Day #5.

17 2 0

Amanda's POV

So, I'm being bullied now. I walked through the halls to lunch. A girl came up to me, she was all; Awe sorry to hear about your life story... Want a teddy bear? I don't have one.

My tray had some lasagna, caesar salad, and garlic bread on it as I sat by the ocean view in the cafeteria.

I ate in silence.

Not even Louis bugged me today. I need to apologize but it's not even my fault. I'm still in my hotel room, I don't even know if my moms looking for me. No, probably not.

I took a bite of lasagna.

" Trying to make it look like your not anorexic?" Someone shouted.

I glanced around and everyone laughed. I continued to eat, it's my favourite meal nothing's ruening it!

"Someone's a fatty!" The laughing started up again. I got up with my tray in an attempt to find somewhere private to eat.

I was walking across the sidewalk.

My tray was pushed into me, my food smudged into my shirt and pants.

"Awe, your dirty... Maybe you should take a bath." Someone else came over and body checked me off the dock.

I gasped for air. I fought for the surface. I can't swim. I never learned. My clothes making it impossible to reach the surface.

Someone dived in to help me. I was pulled up and was helped into the dock.

I couldn't see, I was too tired to open my eyes. My clothes were drenched and the foot steps were leaving me.

"Your not dying! The funs not over yet."


Louis POV

I was eating some Caesar salad, and a garlic bread. Glutton Free. Amanda was siting by herself. Oh how I wanted to sit beside her. But that wouldn't help.

They were all teasing her. It's all because of yesterday.

"Nerd, is that your girlfriend?" They'd asked.

"Hey, how does it feel to have 4 eyes and still not see!" Then they'd throw something at me.

I still get bullied.

After that she went outside and I never saw her again.

She never appeared in any if the next classes.


"How's Amanda?" My mom asked.

"She's ok... I guess."

"What's going on?" She seemed worried.

"She's just getting bullied."


"Because she told me to  back off yesterday. They think I'm her boyfriend so they bully me, then they bully her for being normal." I said and sat back in my seat.


My mom drove me home. While on our way out I saw Amanda get into her jeep.

" Mom wait. ''

She stopped the vehicle.



She was wet. Like she went for a swim in her clothing she wiped her eyes, she was crying. Why is she always crying?

Amanda's POV

I got into my jeep. My clothes were just soaked. I can't wait for school to be over. 

I pulled out of the parking lot and up to the main road lights. My mascara was running. I whipped it off with a Kleenex. This is why I hate my mother. 

I looked to my side and there was LOUIS sitting in the car with his mother. The light turned green and I sped off.

Pulling into the parking lot I raced up to my hotel room.

I slammed my door and threw down my bag. I went to my room and stripped off my clothes and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower.

I put on my sweats and a tank top. I put my hair extensions in and straightened them. I opened my fridge and shut it. I am not hungry.

I turned on the television. There's nothing to watch. This can't get any worse.

I sat down and started 'the fault In our stars' and I began crying again. I put the book down and ran to my room I sat on the bed. Then fell over. Crying into the covers.


I woke up. It's about 1 am. I sat up and looked outside. The sun was no where near rising. My stomach gurgled. I got up and trudged to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out a slice of pizza.

I heated it up in my toaster oven and ate it. I went to the bathroom not 10 minutes after and threw up my lunch and supper. A brushed my teeth and had another shower.

Blow drying my hair and straightening it I put in my extensions again and grabbed my iPod. I grabbed my phone and checked it.

No messages no nothing.


I plugged in Demi Lavato's newest album and put on my shoes.

I walked down the foyer.

"Good Morning." The manager said.

"I don't know when but I will be back, going for a walk."

I blasted my music.


I ended up at my house. Ugh.

It's 3 am.

The light in the bedroom outside my window was on and the window was open.

I took out my headphones. Tears started rolling in but I shoved them away. I hate this place.

I put in my fingerless gloves that I use for climbing.

I climbed the windows up the  roof in the second floor. I crawled to my window that was still open. My room was left exactly how I'd left it. I turned on my light on my phone.

Louis POV

I was sitting up and thinking. My mom was out with some friends at a karaoke party. I went and sat at my desk, I still had some homework left so I got to work. I kind of zoned out but something moving in the background brought me back.

A girl was scaling the building. I looked closer and noticed it was Amanda. That's the first time I've seen her home in 2 weeks.

I shut my lamp off and put in my shoes. I walked downstairs and outside.

I sat on my porch and watched.

Clearly she didn't want to be noticed. Moments later a bag was thrown out the window. Then soon she followed.

She was talking to herself. Or singing. She's a very good singer.

I left her alone and went back inside to bed.



Hi guys!!! What's up?

Nothing much... Okay!

I love updating this book! It's so sad but believe me it gets better!





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