1D in Little L.A.

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I was so stunned. I was speechless. As soon as I opened the door there was a giant banner that read:


I walked in the door farther towards the banner. It was white, but written out in hot pink. I didn't understand though how the hotel knew it was my birthday.... Madie did this.

I turned around and saw them smiling. I knew my eyes were wide, and my mouth was probably down to the floor.


"I didn't think you would get the same reaction, if I told you on the plane." Madie smiled.

"But.... how?"

"We made a phone call or two while you went to change. It was no big de-" Madie didn't get to finnish, because I ran over and wrapped her up in a huge hug. She hugged me back.

"Happy birthday!" She said pulling back.

"Thanks, Madie!"

"Oh and btw, the reason we are here, in London, is because the guys want you to give you a happy 16th birthday, except Niall. We had to kind of kidnap him and you and keep you apart from eachother, so we could tell him the plan, and you a small lie." She said looking at them. I followed her gaze towards them. None of them were making eye contact. They all were looking around the room acting as if they didn't hear anything.

I walked in front of them and they all looked at me. I looked at them each individualy, except Niall.

I smiled real big, and said, "You all are the best. Thank you so much." They all smiled back, and said, "Your welcome." Then they ran off to look around, even Madie did too. Niall stayed with me, though. I walked next to him, and leaned against the wall, and crossed my arms.

"So this is why they kidnapped us five minutes after we thought we'd never see each other again, at Madie's house?" I said.


"Thank you, too." I said. He moved over, and wrapped his arms around me, and said, "Your welcome, too." then he leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back. We kissed for a few seconds, until I heard Madie yell, "Eww!" at us. Niall, pulled back.

"Shut up, Madie!" I yelled. Then we kissed again.

"Rude!" She shouted to me. This time I pulled back.

"Fine! PLEASE, shut up Madie!" I said. Then Niall and I continued where we left off.

"Get a room!" Louis yelled at us. This time we both pulled back. We knew that was the last of the moment, we'd have for now.

"Is it so hard to just ignore us?" I asked.

"Yes!" Louis and Madie both yelled. Why does everyone keep talking at the same time!?

"Alright! We are done! Hope you two are happy!"

"Why cant you two just pick a room next time? There's a room, there's a room, there's a room, there's a room, there's a room, there's a room-" Louis said, but I cut him off asking,

"How many rooms are there?"

"Six" he said, seriously.

Madie and I started cracking up. Niall and Louis cracked a smile too. Another one of louis's Directioner Legendary not so inside jokes. We couldn't stop laughing, for a long time, but when we finally did, Madie asked, "So we each get our own room this time!"

"Uh huh." I said looking at her.

"Niall do I need to even ask if you care to sleep with Kensey, since you've already done it 1...2...3...-"

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