4. Day On the Job

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I found this old Toontown Online commercial while searching for a good way to describe the black hole (teleportation) sound in Toontown. I don't know if I've ever seen this commercial, but it seems familiar, and it's hilarious! Enjoy!

I'll also be putting some extra media on my other story parts now that Wattpad allows embedded media. Yay!


Toon Headquarters (commonly referred to as Toon HQ) - the place where Toons would get Toontasks (the quest system) and receive rewards for the Tasks they completed.

HQ Officers - obviously, the workers at the HQ; (in-game): the NPCs which would give Tasks to Toons.

Donald's Dock (referred as "the Docks" in this chapter) - the second main area where Toons complete Tasks; playground.

Minnie's (Melodyland) - the fifth main area in the game; playground.

Foghorn (used as alarm in this chapter) - It is the level six Gag in the Sound category. It deals up to 50 damage (55 if grown/organic) and attacks all (up to four) Cogs in one round. It has a high accuracy (the level of chance the Gag will actually be effective/work).


I reported to Toon Headquarters in Toontown Central as soon as I had received the assignment. As I walked across the playground, memories of playing in the open, grassy area came flooding back to me. It was always a bustling and bright place in the past. Festivals used to be held every few months for...something. Toonkind has always felt a need to celebrate no matter what the occasion.

It seemed those sweet memories had gone bitter. The town was now devoid of any life, except for the three of us who had been moved to this HQ. The land was darkened by the grey skies. An eerie sensation lingered in the once happy atmosphere. I suddenly realized that I hadn't been in this playground since I was in my first year of high school.

How sad.

The innermost part of the town often reserved the award for having the most traffic. There were many colorful shops that lined the well-kept streets of the Central. Shopkeepers often kept open their doors in the late hours, because there was no fear of invaders or robbers. The civilian watch police kept a keen eye out for anyone breaking curfews or suspiciously walking out and about. Although, little activity was ever reported in Toontown Central. Perhaps it was the high presence of younger toons that resulted in low crime rates and troublemakers. The other playgrounds could never match up to the Central's safe environment, despite it being the home of the government and civil officials.

In my playground, Donald's Dreamland, the civilian watch didn't seem to notice anything awry--ever. Perhaps it was the fact that night often hung over Dreamland longer than the other playgrounds, therefore making it a mundane and complicated task. To put this into perspective, we normally had no more than six hours of daylight, and even then, it was often dimmed by the clouds--not grey ones, rather, they were the normal purple-ish clouds that resided in the northern hemisphere of Toontown. We had the shortest day, as opposed to Daisy Gardens, which received many hours of daylight.

Toontown Central was very different from my homeland. The day and night cycles were pretty equal--fourteen hours of day, ten of night. It would take some adjusting for me to be able to stay in the sun longer than usual. I would have to ask to be on the night shift if possible. Also, while my hometown maintained a color scheme that blended in with its surroundings, the Central was a vibrant rainbow. The wide array of colors, which still reflected light despite the dimmed environment, made my head throb of pain as I shifted my eyesight.

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