say my lord', she stepped closer to him and grasped his groin. Her eyes widened at feeling the limp state of his immobile penis and reluctantly she let go of Hiranya.

'But I think you are right, I was misinformed. Even men not looking for a release have experienced hard-ons just by looking at are a strange man.'

'There is nothing strange in wanting release in a specific person only...' Hiranya mumbled to himself.

'Oh! So it is the sickness of love that is consuming you...'she said and took a step back from him.

'Love? is for fools! And i am no fool. Its obsession...' Hiranya turned away and was even more frustrated with what the whore had just diagnosed about him.

She moved towards the ajar door and glanced back one final time.

'Deny it as much as you like, my lord. Imli knows when she has a lovesick man at her hands. If it truly is an obsession, find me when you and your penis are cured of it...'

With that she left and Hiranya stood rooted to the spot, feeling desperate for those black eyes and fair skinned demon once again.


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