Special Day, Special Girl

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  • Dedicated to Happy Birthday, Sarah Geronimo

Sabine stepped through the swinging doors after she washed her hands and hung up her apron. She was finished for the day, and saw her boyfriend's smiling face as she exited through the bakery. She was about to walk towards him when Maria stopped her.

"Sab, don't bother coming in tonight," Maria casually told her. Sabine looked up at her boss questioningly. "It's your birthday, have you forgotten?!"

Sabine laughed. "I haven't forgotten. Maybe it's you who has forgotten I never celebrate my birthday."

"Maybe you should. You should be thankful for every year added to you."

"I am. But my aching bones and joints are not quite as grateful for being another year older, trust me," Sabine laughed.

"Gael, please take Sab somewhere nice. She deserves it, don't you think?"

"I will," Gael grabbed Sabine's hand as she stepped closer to him.

"You know what, wait!" Maria took one carrot cupcake from the glass display and placed a candle on top. "Hello, everyone! Today is the birthday of someone very near and dear to me. Actually, very near and dear to all of you as well. This is Sabine," Maria stood next to Sabine. "She is our baker here. You all love her bread right? So please join me in singing her happy birthday."

Maria began singing and the packed house joined in singing along with her. Gael intertwined his fingers with Sabine's. Sabine looked around the bakery, at all the smiling faces, and focused her gaze on the handsome man beside her. The song ended and she looked back at Maria who told her to make a wish and blow out her candle. She closed her eyes as she made her wish then blew out the candle. Maria handed her the cupcake and gave her a hug.

"Get some sleep, celebrate with your parents, enjoy your time with your boyfriend. Don't you dare come in tonight, okay?" Maria turned her attention to Gael. "Gael, make sure she takes the night off." Gael nodded. "Okay, off you go. Happy birthday!"

Gael helped his girlfiend into his car. He went around to the driver's side and looked at her before he started the engine.

"Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday, babe? I don't even have a present for you."

"Babe, you don't need to get me a present. You do so much for me already."

"I know, but you are my love, and I love you so much," he leaned closer to her and gave her a kiss on the lips. What was intended to be just a quick peck turned deeper. Gael didn't care that they were sitting in his car in broad daylight; he was so in love with the woman he was kissing, not caring if the whole world knew it. He felt Sabine pull away, and he gave her one last peck. "Let's go out to breakfast. What would you like for breakfast, babe?"

"Anything. We could go back to that place you took me before. I really want to try their waffles this time," she answered.

"Sure, that sounds like a good idea. Let's go."

He started the engine and as soon as he was going with the flow of traffic, he held her hand in his. Sabine just looked at Gael, as if memorizing his face. How can someone so different from her be so in love with her, as he kept professing every chance he got. She saw him smile even as he kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead of him.

"What?" she heard him ask.


"You just can't get enough of my handsome face, can you?" he ribbed her.

"No," she answered easily. His grin disappeared as he took a quick glance at her. Sabine was definitely the shy type, quiet when it came to her feelings, so for her to acknowledge something like that so easily, not joking when he was, was a big deal for him. He pulled the hand he was holding up to his lips and gave the back of it a kiss. He kept it there for a few beats more before resting their hands over his hammering heart.

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