Chapter 3

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"So, who's up for pizza?" Asked Kevin.
"ME!!!" I yelled, jumping up and down, with my hand raised. Everyone started laughing at me.
"Stop laughing, she just really likes pizza." said Izzy.
"So one vegetarian, one barbecue chicken, one mushroom, and what kind do you want, Jamie?"
"Meatball Pepperoni!!!" I said/yelled.
"Sounds good, let me just call it in." Said Avi.
"Wait, who eats vegetarian pizza?" I asked.
"Me and Mitch do." Said Kirstie.
"Does Avi eat an entire pizza? Cause larges are really large." I asked.
"Sometimes, sometimes I share with him. If he's willing to share." Said Izzy.
"I'm going out to get the pizza! Anyone want any drinks?" Yelled Avi from downstairs.
"Diet Coke!" Kirstie
"Dr. Pepper!" Izzy
"Iced tea!" Mitch
"Me too!" Scott
"Grape soda!" Kevin
"Cherry Coke!" I yelled back.
"So, Jamie, Mitch said you can sing. And so did Iz. Now sing, I want to hear you. " Said Kirstie, smiling.
"What do you want me to sing?" I asked.
"Sing her part in Wizard of Ahhs!" Mitch half-yelled.
"Okay, I guess." I sang, and the guys provided my backup, Izzy smiled like a crazy person, and Kirstie just looked shocked.
"So I guess if I ever get sick we don't need to cancel any shows. Jamie, that was amazing!" She said, hugging me.
"Thanks. I'm not as good as you though." I said, blushing.
"I'm back!" Said Avi, walking into the room with 4 pizza boxes and a bag of drinks.
"A little help?" He said, almost dropping the pizza. Kevin got up and grabbed 2 of the boxes from him. After we all had our food and sodas, we decide to watch a movie.
"What do you two want to watch?" Scott asked me and Izzy.
"EDWARD SCISSORHANDS!!!!" We shouted in unison. We loved that movie. I could practically quote the entire movie.
*Mitch's POV*
About halfway through Edward Scissorhands, I looked over at Jamie and saw that she had fallen sound asleep.
"Scott." I whispered, nodding towards her. I was too tiny to carry her. He picked her up and carried her to her room. I kissed her forehead and whispered
"Goodnight Jamie, sleep tight." She smiled and turned over. Scott and I shut the lights off and closed the door. I didn't think we could get any luckier.

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