Chapter Twenty

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Time seemed like it was flying by. Rachael and Cody’s wedding was in three days. Rachael was really nervous about everything. She had tried her dress on a few times, to make sure it still fit. Everything was set to go. Cody’s mom, sister and his brother-in-law were in town. 

“So, how has everything been?” Cody’s mom asked Rachael, sitting down next to her. 

“It’s been good. I wish I could dance more though.” Rachael laughed. 

“Well, you will be able to again soon. Cody won’t tell me if you guys picked out a name yet.” 

Rachael smiled, “that’s because we aren’t totally sure yet.”

“Give me some ideas?” his mom asked. 

Rachael thought for a moment, “Well, we’ve thought of trying to do something with both our fathers names..”

“I like that idea.. What was your fathers name?” his mom smiled.

“Robert.” Rachael smiled back 

“Charles Robert Carson. I like that, but I like Robert Charles Carson also..” his mom looked down at her coffee, “I see the problem.”

“Yeah,” Rachael laughed, “But we’ve also thought of giving him his own name.” 

“Have Sam and Austin picked out a name for their little girl? I’m so excited that there will be one of both.” 

“Yeah, I think they have..” Rachael called for Sam. 

Sam walked into the room, “What’s up?”

“I was just wondering the name you picked for your little one.” Cody’s mom smiled.

Sam smiled back at her and sat down next to Rachael, “Brooklyn Marie Kerr.”

“That’s beautiful!” Sam smiled, “Thank you.” 

Laura walked into the room and sat down. They continued to talk about the wedding and babies. 


When Rachael woke up and rolled over, Cody wasn’t there. Then it hit her, it was her wedding day. Cody was at a hotel with the guys. Rachael sat up and pulled her legs to her body as much as she could. She sat like that for a while, letting the nerves take over. Sam and Marie walked in, getting in her bed, and either side of her. They sat with her, silent for a few minutes. 

“Okay, come on. Go take a shower.” Sam nudged Rachael. 

Marie and Sam left, after they watched Rachael walk to the bathroom. She started the water and undressed slowly. The warm water helped her calm down. When she was done she threw on one of Cody’s button up shirts and shorts. 

All the girls were ready to head to the Castle. Kat had been taking photos all morning. When they got to the castle they were taken to the area that was set up for the girls to get ready. The boys area was on the other side, so no one ran into each other. As everyone was unloading the car Rachael didn’t move. Sam sat with her, just like Rachael did on her wedding day. 

“Okay, time for the dress.” Kat said as she opened the bag that held Rachael’s dress. 

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