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July 19

Isaac looked completely neutral when Matthew and I walked away from the bonfire we were all sitting around. It was around ten o'clock and everyone --Jessie, Leah, Carter, Sadie, Brooklynn, and Isaac-- were stationed around a makeshift bon fire engaging in our own side little conversations.

Once Matthew and I were a safe distance away, I let go of his hand. "Are you going to tell me why we are doing this little game? I know this has been harmless flirting, but you have a boyfriend."

"I just really miss having someone I could play around with. And Joey honestly wouldn't mind; we've talked about it and you won't get beaten up." I looked down at the sand.

"Okay, but I'll still probably call him later." Matthew put his hands in his pockets.

"That's totally fine. We can just sit down right here." I plopped down in the sand and dropped my head to lie down flat on the sand.

Matthew joined me, and we just looked up at the sky. "What do you think high school would've been like if we never broke up?"

I laughed sarcastically,"Probably ten times less complicated."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't really explain it. But we never would've lasted." I said bluntly.

Matthew turned to look at me, "Are you being serious?"

I looked him straight in that face, "Absolutely. We really clicked, but you would not of been able to handle me and my micromanaging, controlling, completely teasing behavior. You think it's cute because you only get it in small doses, but if we stayed together I would've driven you mad."

"So Joey can handle that?" Matthew inquired.

I honestly was not intending to hurt his feelings, but I just wanted to lay everything out. "Joey just gives me space. We act like an old married couple: he trusts me to do whatever I want and doesn't hover or smother me with 'love'." I quickly added, "I'm not saying you smothered me, you were just really into couple-y stuff. You liked us becoming one hot couple instead of two individuals that liked each other's company."

"Mhmm" Matthew plopped back down and didn't say anything else.

We returned to the bonfire area thirty minutes later.

Brooklynn raised an eyebrow, "Do I wanna know what rated-R activities you did in the sand?"

"Gross, Brooklynn. We didn't do anything."

"You bet your ass you didn't, Victoria. Mat's my little play toy."

"In your dreams." Matthew retorted in response to Brooklynn. His face surely didn't agree with his words.

I looked over at Isaac to see how he was taking the whole exchange. Are you kidding me? He was intently talking to Leah on the other side of the fire completely oblivious to me or Mat or even Brooklynn.

I stood up. I was so fed up with him. "I think I'm going back to my apartment house thing."
I treaded off back to the house and leaned on the front of the penthouse waiting for the car.

I huffed in frustration. How could he so easily just ignore me? Did he even like me in the first place? I was on the verge of tears and just wanted the damn car to pull up. I began tapping my foot in frustration. Speak of the devil! Isaac rounded the house with a smug look on his face and his hands stuffed in his pockets.

The car finally finally pulled up and I hopped in slamming the door behind me.
Once back inside the small house, I headed straight to the fridge and grabbed a 'non-alcoholic' margarita. I downed half the bottle and placed it on the counter table. Maybe my brain will trick me into getting drunk.

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