Chapter 14

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"So. What do you know about this guy you just met that you seem to really like?" Mitch asked playfully as we exited Hot Topic.
"I just know that his name is Christian, and he has amazing hair, and beautiful eyes, and that we're going to be going to the same school."
"You didn't even get a last name? Or a phone number? I'm disappointed." Scott added, laughing.
"Shut up." I said, my face turning bright red. They left the subject alone for the rest of the day, and we shopped for about another 2 hours, then went home to watch movies.
The next day
"Jamie, get up!!!" I heard Scott and Mitch yell through my door.
"Ugh, I don't feel good." I lied, fake coughing.
"Bullshit. You have to go and that's that." Said Mitch.
I groaned and got out of bed. I pulled on my skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance shirt, and decided on my red converse. I fixed my hair and went out to get breakfast. Mitch had made what looked like scrambled eggs but they were severely burnt.
"Do I have to eat those?" I asked, gesturing to the charred mess.
"No, you can have cereal if you want. I'm better at making pancakes. That's basically all I know how to make." Mitch said, laughing. Wyatt walked over and rubbed against my leg, meowing.
"I think he's saying he doesn't want me to leave." I translated, in a last ditch effort to get out of going to school.
"Well too bad, you'll be back at 2:30. You have to go and that's that." Scott said from behind me.
"Fine." I replied, pouring coffee into a travel mug.
"Can you be ready in 10 minutes? We're dropping you off then heading to rehearsal." Mitch asked, bringing my backpack out and fixing his hair.
"Yeah, I'm basically ready." I said, closing the coffee mug.
"Ok. If anything goes wrong you can call any of us, but if we get a call before 10 we're all assuming you just want to leave." Scott said, grabbing his keys.
"Okay. They probably don't even allow phones in class." I said, grabbing my bag and following them to the car.
******AT THE SCHOOL******
"Ok. You're sure you have everything? Binders, paper, notebooks, pencils?" Mitch asked as we pulled into the parking lot.
"Yes, for the 15th time Mitch, I have everything I need." I said, rolling my eyes and laughing.
"Okay okay! I'm new to this, I don't want you to mess up."
"You're doing fine. I gotta go, the bell rings at 7:30 and I have to get my schedule and stuff. I'll see you guys later." I said, getting out of the car. I waved to them as they left and walked into the office.
"How can I help you?" The Roz-lady asked in her monotone voice.
"I'm here to get my schedule, my names Jameson Grassi-Hoying." I said, wincing as I used my full name.
"Here you go, there's a map on the back. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or any of your teachers." She said, handing me the sheet of paper. I smiled and walked out of the office, looking for my locker.
514,514, where the hell is 514. I thought to myself as I walked down the hallway.
"Hey! I'd recognize that hair anywhere! It's Jamie, right?" I heard someone call, and looked to see Christian from Hot Topic standing next to me.
"Yeah, hey." I said, my face starting to turn red.
"What are you looking for?" He asked.
"My locker. Do you know where 514 would be?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's in the same hallway as mine, I'll show you." He said, grabbing my wrist and helping me through the halls.
"Here you are, locker 514." He said, doing a sort of "ta-da" gesture towards my locker.
"Thanks. I guess I'll uh, see you later?" I stammered, opening my locker.
"I guess. What class do you have first, I can point you in the right direction?"
"Uh, History with Mr.McMahon." I said, looking at my schedule.
"You're kidding, so do I!" He replied, smiling.
"Nice!" The bell telling us to get to class rang, and we walked to the classroom. We had 3 other classes together, Guitar, Physics, and Algebra. We ended up in the same lunch so I got to meet a few other people he usually sat with.
*******Mitch's POV*******
"How do you think she's doing?" I asked Scott as rehearsal ended and we got in the car to go pick Jamie up.
"I'm sure she's fine. She didn't call us and neither did the school, what's the worst that could have happened?" He replied, grabbing my hand and trying to reassure me.
"I don't know. It's just I got picked on in high school and you said it yourself, we have a lot in common. I just hope that's not one of those things we have in common."
I'd always had a tendency to overworry, and now it was really showing. We pulled into the school and I saw her sitting outside the building with her headphones in. Scott honked at her and she ran over to the car.
"How'd it go, tell me everything." I half yelled as soon as she opened the door.
"Jeez, I just got out." She replied, throwing her backpack into the trunk as she climbed into the backseat.
"Stop stalling and tell us everything!!!" I yelled excitedly, bouncing up and down.
"Fine! Calm down! It was a pretty uneventful day to be honest. I mean I met a few people but nobody I could consider a friend right now."
"What about that Christian you met in the mall? Did you see him at all?"
"Yeah..." Her face turned bright red and she looked down. "We have a few classes together, and I sat with him and a few of his friends at lunch today. He's pretty cool, I guess."
"Aww, our little girl has a crush!" Scott cooed in a sing-song voice.
"No I don't! He's just a friend." She shot back defensively.
"Hey, don't yell at me!" He said, laughing.
"Sorry. I get defensive easily if people make assumptions about me."
"That's ok. You didn't mean to be rude."
"So how much homework did you get?" I asked, trying to be a "responsible" parent.
"Not that much. Just a sheet for math and physics, and a bunch of stuff for you guys to sign."
"Oh boy. I forgot that they give you stuff for your parents."
We pulled into the garage of the apartment building and got into the elevator. As soon as we got home Scott and I made her start her homework while we started ours.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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