1D in Little L.A.

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"Kensey! What did he say to you!?" Niall nearly yelled at me.

We were back at the hotel. We all were sitting on the couch, even Paul was here. Madie and I were sitting next to each other. She had snapped back into reality a few minutes ago, but wasn't saying anything about what happened until I had too.

I felt like I had just been told I was going to be in the 75th annual Hunger Games. Poor Katinis. I was scared and shocked. I bet Madie thought he was a creepy rapist dude who had just threatens us.

"He didn't say anything you need to worry about." I said looking at each of them.

"Kensey! He was a freaky guy, who probably wants to rape us, and just threatened us!" Madie yelled at me. I told you.

"No. I don't think he was threatening us. I think he was warning us." I said.

"What did he say!" Niall yelled, this time.

"He said, we need to keep our guard up." I said.

"Your lying!" Everyone, but Paul, said at once.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are! You are! I wasn't listening to him though! I was trying to ignore him, because I thought he was lying! I know you heard what he said! Now, tell us!" Madie said, yelling at me.

"He said, something like The Mystery Girls is just the beginning and we should have never put on Nialls hat and jacket as a disguise, and we should have taken our shades off when he asked us too. He said once we left the show that was just the beginning, and get ready because there wasn't going to be an end."

They stared at me. What they didn't hear though was his tone. He didn't mean it as a threat. He meant it as a warning, I think.

"You don't think that was a threat!?" Harry asked.

"No. I don't think it was a threat at all. I think he meant it as a warning. He's seen lots of celebrities, and has heard just about everything they go through. Madie and I, complete nobodys crashed the site! He's never seen that happen before. I think he was trying to tell us, that we made a mistake keeping our identity's a secret, and that he was trying to get us known by the public, then this blow over, but we said we were the Mystery Girls, now the media is interested in us even more now. I don't think it was a threat."

"Kensey! He scared the crap out of us! If he was just warning us, then why wouldn't he just tell us backstage?" Madie asked.

"Because, he wanted to scare us. When you are scared, your guard is up. That's what he wanted." I said.

"I don't believe it." Louis said.

"Well you don't have too. You all are going to leave tomorrow, and Madie and I are going back home too. You all will never have to worry about us again." I said.

They stared at me unsure what to say.

"I'm going to bed. Night, guys." I said.

"I'm going to bed too. Night." Madie said after me.

We got up and started walking towards our room.

"No no no no!" All the boys said, getting up after us.

"After what happened tonight, there's is no way you two are going to leave our sight." Zayn said.

"Kensey, please come and sleep with me?" Niall asked.

I knew they were serious, because none of them even cracked a smile when he asked.

"Ok." I said.

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