The Island of Fire Part 2

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The walk towards the base was a little less tiring, though it was confusing considering how vague Skyara's answers to my questions were. I asked her what the other Gods and Goddesses were like, and she just said: "Extremely obnoxious in each of their own ways. Don't touch that plant it's fragile, don't leave that by the ocean, don't put that in the fire. Ugh, really annoying." I asked her how she knew what the wind was saying. Her answer was: "Because I'm the Goddess of Wind, obviously." I even dared to ask her about her age, but all she told me was: "Much older than you could possibly imagine."

I sighed inwardly as she never really seemed to give me completely straight answers... or at least answers that made sense. Suddenly, while I was walking, everyone just abruptly stopped. "Are you kidding me..." I heard Loliana groan as she glared ahead.

I looked in front of me and saw... a lake of lava. A lake.... of fricking lava. I frowned. "Seriously... this island is messed up...." Martana muttered.

"Well, it is filled with volcanoes." Lorraine commented, but he seemed just as irritated as the rest of us.

Skyara just looked at the size of the river. "Not something we can't fly over." She pointed out.

We stared at her with raised eyebrows. "Fly?" We echoed, confused. Skyara grinned.

I felt something surrounding my feet, as if grabbing them and pushing it upwards. I heard gasps of surprise coming from some of the others. I looked at them and saw them hovering unsteadily on thin air.

The Wind Goddess snickered in amusement. "Congratulations, kiddos, you get to experience the beauty and enjoyment of flight." Soon enough, the wind beneath our feet was moving us towards the lake of lava.

I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting to be boiled to death any second now. Nothing. There was a burst of laughter, as I slowly and carefully opened my eyes. "You honestly thought you'd fall in! Hahaha!!" Levitating beside us and clutching her stomach while laughing insanely was Skyara, who just couldn't believe that we thought we'd fall in.

Lorraine and Loliana sent her a glare, but she brushed it off. Martana and Star let out a small sigh. I frowned, and puffed up my cheeks in annoyance. Geez.... it's not that funny...

In around two minutes, we had crossed the lake safely. No burns included. Before we knew it, we found our feet making contact with the solid ground again.

I couldn't have been happier to be on the other side of that lake, but I had no time to do a happy dance as the others started walking again. Skyara was actually pretty helpful, surprisingly...

She'd cool the flames and temperature so that we wouldn't get overheated, allow us to go over any flaming pits or the "pleasant" lava lakes, and keep us from getting burns.... well...   any deadly ones at least.

After a little bit, the flaming traps all over the island were becoming harder to avoid, and Skyara herself was starting to get a little exhausted from having to move us around and over most of them. In the end, we ended up getting little burns on our clothes here and there.

Lorraine's sleeve had little holes on the edges. The trim of Star's dress was beginning to get uneven and black. Loliana got a few burns on her boots, making tiny holes in them too. Martana's legs had some burns here and there, as well as on her boots and jacket. My jacket had some burns too, pants included.

These fire problems were beginning to give us a hard time to the point where Skyara threatened to blast half of the island away in a tornado. Ultimately Star calmed her down, just barely though. 

After a while... around an hour or so, we were so exhausted that as soon as we got on safe ground we plopped down onto the ground, panting and groaning. "Geez....! This island is so annoying!!" Martana growled, irritated.

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