Part Nine

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"What's your name young girl?" the older woman asked and it was difficult for me to respond and try to stable my breathing. I was grateful for her calm demeanor and for the fact that she was patient. "My name is Lil.. I mean, Lilian. Or Lily for short." I spoke softly, my voice hoarse from screaming over Rory's immobile body in the snow.

The older woman was kind enough to bring me a blanket and some of her clothing to change into. She made sure to turn the heater up and serve me a cup of tea. I scrunched my nose as I watched her pour milk and honey in it together, it was odd but turned out better than I had expected it to. "My name is Margaret Eldridge. You can call me Marge." she spoke carefully, her Russian practically flawless. Mine was pretty good but hers was perfect.

"Why are you running?" she questioned, sitting in the armchair in front of me in the small room before turning her attention to mixing the contents in her tea. I ran my fingers through my damp hair and looked at her, "Because of the supreme."

It was simple and she was sure enough to understand. But as soon as I was able to breathe there was yelling from beyond the wall and I could hear his sickening voice. Margaret looked at me and told me to stay quiet. She shut the light off and we stayed still, listening to every single object in the stood being turned upside down. The ruckus was followed by a loud yell and glass breaking.

"Where could she be?!! I didn't waste almost ten years of my life to have her disappear!! I want her found!! In the mean time, get me someone else!" the supreme yelled before the place shook and became silent.

I bolted out of bed, feeling sweat prick my body. My heart rate was beating excessively loud and was going faster than its normal rate and it wasn't going to go down anytime soon. I looked at the time on my clock, 4:19 am

I shook my head and pulled the covers off of my heated body and padded over to the stack of papers on my desk. I needed something to distract me from my dreams, once I found what I needed to I walked out of my bedroom and out of the apartment. I was grateful for the type of facility we live in, especially since it does include a music room. Knowing that no one would be awake at this time to listen or be in the same range as me, I walked into the room and sat in front of the slightly dusty piano. I've only been in here about three or four times, the thoughts of playing piano ached my heart too much but I decided that I could do that. Especially with all the dreams that have been occurring lately, along with the incidents surrounding the picture of me and my past.

I removed covering from the keys, running my fingers softly against the feel of them. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and trying to compose myself before I set the sheet music in front of my view.

Soon enough, my fingers acted before my brain could as they pressed the beginning keys; A, A flat, A, A flat, A, E, A, D. I would then continue on with the following keys as Yiruma's River Flows In You begins to fill the entire room with an essence that I have missed. It was so difficult to try and play when the only thing that would be on your mind is the boy you lost to a gunshot to the back of the head; leaving you with nothing but the two notes he had given you. The only one you've opened being the one from your parents.

It has been a few weeks since I've gained refuge here at Margaret's shop. But I believe that it was enough time for me to muster up enough courage to open up one of the papers Rory had given me. I pulled it out of the pillow case I have been sleeping on and slowly unfold it, my mother's handwriting was messily scribbled about. My eyes trailed the paper as I began to read:


I know that this letter is probably difficult to read, because if you are reading this that means something has happened to us. Let's not dwell on that though. From the moment I had met your eyes in that shack, I saw something. Something I have never witnessed in my life prior to that moment. You looked at my daughter as if she was the most precious thing on Earth, that nothing could touch her even if it wanted to. You looked at my daughter as if you had to keep her safe from everything and anything, yet you didn't even know her name.

Yet here I am, asking this favor of you. Rory, please keep our sweet Lilian safe. People are not kind in this world, I believe we have all learned this the hard way, but the fact that you are reading this just shows. Lilian has had to grow up faster than I had wanted her to, especially with her just turning nine. My little girl has seen what the world is capable of doing and she has no one to help guide her since we are no longer there to do so.

I beg of you, keep her safe. Sacrifice your life for our daughter because you know she would do the same for anyone else. Out of the mini outbreaks and back-talking she has done to the supreme without him doing much to her except give her a beating, you know she is capable of doing what she finds suitable to help others. My daughter is carefree, gentle, and strong-willed. That little girl will go to Hell and back; even though we are already here, and set free all those who deserve to.

Rory, I do not know nor understand what the supreme's intentions are for Lilian. But it kills me and makes me sick to my stomach knowing it is terrible and disgusting. He has wanted her from such a young age and I cannot pin point as to why. So now I am giving this responsibility to you. Her brother wasn't alive long enough to save her from his terrible plans, and all she has is you. She takes a liking to you, whether it seems to be a child-play crush or complete and utter safety. But you are it for her, you're the one she's been waiting for.

Thank you for keeping her alive, thank you for keeping her safe.


Ella and Michael"

Hi my lovely readers!! I apologize for this chapter being rather short with not much involving Harry, but I wanted to fill in a bit more backstory.

But trust me, Lily and Harry's relationship will begin shortly.

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