Part One

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Looking out onto the desperate streets of Seattle, I never thought that my life would grow to become as serene and quiet as it is. It was an odd change but it was something to easily adapt to. Apart from the weather and the amount of people constantly circling the town as if they truly had places to be and people to meet, I'm glad I came here.

"Lily, are you home?" a careful voice spoke out into the apartment. It was Sarah, the only person I could count on even though she only knew part of my story.

She knew part of my story because in some twisted way she got tied into it. It's not like I forced her to enter, but just as I stood in her position ages ago she stood in mine, being forced into a life that disgusted every fiber in her being. Mind you, Sarah was a rather tough girl when I met her; but the way they manipulate you and twist your mind around turns the strongest soldiers into meaningless bystanders who do nothing but sit and watch.

"Yeah, I'm in here." I speak, letting her know that I was still home. I don't go out much other than work but it was nothing that I couldn't handle. Working in a book store wasn't much, but it was possibly the best job that allowed me to stay safe, to stay away from any possible ways of danger.

"I thought maybe we could order Chinese tonight? I wanted to go out for it but seeing the weather and its rain, I didn't really think that it'd be such a wise idea." Sarah asked and concluded. I agreed with her because in all honesty, I didn't want to go outside. It was one of those days that I simply enjoyed staying in. Maybe it was the weather or maybe it was the fact that I'll always choose staying inside over going out because of my past. I usually apologize for that but Sarah brushes it off. "Do you mind if I invite over Liam?"

I shake my head, letting her know it was fine. Liam has been dating Sarah since we moved here 9 months ago. Well, they talked for about three months but that was because we had only just gotten away and we were still pretty shook up. But Liam is nice, he's very kind and has never put either of us in a situation that could endanger us. He knew of Sarah's past, and a small portion of mine since it involved Sarah. Yet I was glad he never pushed for more, from the both of us. Liam was respectful in that manner so I never cared that he was over, he was quite a joy to be around actually.

I got up, walking to my bedroom. I sat on my bed, looking over the amount of papers I had scattered across my floor. They were all letters, junk mail, musical pieces, thoughts. I've barely been in my bedroom lately because my mind goes haywire and I hate thinking about the past. It's not that it was insanely difficult but it was the nightmares, the memoirs of my past and I couldn't handle it.

"Liam is here, with the food!" Sarah yelled to me, I walked out my bedroom closing the door behind me and went to greet him. We shared a short lived hug and I got out plates for us to eat on.

"So, Lily, I know that you're interested in books and art and musical compositions and I wanted to know if both you and Sarah would be interested in accompanying me to a party at an art gallery. People will be freely playing the classical instruments in the facility along with admiring the art over glasses of wine." Liam said. It would be good to go out and get a breather for once, but is it bad that I'm more comfortable in my apartment? I, personally, am still terrified of going outside and if it was up to me I would never step foot outside again but that wouldn't happen nor would Sarah let it. So, that being that, I just nodded in agreement.

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