Chapter 5 - Drunken Mistakes

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"Ugh I don't know what to wear," Aria complains, stalking over to my closet and pulling dresses out to see what I have.

"You can look but your body type is completely different to mine. They will be way too big for you. Wear your black dress and I'll wear mine." I point to my dress lying on my bed. It's strapless and clings in all the right places. I used to be self conscious about all my curves, but I just force myself to wear them and trust people when they say I look good. It has been a long process, but I can fake it pretty well now.

"I wish I had your body Zoe. I look like a boy; hardly any hips and stick thin." She pulls up her shirt and grabs at her non-existent belly, making me roll my eyes.

"A lot of people would kill for a body like yours." I smile at her. She's gorgeous, but she has low self-esteem like every girl. I still sometimes wish I was thinner, but nobody is perfect and obviously Hunt likes my curves, otherwise he wouldn't be hounding me.

"But at least you have boobs. You get all the men," she says grumpily, making her way to the door. "I don't know of any man who is content with boobs the size of mine. They're like mandarins. I want melons!"

"You get a lot of attention. You just don't give them the time of day," I laugh, plumping my hair up and spraying it in place. She stalks away to go get her dress on. I slip mine on and put on my comfortable, yet high, wedge shoes. I grab a small clutch purse from my closet for my phone, ID and cash and then head to the kitchen.

Aria has a couple shots waiting for me on the counter and I shoot them back fast, feeling the warm liquid move into my chest and already boosting my courage. I take a quick picture of myself and send it to Hunt with the caption 'Come find me'. With a smirk, I slide my phone back into my clutch and I know he'll have that smoldering 'fuck me' look on his face when he sees it. I'm the one in control now. It's my turn to drive him wild. 

We decide on a relatively new club that has just opened up not far from here and I know it will probably take him some time to track us down, if he can at all. I'll have plenty of time to get some more liquid courage, which I will absolutely need, and dance my feet off.

Aria hauls me into a cab and is practically dancing with excitement. I feel a vibration in my lap and instantly know it's him. I bite my lip as I read his response: 'Oh I will...'. How does he make something so simple sound so erotic - especially by text? I feel a nervousness building in my stomach. I don't know if it's the alcohol talking, but I actually want to climb into his bed tonight and have some no strings attached sex. 

I glance out the window and see that we've pulled in front of a building that is lit up blue on the outside. There's a pretty impressive line wrapping around the corner, however it moves quickly and we're inside within half an hour. Even after all the standing around, my feet don't hurt and I'm thankful I chose my wedges. 

As we enter, all I can see before me is the large crowd, pulsating in time to the music. Strobe lights flash, making their movements seem choppy and I grin when I hear one of my favorite songs playing.

Aria laughs wildly next to me and pulls me toward the bar, which is surrounded by a sea of people, all clambering to get a drink. She has an uncanny ability to get attention and we manage to snake through to the front, much to the distaste of a group of girls behind us. One of them sneers at me and I shrug my shoulders at her apologetically.

"Here!" Aria has to shout in my ear and even then, it sounds muffled. She shoves two shots in my hands and I knock them back. They go down smoothly and warm me again, sending tingles into my limbs. I giggle and allow Aria to lead me onto the dance floor and into the warm throng of thrashing bodies.

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