Chapter 6

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"Notice something different?" I asked as I walked into the apartment. Scott's jaw dropped as he turned to look over the back of the couch.
"What the- MITCH?"
"Yeah, Scooter?" Mitch said, walking into the apartment.
"Want to explain? You didn't ask me?" Scott asked, motioning to my hair and getting redder by the second.
"I didn't ask you?" Mitch replied, shutting the door.
"Yes, Mitch. You didn't ask me if our daughter could get a bright red mohawk?" Scott was starting to shake and get really mad.
"Well I wasn't aware that I had to ask you to do everything!" Mitch yelled.
"Both of you, stop it! Just stop yelling at each other and yell at me instead. If I hadn't gotten the mohawk you two wouldn't be yelling." I said, starting to cry and then ran to my room and slammed the door.
"I'm gonna go check on her. If that's okay with you." I heard Mitch say from the living room. I heard footsteps and then a knock on the door.
"Jamie? Can I come in?"
"Yeah." He opened the door and sat on the edge of my bed.
"Are you okay?" He asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah, I just feel bad that I made you and Scott fight over a stupid haircut."
"Don't feel bad. It wasn't you, we're just tired."
"Why? You guys go to sleep at like 10."
"We go to bed, not sleep. The last couple nights we haven't been able to sleep. It's just... We don't really know how to be parents, and we're scared we won't be good ones."
"Mitch, you're a great dad, don't worry. And I know you guys are both gonna be great dads. And I wished, every single birthday, for someone to adopt me who would be smart, funny, caring, talented, and who would let me be me. And I found them. It's you and Scott. You guys are the parents I've wished for my entire life." I said, hugging Mitch. We both were crying right now. Scott had apparently been listening to us through the door, and he was crying. We hugged as a family, and they both whispered
"I love you Jamie."
"I love you both too." I whispered back.

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