Requested: Dark Enough

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Hey guys! So, this is a requested imagine from the awesome @luna_moon2002 and this is a bit overdue, so I apologize. This imagine is song-based and the song is Dark Enough by Amanda Lopiccolo. This imagine also has mentions of self-harm, suicide and stuff similar to that, so if that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this. Thanks for reading!

"There is a girl in the front of my class who's sad that you find it rare to see her smile or laugh .. How does someone so loving learn to hate her own guts? Drawing a picture on her arms with a blade as if her mind isn't dark enough?"

~Jeydon's P.O.V~

There she is. The girl that caught and kept my attention since the moment I met her two years ago. Damn, she's perfect. It hurts to know that she's so quiet - it seems like she doesn't know her worth. It's not like she never smiled - she did, but she would always cover her mouth whenever she did. I wanted to take whatever demons she was facing and fight them away. I want to be there like Prince Charming was for Sleeping Beauty, and take away the pain. Maybe I should talk to her? It's been two years and nothing has happened - something's gotta happen. I stood up from my desk and walked towards her desk to be met with contact from a leg that blocked my path. I fell straight to the ground and my face went with it. Erupts of laughter filled the air, while the teacher just sat at his desk, on the computer. Goddamn it. I'm such a fucking idiot sometimes. The incident got her attention though, and she turned to face me, but didn't do anything else besides that. Instead of going up to her, I stood up and paced back to my desk, so I can hide my face in my book. After about twenty minutes of reading, the bell rang and we all went to our next class, unfortunately the last class I had with her for the day. 

~ After School ~

After walking home from school, I went upstairs to my room and lied on my bed, while my music filled the air. I just sat there; lost in my thoughts. I had to talk to her despite what happened earlier. I need to let go of the past and just walk up to her. Sure, it was nerve-racking, but this had to happen sooner or later, and I choose sooner. I had to see her again, no matter what the cost. How should I tell her? I don't want to come off as desperate, but technically I am. Damn it. Why is this so hard? I hit my head on the bedpost and I rubbed the back of my head from the impact, but soon I fell asleep. 

~Later That Night ~

The smell of lasagna filled the air and made its way into my room, and I woke up immediately, realizing that the moon was now out. Looking at the time, it was 8:13 PM. I got up out of bed and brought my phone with me downstairs. 

"Jeydon, someone at your school committed suicide." My mom stated while trying to plate the food. My eyes went wide from the news, hoping it wasn't anyone I knew. 


"Her name is Luna Armstrong. Did you know her?" My heart sank as if a ship was pulled by a tide and the ship didn't survive the incident. How? How could someone so perfect do this to herself? How did she take her life when she had so much going for her? I understand it's a mental issue, but I could've helped her. I've helped others out of suicidal thoughts before, and she'd be no exception.

~ Next Day At School ~

I walked into the classroom that Luna and I shared, and I put roses down on her desk and managed my way to get to my desk, listening to The Story So Far. Tears made their way down, but I managed to keep them minimal. 

A/N: I know I said I wouldn't be posting for a while, but this was requested thirteen days ago and I wanted to post this now, because I've kept her waiting for a while, but here it is. Thank you for reading. Stay beautiful and stay strong lovelies. 

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