Fruity Circus Clowns Make Everything Better Pt 1

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I walked down the streets of Aira's village, thinking. "Martana..." I whispered. If she really is a demon, then why would she save me? Why would she help me?

I kept these questions in my head as I continued to simply wander around the village. "You gonna keep walking around like that?" I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked towards the voice, and found that it was Lorraine, giving me an annoyed glare. "Quit sulking about it so damn much." He told me.

"I'm not sulking." I replied, getting slightly irritated.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Then is the moron finally deciding to use that brain of his?" He sounded like he was teasing me, but that only pissed me off even more!

"Moron?! I am not a moron!" I glared at him, tempted to shoot him dead right here and now.

"Then why don't you prove it, stupid~?" WHAT THE HELL DID THAT BASTARD SAY?!

At that, I saw him begin to run off. "COME BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLE!" I didn't hesitate to chase after him.

I ran and ran, taking twists and turns. He turned towards me, still running, but now, he was running backwards! "What's wrong? Can't keep up?" He gave me a grin that only annoyed me even more. "Wow, you really are slow!" He turned and gave me his back, and sped up his pace.

I just ran after him, speeding up my own pace as well. "When I catch you, you are so dead, Lorraine!!" I yelled.

"Sure you will." His voice was so full of sarcasm when he said that, I actually drew one of my guns out!

I shook my head rapidly. No, no, no! Even if he's an asshole I shouldn't shoot him. I thought, trying to calm myself down.

Suddenly, I slammed into something hard. I closed my eyes when I felt the impact, and boy did my face hurt! I felt something wet trail down my forehead, and into my mouth. It didn't taste like blood... It tasted more like... "Watermelon?" I said, confused.

Then I heard loud laughter. "AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" In front of me, was Lorraine, laughing at me like crazy, and clutching his stomach!

"What's so damn funny?!" I hissed.

"Your face is!" He replied between laughs.

I blinked, moved my hand upwards, towards my head, and felt..Like something that didn't feel like a head. "Okay... What the hell is on top of my head, and why is it so funny?" I asked, getting annoyed.

He only gave me a small grin, and ran off again! I got up quickly, and chased after him through town. "QUIT RUNNING AND ANSWER ME ALREADY!!" I yelled, getting fed up with this stupid chase!

"NEVER GONNA HAPPEN, STUPID!" He shouted back, still sounding as if he was laughing.

We ran and ran and ran, until I felt like we had just ran five laps around the whole stinking village! He kept running, until he entered some place that I didn't care to much to look at before rushing in right after him. 

Then he stopped. I stopped right behind him as well. "Lorraine? Mar-BWAHAHAHAHA!!! WHAT IN THE SEVEN HELLS IS THAT?! AHAHAHAHAHA!" I heard Aira's voice burst into laughter.

"M-miss Aira! Ahahahaha! S-sorry! I-I didn't mean to- AHAHAHA! I'm Sorry! Bu-but Martyr, you-your head is... AHAHAHA!" Star's voice said.

I then saw the place that was inside Aira's shop that we were in a few minutes ago before I walked off. I saw Star, trying to cover her mouth, Aira nearly falling out of her chair, and Lorraine clutching his stomach again and laughing his guts out! I then heard weird squishing noises. 

What the hell is so funny? Aira got up, out of her chair, and grabbed a mirror. "T-take a look! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" She burst into laughter once more. 

I looked in the mirror and saw.... A watermelon.... on my head, and on top of the watermelon was... something that looked like a fake bird's nest with mangoes on top of it, and the mangoes were squishing together, plus, the juices from the broken watermelon and the mangoes were spilling all over my clothes, and I looked like some kind of weird, fruity circus clown! My jaw dropped wide open.

This... is what I had failed to miss, all because Lorraine was pissing me off. In all honesty though, I was tempted to laugh at myself! I had to admit, I really did kinda look stupid, and funny. I couldn't hold it much longer, and began laughing along with them.


A/N: The next part will have a different name! So do not be surprised! XD

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