Part Four

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I looked at the green eyed man, was he really wanting to know about my short lived panic attack? No, he possibly couldn't have. And I most definitely did not want him to pry into my life so I lied, well not completely. "I don't know, I just forgot to breathe."

He observed my posture, and I felt uncomfortable and I wanted to leave. I didn't want to sit here in front of Harry with his lovely green eyes practically staring into my soul. I giggled a bit at the thought, causing him to raise his eyebrow, "Now what's so funny?" I just smiled at him and shook my head. "It's nothing Harry, I'm just thinking to myself."

I watched him nod, noticing that I've been observing him and his features more than I would any normal person. But I mean, who wouldn't? I'm not going to deny the fact that Harry Styles, the man sat in front of me, is utterly and inhumanely beautiful. The way he always licked his lips then sipped his tea before setting it down, and the way he would continuously spin the ring on his right hand. Maybe it's the way you could see a sliver of the dimple he possess once he shows a small smile, to just see that fully would be wonderful. It'd be something you only see in paintings. I don't know. But it could also be the way that his irises change along with the weather, they'll be dark green with little specks of another color or bright emerald with such a shine that you could see yourself in them.

"Lily? Hello? Earth to Lily." I saw a hand waving and snapping in front of my face and I swatted it away. "What were you thinking so hard about?" Harry asked, tilting his head slightly while his words laced with his thick accent.

I shook my head, "It was nothing of importance Harry."


I locked up the book store and began walking down the streets along with the few people that were already here. There was no longer rain but a dark gloom, making 5pm seem like 8pm with a bit more light.

My senses were always on overdrive whenever I had to walk back to the apartment. I didn't know if they were watching, I mean they couldn't have. We left no trace of ourselves, we ran as quickly as possible, all evidence of our being was gone. If you looked in a record book we would be erased. There would be no such thing as Sarah Andrews and Lilian Mason. That is, to them and where we were there would be no such thing. Yet, to the government that is another story and hopefully they wouldn't be the cause of our fall.

I looked around, realizing I was near a park that I never realized was there before. That was probably because I always had to run home because of the weather.

I quickly crossed the street and walked onto the wet sand, praising myself for not getting any in my shoes as I sat on the swing.

"Higher!!" I squealed, begging the older boy to push more so I could feel like I was flying. We never got moments like these, happiness, bliss, quiet.

A laugh came from his rosy lips as he nodded and pushed me higher. A went a little too high possibly and ended up falling out of the swing, landing on my shoulder.

He quickly rushed to my aid, spilling about a thousand "sorry" and "I didn't mean for you to get hurt". I knew it, we both did.

I noticed a presence to my left so I looked to see a familiar mess of curls. "Harry." I breathed out softly, he turned to me giving a small smile. "Why are you here? Like, at the park at this time?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I've never noticed this park before and I usually run home because of the rain but since tonight the weather is decent I noticed it and came here. It's been a while since I've been at a park." I spoke carefully, noting what I can and can't say. He seemed a bit concerned, about what though? The fact that I haven't been to a park in a long while?

"Why do you walk home every night? And alone for that matter?"


"I don't know, Sarah has the car because her job is maybe 20 minutes farther." I told him honestly, "Also, walking gives me time to think and clear my head."
Yeah, because you don't do that already right Lilian? Ugh.

"Well, how about I walk with you home from now on? I work at cafe we went to earlier, it was my day off but yeah." he asked and I just nodded. I didn't want to push this man more than I think I already had but him knowing where my house was seemed a bit extreme. It took me 4 months to get comfortable with Liam seeing the apartment, why should Harry be any different?

"You're only walking me up until we're two blocks away." I told him and he wanted to question but I beat him to it, "I don't want you knowing exactly where I live especially since we technically just met and talked today. Yesterday night didn't really count. I forgot to breathe and you told me your name."

And he didn't argue it, something I was thankful for.

Hi everyone! This is my first in chapter A/N and I really hope you're enjoying the story so far. I know the buildup is slow but in a few chapters things will start explaining themselves and you'll figure out who he is.

ALSO TODAY IS THE SUPERBOWL, who are you all going for? :)

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