Chapter 9 - Be My Muse

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As Hiranya eased into the cool stream of water flowing next to the caves, he felt his tensed muscles wind down after days. Everything normal had escaped him as he had missed Apsara over the past week. It was only now that he had found some kind of release could he focus on himself and his surroundings.

Instead of going home, he had decided to take a bath in the stream before the whole village woke up. It was also the perfect chance to gather his thoughts. Now that Apsara was back, he could breathe much better. A smile played on his lips as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the refreshing coolness of the stream.

'You do look much better with a smile on your face!' A feminine voice purred from nearby.

Hiranya's eyes shot open and landed on the sultry, dark beauty half submerged in the stream not too far from where Hiranya was bathing. How had he not seen her when he had gotten into the water?!


'Oh so you remember me too? And here I thought only those remembered Imli who had a good time with her...'

'What are you doing here?'

'Same as what you are doing here... Bathing before the pesky villagers are up!'


'Yeah...everyone wants a taste of Imli at night. But nobody wants to see the filth in the light of the day. So I make it a point to keep my baths as covert as possible.' 

As she said this, she moved subtly and her dark, wet tits briefly peeked above the water. Hiranya turned away at the sight of them and closed his eyes once again.

'Awww...did the sight of my wet body give you a hardon finally?' Imli swam closer to Hiranya as she inquired.

Hiranya climbed out of the stream before Imli could get any closer. His limp manhood stilled Imli's eager approach.

'I wonder who has the power to ignite any kind of passion in your cold heart and colder loins...' She sneered, obviously disgruntled at his lack of responsiveness.

'Certainly not you... enjoy your lonesome bath. Mine is certainly ruined!' with that Hiranya turned and made a dripping, wet journey back to his house.


'Lakhan, what did you serve your master in the morning? This is the first time I have seen him happy at work!' Bindudev checked with a beaming Lakhan who had come by to drop Hiranya's lunch at the caves.

'Nothing special sir! But today, for the first time he appreciated the Jowar roti I served him with curd.' Lakhan supplied. 'And even now when i dropped off his lunch, he didn't glare at me at all!'

'He has started a new project also...and he hasn't yelled at anyone all morning!' Bindudev mulled over this change of mood some more. Every craftsman had noticed the change in the Master Designer today and everyone was glad for the happy respite. 

'Yes sir, i wonder what could have done the trick...' Lakhan marvelled, looking at his master hammering a large slab of sandstone in what seemed to be a towering feminine form. A goddess may be...

'Whatever it is, I hope it's here to stay!' Bindudev muttered and hobbled away to his work station.


Apsara was in no rush to get to the cave tonight. Hiranya's eagerness to see her and his undeniable ecstasy at her touch had given her a strange sense of security and calm. She could be thousands of miles away from him and would still be sure that he would crave her.

Her insecurities about her pale complexion had always kept her from truly getting noticed in the village. Her Baba had always told her that she was beautiful, no matter what she believed. But she had never truly felt beautiful...not until Hiranya had laid eyes on her. In his hazel eyes, she saw a luminous reflection of her own form which was undeniably beautiful. 

The way he looked at her, responded to her presence and reacted to her slightest touch gave her confidence that to him she was more than just an ordinary girl. The lust evident in his eyes made her hungry for his nearness too. She wanted to be the woman of her dreams...a true Apsara for him. And in this knowledge, she felt herself accepting her unconventional looks. 

She took her time preparing for the night visit, taking a bath in rose scented well water and then rubbing her self with rose oil. She donned her silken blouse and dhoti, weaved in colors of rose and gold. She used a wooden comb to carefully comb her hair and weave golden ornaments into them. Beetroot juice gave a beautiful color to her lips and she coated her dark eyes with kajal for effect. Tonight, Hiranya would see her in all her glory...


The craftsmen had gone off to their homes at sun down and the cave was covered in a shroud of darkness. Hiranya had worked tirelessly forming a magnificent throne to seat a goddess Shakti upon, in larger than life proportions. It was the first fresh idea he had had since he had come to the Ellora caves. And he couldn't deny the fact that it had taken the sweet release at Apsara's hands for his mind to become creative again!

It being a new moon night and Hiranya could barely see the sandstone he was carving in the flickering light of the torch. May be it was time to lit up a few more torches for him to be able to work on details. He set down the chisel and hammer to get more torches from the work shed near the back of the cave. He returned with two more lit torches and stopped in his tracks upon seeing the throne he was working on.

Apsara sat regally in the unfinished throne, like she belonged there. Hiranya gulped at the sight of her beauty and molten heat rushed down his spine, settling in his groin. The whole place smelled of roses and Apsara looked like a goddess who had stepped down from heavens to turn him insane with lust. He couldn't help but drink in her beauty thirstily and felt his penis stiffening at her sight and proximity.

She smiled at him in encouragement and he moved swiftly to close the distance between them. Like a jungle cat, she sprung out of the throne and wrapped her arms around his neck. His lips crashed down on her eager mouth and devoured her hungrily. Her hands moved down his back, nails digging into his muscles, making him harder by the minute. 

He took a step back as the kiss drained him and he realized that if he continued, he would drop the torches he was holding and set the place afire. Apsara looked up at him questioningly but as he eyed the torches, she took a step back and allowed him to set the torches up in the holders. When he was done, she waited for him to reclaim her but he took another step back and eyed her like she was an apparition. 

His longing for her was evident in the tent that was formed in his dhoti. So she didn't doubt his intent even for a second. But wondering what was keeping him from kissing her, she searched his eyes questioningly. Finding no answers there, she asked 'What are you looking for, Hiranya?'

'Inspiration...' he replied in a strained manner. His cock twitched even at this single utterance.

'Inspiration for what?' Apsara was getting puzzled at his strangely celibate behavior.

'For making this cave a wonder like nothing this world has ever seen.' Hiranya stepped forward and gripped her arms tightly. Suddenly, there was a mad gleam in his eyes. 

'Apsara, I want you to be my muse!'

She couldn't deny that she was flattered, but being a muse meant more than just posing. She would have to live his fantasies, breathe life into his imagination and create a world that transcended the stone and took shape only in his vision. A muse would always have to succumb to her master's vision and become a version of herself which only he could see...

Apsara wasn't sure she could do it, but as he searched her face and brought her body closer to his she couldn't say anything else other than, 'It would be an honor, Hiranya!'


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2016 ⏰

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