1D in Little L.A.

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Kenseys pov.

"Kensey. Kensey. Kensey." I heard someone say. I also felt someone tapping me on the arm. "Kensey I think you'd really wanna wake up now." I think Madie said.

I groaned and said, "No, Madie. I don't want to." Then she said, "Oh, yes you do." "Whyyy?" I moaned. "Because One Direction is in your room." She said back to me. "Uggh! That's what you told me a week ago!" I complained with my eyes still refusing to open. "But this time I'm not lying. Oh, and I might as well admit now while your refusing to wake up, that you are going to kill me." She said. Darn Madie knew how to get my attention. "Why am I going to kill you, Madie?" I asked her. "Because remember after the concert we got lost in the tunnels at the arena and Niall and Louis hit you with the door?" she said. "Kinda" I answered. "Well that really happened, and you started bleeding really bad so we had to put a bandage on your head to stop the bleeding. So we used Nialls shirt. That means," she paused then leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I hung out with Niall with his shirt off while you were blacking out." she leaned back up into a sitting position.

"WHAT!?!? HE'S MINE!"I yelled just like Louis did in the video diary.

Then, my eyes shot open and I raised up. I grabbed both of Madies arms and shook her, while looking straight into her eyes and yelled, "WHAT THE HELL, MADIE!? YOU SAW NIALL HORAN WITH HIS SHIRT OFF AND DIDNT FREAKING SLAP ME AWAKE!?"

I never took my eyes off of her when she started laughing hysterically. I was very confused now. I think I heard boys laughing too. Wait... did she say One Direction was in my room?

I looked around my room and saw One Direction, on their knees, laughing just as hysterically as Madie. I turned back to Madie and squeezed her arms again.

Then several thoughts ran through my head at once, and all of them begin with holly shit!

1.holly shit! I'm losing it. I am imagining 1D in my room.

2.holly shit! One Direction might be in my hospital room!

3.holly shit! There are pillows and blankets all over the floor, that means they would have been here while I was asleep!

4.holly shit! I just said I wanted to see Niall with his shirt off... with Niall in the freaking room!.... Maybe.

I just froze from all of the emotions. When Madie and my imagination finally calmed down enough to notice me I whispered to Madie, "Do, you see them too?" They all laughed again. "Yes, Kensey, I see them too." she replied. Now I was freaking out. "Great! Did you hit your head too?! Are we both hallucinating?" I said.

She turned to the boys who had now gathered around my bed and sitting on the edges, and said, "Kensey give me your arm." I held out my arm. "Niall, just touch her." My eyes got wide. I am convinced this is my imagination. If Niall touched me then that means... oh my god.

He looked at me and smiled. Then he reached out and actually touched my hand. I took a deep breath and screamed. Madie reached over and clamped my mouth shut with her hand. I just looked wide eyed at the boys, who were not my imagination, and starred. They were laughing so hard I thought they would die, literally!

She moved her hand away from my mouth, and the boys were still cracking up. "Well, that's it I'm gonna die now. See you all on the other side." I said from embarrassment.I layed back down on my bed and covering my head with the sheets.

When all the laughing stopped it was quiet for a second or two. I knew I was in trouble. Suddenly I felt a hundred fingers start tickling me. I burst out laughing. I tossed and turned trying to cover anywhere that I could be tickled at. I failed. They pulled the sheets off my head and I kept twisting and turning. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. I tried to say, "Stop Stop! I... cant... breathe!" They slowly stopped when I said that... very slowly.

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