1D in Little L.A.

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Once we got done packing my things, with the help of the unwanted, One Direction, we locked up my house and headed to the bus. We all sat around on the couch again, then I realized something. "Hey, guys? If you all are from 'across the pond' how is your tour bus here?" They all looked between each other. "I don't know." Louis said. "That is a very good question." Liam said.

Madie and I laughed at the boys. "They just said here's your tour bus." Zayn said. Madie and I laughed again. " Ok, I don't know about in the UK but here, you aren't supposed to get into some strangers car, when they ask you to." Madie said laughing. "You got in, too!" Niall pointed out. Madie narrowed her eyes, "Touche."

"So, what talk show are you guys going to do?" I asked. "All of these are very good questions." Liam said. We all laughed again.

The rest of the ride, was pretty boring. Nothing much happened. Once we got to the hotel, Paul went to check us in, and the boys all got up to get their bags. They all put on a jacket and put the hood up, or put on a hat. Madie and I raised an eyebrow at each other,"Ok I was surprised enough you all put your hood up in the hospital, I thought you all didn't really do disguises?" I said. "Well, we don't, but this time you are with us. That's not a very good combination." Zayn said. "Oh." I realized.

I thought about how that could be a bad combination. It wouldn't be bad... it would be nuclear. Harry took out a pair of sun glasses from his jacket pocket and another from Nialls bag. "Here." He said, handing Madie and I each a pair of sun glasses. "In case, something happens, you will be out of the press's eye." Zayn said.

We put them on, grabbed our bags, and headed off the bus. We walked through the door and met Paul at the front desk. The lady handed us a key and said, "Your rooms are 1048 and 1049."

"So, hows this room thing going to work?" I asked "This hotel is very odd. My room is a one bedroom kind of deal. The other room, is basically two rooms in one. There are four bedrooms. I thought all of you could share the large suite and I will be right next door." Paul said. I didn't understand. I just went along with it.

We headed towards the elevator. Uh oh. Madie and I have a deathly fear of elevators. We looked at each other with a worried face. "Stay calm." I mouthed. She nodded.

We all got in and Paul pressed the 12 button. Madie and I closed our eyes tight and held on to the bar in the back. Just go to your happy place I thought...wait, Im in my happy place, but its real, and its on this stupid elevator! At least if we fall to our deaths, Ill die happy. But I don't want to die now!!!

I took a peek and saw floor three flash above the elevator door. Can this thing go any slower?!

"Um, I think Ive found something these two are truly affraid of." I heard Niall say next to me. The boys turned around and chuckled. I heard Madie repeating "We are gonna die. We are gonna die."

Then the elevator jerked. By reflex, I reached out and to the closest thing to me and held on for dear life. That thing just so happened to be Niall. "Sorry, but I'm not letting go until we get off this death trap." I said. "Yeah, same here." Madie said, with out even opening her eyes. She was holding on to Louis just as tight as I was Niall. I don't think she even knew it was Louis.

Both boys just laughed and put their arms around us, for comfort, for the rest of the way up.

Madie and I were the first out of the elevator. We hated elevators. They were giant metal death traps! "Looks like you survived, loves." Liam said. "Barely!" Madie shouted.

Paul led the way to our rooms. He gave me the key to room 1048, and said he'd be right next door.

I pushed the card in the slot, and opened the door. It was huge! We all walked in and set our stuff down then checked out the place. "So, Niall, Kensey, where would you two like to sleep?" Harry said. I narrowed my eyes at him. Then, for once since I woke up in the hospital, Madie saved my life and yelled from another room, "Kensey and I totally call this room!" "Excuse me for a moment." I said. I ran to the sound of her voice, leaving Harry and Niall.

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