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July 20

I squinted my eyes as the sun's ray sprayed through the blinds onto me. I turned over on the rough carpet to face Isaac. We were lying on the carpet floor. His arm wrapped around me like a cage and half his weight covered my left arm. Smiling about the night before, I attempted to shove Isaac off of me so I could breathe correctly.

"Mhmm." Isaac's eyes opened groggily in confusion. He laid his eyes on me and my tangled nest of hair, "Did we sleep together?"

I smacked his arm, "You wish." Finally able to get up, I stood up yanking my maroon top from last night back on over my damp bathing suit. I entered the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice.

He stood up as super curly brown hair fell onto his forehead. The swimming trunks he had worn last night were the only things he had on. En route to the kitchen, he picked up the white t shirt he had been wearing and pulled it on covering his smooth chest.

After Isaac kissed me last night, we practically transported back to before the whole debacle: no drama, just two people who enjoyed each other's company. Watching X-Men: First Class, we fell asleep watching the credits roll.

"What do you plan on doing today?" He stepped behind taking my half drunk glass. Isaac grabbed eggs, frozen waffles, and bacon out of the fridge.

"Homework, more homework, and you know a little more homework. I pretty much haven't done anything. And then stuff for Student Congress, might run later in the afternoon. Melody has left me like five voicemails so I'll call her back. And that's pretty much it."

"Oh, yeah. Have you started that essay about transcendentalism? Walden was the most boring book I have ever read. I read it on the plane ride here, and I wanted to pull my eyeballs out." Isaac remarked.

I giggled. That book was two hundred pages too long and too many hours wasted for a dumb summer assignment. "I've read the book and gotten maybe half a paragraph into the essay."

Isaac responded with an 'okay'. The conversation was practically over so I went to my room to grab clothes for a shower. I felt so icky from swimming yesterday. Sand was plastered to my body in one too many places and the ocean water made my hair supremely stiff. Selecting a floral printed romper, I slung my navy blue towel over my shoulder and walked to the bathroom.

After my shower and some frozen waffles, the house phone rang. I knew it was Melissa because she was the only one to call; Ryan just randomly showed up. I got off the couch I was sitting on doing homework and said,"Hello."

"Victoria?" I made a noise in affirmation,"There will be a competition today. The final one before you guys go back home. Dress like a vixen and turn on your charm. Today's competition will be intense."

"Um. . okay. You do realize I have a boyfriend?"

"Yes, we know. Don't worry, Victoria." Melissa reassured, "Can you give the phone to Isaac please."

I dropped the phone in Isaac's lap when I returned to the couch. He closed his textbooks that were spread out and picked up the phone. "Yep." he said.

I wondered what they were talking about, but didn't pry. I decided then would be a good time to call Melody back so I headed to my room. But before I entered, I yelled into Isaac's room, "Ask Melissa what time the competition is!!"

Melody picked up on the third ring, "Helloo! This is Mel." her voice sounded chirpy, and I could hear music blasting in the background.

"It's Victoria, Mel. You called me like a billion times. Are you dying or something?"

She laughed lightly,"No, silly. It's July and we haven't done anything. Senior year is a big deal and we have to start planning stuff out. You and I have been restricting ourselves 'cause of upperclassmen but now we can reach our full potential."

I rolled my eyes."Uhuh totally. So, what do you have planned?"

"Give me like ten minutes. I'm driving back from getting my nails done with Natalie and Molly. That reminds me, I need to talk to you about something. Remind me after we've gone over our schedule. Okay,so I'll call you back in a bit."

"M'kay." I dropped the phone and opened my laptop. My 'Social Agenda' folder was pulled up and a new document opened. I figured Melody would take forever, so I quickly typed up an email to my parents including the usual: I miss you and a minimum of two sentence elaborating on that, a paragraph about how I was doing, a small paragraph about reminders regarding watering my plants, getting my car checked, or other random stuff, and a closing paragraph exclaiming my love.

"Car'll be here in about two and a half hours." Isaac peeped into my room.

"Okie dokie." I smiled.

Melody still hadn't called back so I moved onto reorganizing my closet. The last time I organized it from most favorite to least favorite beginning from the center, but now I was thinking about changing it to a color coordinated system beginning with red and ending in violet. I was just starting to hang up all my yellow shirts when she finally called back.

"As I was saying. School starts on the 6th so I was thinking a back to school bash that weekend. Your house or my house, or even Joey's house would be perfect. And we could have a guest of honor to be voted on and the whole nine yards. The guest list would be practically non-existent. Of course those who would burn down the house or cause the cops to show up would be kicked out. My older sister Minnie knows a guy that would be a perfect bouncer."

Did she ever stop for air? My goodness. "Next on the list is sports. Since I assumed you were running cross country again this year, I have arranged a running brigade for the team. They are people in other sports that now are popular because of your Sports Equality Reformative Act last year. In that same note, I have a sub note: make sure to talk to a lot of people during lunch the first week of school. Personally invite people to the party and such. This year's student body election will be hands down yours, but humility and a personal touch wouldn't hurt. Are you listening?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm just typing this all out. You didn't have to do all this work. I could've done this whenever I got back." I felt kind of guilty.

"It was no problem. Next order of business, your wardrobe. I know you love those 'classy' colors, but once you get back, we are definitely going on a shopping spree.--" Melody continued to sprout out.

"What's wrong with my color scheme? I have other colors of clothing. We went shopping last summer and the spring break trip in April; I didn't buy a single black, gray, white, navy or maroon article of clothing." I countered.

"Nothing wrong, just improving. It really isn't that big of a deal. Just a splash of pastel and some vibrant reds and greens." Melody persisted talking, "Next order of business. Have you picked a company for your senior pictures? They're due before December and spots fill up fast. I scheduled mine for late fall. It's going to look gorgeous with freshly orange fallen leaves in the background--"

"That sounds gorgeous. I've gotta go Melody; I have to get ready for a shoot in about an hour. Just email me the document and I'll look over it later tonight."

"Cool with me. Just text me when you've read it." She said coolly.

I hung up the phone and let out a large breath. So much to process in such a short span of time.

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