1D in Little L.A.

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The sunlight streaming in was what woke me up. I had one of those moments where I didn't remember where I was for a second or two,and I jumped when I saw Niall next to me. He laughed at me.

"Are you sleepy this morning?" he asked.

"Yes, but I'm always sleepy in the mornings. This time though, I think I'll be able stay awake."

"Good. How's your head feel?" He asked, concerned.

"It hurts a little. Wait until I actually stand up, then I'll let you know." I smiled.

"Are you ready for the interview thingy, today?" I asked.

"I'm never ready for them. I like doing them, but i never know what to expect." he answered.

"Do you ever get nervous, or are you used to it now?"

"No, I still get nervous, sometimes."

"I'm not even doing the interview, and I'm nervous!" I said.

He smiled,"It will be fun."

"Ok." I smiled back

"Now, are you ready to get up?"

I laughed,"Sure."

When we got out of bed, and were off to the living room. As soon as I stood up though, my head started throbbing. I'm sure if I just relaxed on the couch for a little while, it would feel better. I also knew, that there would be nonstop teasing and wise cracks, about Niall and I sleeping together... again.

It looked like everyone was up, and watching t.v., when we walked in. Yay. Liam, Madie, and Louis where sitting on one couch, and Harry and Zayn where on the other.

Niall went and sat down next to Zayn, and I sat next to Niall. (I bet you didn't see that comming did you?) As, soon as I sat down, I leaned back, and rested my head on the back of the couch, and closed my eyes.

I felt everyone's eyes on me, but I didn't open my eyes.

"Well, how was it?" Harry asked.

"How was what, sleeping?" Niall asked him

"If that's what you'd like to call it." Louis said.

"Nothing happened, idiots." I said.

"Really? Not even a kiss?" Zayn asked.

"Nope." I said.

"Come on, Niall. You should have at least, kissed her." Louis said.

"Wait... didn't you go to bed with, Madie last night?" Zayn asked.

"Yep. Madie, would like to explain that one." I said.

"Love you, Kensey," She said in her most innocent voice, "Well, last night I kinda kicked her off the bed last night, and made her hit her head. Then I woke Liam and Niall up to make sure it wasn't bad. It wasn't, so I made her sleep with Niall so I wouldn't make her hit her head, again."

They laughed.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." I said when they calmed down.

"So lets see here, who has not attempted to knock Kensey out?" Louis said.

I opened one eye and raised up. I saw Liam, Zayn, and Harry's hands up. Then I looked at Madie, Louis, and Nialls hands in their lap. I sighed, and leaned back, and closed my eyes again.

"So, we're three for three." Louis said.

We all laughed.

"I love you too, guys." I said sarcastically.

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