Jeydon: Something More (Part 2)

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Part 2 to Jeydon's Imagine, Something More. Please read that before starting this. Thanks :)

Y/B/F/N = Your Best Friend's Name 

And here we go again; another day. Another day of torture, but one more day until the weekend. Just hold on for a bit longer, Y/N. I pulled into the student parking lot and drove to my parking spot at an alarming speed. I must've went over the speed limit; god dammit. I shuffled out of the car with my backpack slung over my shoulder and I open the first door I can find. The sooner classes start, the faster time goes and I can get home. Instead of going to my locker like usual, I go to the library to return my book and get a new one.

The library is literally my home away from my actual home, because I don't feel judged in here. Literally all the people reading in the library are people just like me and it feels good to not be alone for once. I go to the book return slot next to the librarian's desk, and then I start to skim through the choices of genres. The hardest part about going to the library is how many choices we're given, but it's so much better than the assigned reading we're given in English. I go through the realistic section of the library and search for the perfect book. Once I find something to read, I go to check them out and I go to sit where I normally sit. To my surprise, Jeydon was sitting two tables away from me, also reading. I couldn't tell what book he was reading, but I will admit that the way he concentrates is so adorable. He just bites down on his lip, while also tracing his snakebites with his tongue. God, why is he so adorable? I hope he doesn't notice that I'm staring.

Before I could set up a way to become anonymous to him, he noticed me and grinned at me. Okay, either he thinks that I'm a stalker who has no self-control or he's trying to hide the fact that this whole situation is awkward with a grin. I mean, who knows? I can't read his mind ... Or can I? No, no I can't. Ugh, why does this always happen to me? I mentally face palm myself, but then I get back to the book. We silently read for about fifteen minutes before the warning bell comes over the speaker. I go to pick up my backpack and then I head upstairs for World History.

[Fourth Period: Chemistry, 11:45 AM]

Walking into chemistry, I noticed students heading to the back of the room to get safety equipment for, what I'm assuming, an experiment. Let me tell you, me being around chemicals isn't a splendid idea. The last time that happened was in seventh grade and the whole school had to evacuate for twenty minutes and we had to move to a different hour for lunch. Despite that experience, I drop my backpack off at the workstation and I grabbed all the safety equipment when my Y/B/F/N walked into the room. Her eyes lit up at me when Y/B/F/N Saw the equipment and gave me a death stare.

"I swear to god, you better not redo what you did in seventh grade," Y/B/F/N said. I tried to hold back a laugh, but it came out mumbled.

-Later on during the experiment-

So far, everything with the experiment is going fine, but things started to hear up.

"Have you talked to Jeydon yet?" Y/B/F/N asked.

"Yes," I stated, while focusing on the experiment.

"So, what happened?" Y/B/F/N asked with a wink. I shook off their advancement.

"We bonded over Pokemon Go and animation, but that's about it."

"What do you mean that's it? Did he try to flirt with you or put moves on you?"

"Aren't those the same thing?"

"Not exactly, but tell me more."

As much as I love Y/B/F/N, they get so annoying when it comes to relationships and anything close to that. They want to know everything about it. Well, guess what? I don't like giving up all my personal information to them no matter how close you are. I brushed a hair out of my face, and thinking I was going to tell them more, Y/B/F/N slammed their hand down on the table out of excitement. The solution we had spilled all over the table and we looked at each other and watched it seep into our worksheets, and mix into other unused chemicals. The nosy lab partners next to us noticed and called for Mr. Thompson to take care of the mess. Mr. Thompson observed the mess before telling everyone to get out of the room and pulled the fire alarm. Shit.

[Seventh Period: Animation, 2:50 PM]
I got into animation, and I hoped that this class period would go by smoothly without any problems. I sat down at my desk and logged into the computer when I saw Jeydon staring at me.

"What?" I asked giggling.

"Nothing. Hey, do you know what caused the evacuation earlier?"

I gulped at that question. What am I supposed to tell him? That my best friend and I were talking about him, and it led to the whole school to evacuate? Nope, I don't think so.

"Uh, I heard it had to do with a chemistry experiment," I said with uncertainty. Maybe he knew that I was lying? Well, I'm not entirely lying. Nothing would've happened if Y/B/F/N would've kept calm about the situation at hand. Jeydon shook his head meaning that he understood, but I think he could sense that I was nervous. Trying to avoid the awkward conversation, I get on the animation program and started working on the assignment on the whiteboard. Jeydon mirrored my action and we both sat next to one another with our headphones in. After twenty minutes, I felt something intertwine with my right hand when I was watching my animation. My gaze that was focused on the project was now on Jeydon's hand that intertwined with mine. I looked up at him and he didn't even stare at me; just kept contact. Even though it was something so little, the gesture was adorable and I had to resist the urge to blush. He could tell what his actions were doing to me, so he started stroking my knuckles with his thumbs. Oh my god, this whole scene is making me go in a trance. I made a small gulp and tried to ignore Jeydon. 

When the bell rang, Jeydon sped out of the classroom and I was left to wonder why he did so. I walked out of the classroom, hoping I won't be late for French, but then I got sidetracked by someone pulling me to the wall outside the classroom. I was ready to punch whoever it was in the face, but then I noticed it was Jeydon. Noticing it was him, I put my fist down and Jeydon started speaking. 

"Hey, I know I've been acting weird lately, and I'm sorry. I wanted to know if you would go out with me on a date. You don't have to but I -." I kissed him gently on the cheek in an attempt to calm him down and he smiled at me. I smiled back at him once more. 

"I'd love to go out with you, Jeydon." 

A/N: Well, that does it for this imagine. Before I leave, I just wanna ask you guys if you want me to make a part three to this. I want to, but I also want your opinion to help me decide! Love you guys! Stay beautiful and stay strong, lovelies <3

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