Chapter 22 - Snatch and Grab

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I sit in the back of the same SUV and I rest my head back, allowing the smooth motion of the car to slowly put me to sleep. It’s kept at bay by the thoughts stirring in my head. The car is so quiet and my head would be buzzing if I was thinking anymore than I am now.

Rhode’s tries to make conversation with me, but I don’t have anything to say to him. He seems to sense my reluctance to talk and he puts on some loud music, which I’m thankful for. I clear my mind and focus on the lyrics that fill the heavy air.

Before I know it, I’m home and remember almost nothing from the ride. Looks like the sleep won after all. I yawn deeply and stumble out of the back of the car. Rhode’s holds my arm to steady me.

“Do you need assistance to your apartment?” he asks kindly.

“No, I’m okay, just still sleeping.”

Rhodes laughs softly in return, dips his head at me, and then gets back into the car to leave. I shake my head to wake myself up and walk into the building thinking about tomorrow. I’ll have to go back to work. I should have asked him how that would work. Do I just ignore him as much as possible or should I quit and go back to my old job? I suppose I will just ask tomorrow.

The elevator is fast and I wander down the hall to the apartment. To my surprise, the door is unlocked and I walk in to the dark apartment. Aria left the curtains closed again. I sigh and kick my shoes off by the door, then proceed to feel my way over to my bedroom, using only a small slit of light from in between the curtains as my guide.

As I near the door to my room, I glance over at the couch and I see a figure lying there as I have in the past. Aria must be sleeping. Many times I’ve come home to her sleeping on the couch and hear her complaint after that her bed isn’t as comfortable, or the television put her to sleep.  I smile and push my door open, but hear a soft moaning sound coming from Aria. With my eyebrows furrowed, I scan over to her again, my eyes now adjusting to the dim lighting.

She jostles around a little and moans louder. I start to walk over and she rolls off the couch and lands on the floor with a thud. I laugh as I stride over to her in just a few steps. My blood runs cold when I see that a thick piece of cloth is in her mouth, essentially gagging her, and her hands tied in front of her stomach with cable ties.

“What the hell..” I kneel next to her and her eyes bulge out of her head as she bobs her head around wildly, making more sound. “Yes, hang on,” I say, pulling the cloth out of her mouth.

“Behind you!” She splutters, her eyes wide with terror.

I whip my head around in time to see the side lamp coming for my face in a flash of brown and white.

 Thousands of small twinkling stars swirl behind my lids like diamonds on black velvet. They begin to spin, making me dizzy and feel a little disorientated, but it’s nothing compared to the pain radiating from my temple. I reach up and my fingers slip over my warm, wet skin. I pull my heavy lids open and glance at my red fingers. Blood.

Strong hands take hold of my shoulders, pull me off the floor, and then push my back up against the wall with such force that the air is forced from my lungs in a big rush.

“Zoe, glad to finally meet ya,” an angry and deep voice snarls by my ear. I open my eyes, which were clenched shut, and see an equally ferocious face to match the voice. I’ve never seen him before in my life. His brown hair is slicked back with gel and tattoos are riddled up his forearms, giving him a menacing look. His dirty fingers wrap around my throat and hold me in place.

“Who the hell are you?” I shout back, turning my face away from him to get away from the cigarette stench on his breath.

“That don’t matter sweetheart. All ya need to know right now is that Miranda is pissed and I’m here to collect ya.”

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