Not Alone in the Pain of Loss

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Star was smiling very calmly, while that Lorraine guy was giving me a very bored expression. Wait a sec, why the hell does he look so damn bored?! I grit my teeth and sent glares at him, but he didn't really seem to care that much.

I felt Star tug on my sleeve. "Um... sorry about him... That's just how he usually acts...." She told me. "Anyways~ What's your name? I told you ours, so... what's yours?" She asked, tilting her head.

I blinked. "Um...." I stayed silent for a minute, wondering if I should tell them or not. Well... the girl doesn't seem to be dangerous but... I took a look at Lorraine, and found that his uncaring gaze turned into a cold glare. I flinched slightly. He looked away, closed his eyes, and crossed his arms. What the hell is that guy's problem?! I glared at him, and he returned the glare.

Then I felt and saw something shove the both of us softly in the ribs. "Stop glaring, both of you!" Star said, making sure her elbows would hurt us, even a little bit.

It didn't hurt a lot. Her elbow wasn't that strong, but she looked like she was putting as much effort as she could to make us feel a little hint of pain so we would back down and stop glaring at each other. I heard Lorraine let out a sigh. "Fine..." He stopped glaring at me.

I reluctantly gave up on continuing to glare, seeing as Star was trying her best to keep us from going beyond JUST glaring. I went back to the thought of whether or not I should tell them... Well, for one, Star is okay, Lorraine, is an asshole. I can deal with Star, but if I'm alone with that guy for two seconds, I'll turn him into Swiss cheese. I thought, picturing the idea that popped into my mind, then I quickly shoved it aside.

I sighed. Why not...? If I end up regretting it later, it'll be my fault... I decided. "I'm Martyr. Nice to meet you..." I tried to smile, but that smile's corners were twitching badly, and it wasn't doing me any good.

"Whatever." Lorraine had that bored look on his face, again! I swear... WHEN THE HELL DOES HE PLAN ON LOSING THAT SUPER DAMNABLY PUNCHABLE EXPRESSION ON HIS STUPID FACE?!!! I wanted to hit him so badly! He deserved a few good punches to the jaw!

Star frowned again, and softly nudged Lorraine. I could've sworn he was tempted to roll his eyes at her! She sighed. "Nice to meet you, Martyr~!" She smiled.

I nodded slowly, glancing back towards the silver haired jerk beside her.  She leaned towards me, and whispered, "Please don't be mad at him. He's just like that a lot, but once you get to know him he can be really nice." I don't believe her in the least.

I leaned and whispered back, "That's hard to believe but... okay..." I took a glance back at towards Lorraine, who was looking at the both of us.

He had a raised eyebrow, and if it was possible, I think his bored expression only became more bored! "You do know that I can hear you, right?" He said.

I moved away from Star who flinched. "Does it look like I care?" 

When his eyes met mine, he looked like he could care less about what I say! "Whatever." He looked towards Star. "I still say we should have ditched him back at the forest." WHAT?!

"L-Lorraine! Come on, don't be so mean!!!" Star said. In response, he sighed.

I noticed that the blonde flinched back, meaning that my irritation towards that sighing, bored, no good, jackass was starting to show. I really don't give a damn about that right now!

He didn't even look towards me when I'm pretty sure that I was showing all of my rage towards him! I was getting even more pissed. Why is that guy so annoying when he does one simple thing?! "Fine." Lorraine bluntly replied to Star.

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