Part Six

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I think I stopped believing in love somewhere between him dying and realizing that I might have not made it out of there alive. I've always known that it was nothing that could truly be contained. I've learned that factor of life the hard way and I don't think I would wish some form of heartache over a non-existent matter. Love is a waste of time, in my opinion, but for those who believe it - I praise them.

I looked out the window of the bookstore, trying to figure out if Harry was working. I didn't really want much, just the comfort of knowing he was so close made me calm down. I know, I know. It's weird, trust me even I know it's weird but I can't help myself. He makes me feel, safe in a way that I can't explain.

"Uh, excuse me?" a soft voice pulled out and I took a look at them. She looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Yes, sorry. Can I help you?" I asked the red headed girl, she rolled her eyes slightly and popped her gum. "I wanted to know where I could possibly find archives of people? Maybe records of them?"

Why would she need that? "Well, this is a book store so unfortunately I can't help with that matter but the library might, you'd have to check." I let her know and she walked away without another word and I honestly didn't know how to respond with her. It was weird, she seemed to be in a rush and easily annoyed, maybe someone who you could easily get on their bad side. I've also never seen her around here, to be honest I haven't really seen any legitimate gingers around here. Usually it's your average "let me dye my hair this shade of red" and there you have it. But no, this girl. There was something off about her.

Maybe she was just looking for something so she could get a job. Or maybe she was traveling the states and wanted background information on prior councilmen. I don't know, yet something about her intrigued me yet scared the living hell out of me.

I looked back into to window, no sign of her and no sign of Harry. I was now on edge and had no idea of what to do. Pulling out my phone I called Sarah, "Hello?"

"Hi Lily, is everything okay? I'm kind of busy." you could hear the yelling of children trying to bribe their parents into buying them a certain paint or crayon set. You could also hear the sound of the music playing through the speakers and the customers asking for certain items.

"Was there ever someone with ginger hair from our past?" I decided to ask her but in a low voice. It was silent for a moment before I heard her voice again, "Not that I know of. There were a lot of blondes though."

Sighing, I thanked her and hung up.


I looked at the picture more carefully, trying to pick at every detail of myself, my brother, my parents. I don't really remember what happened to them, all I do know though is that they told him to take care of me and to keep me safe before they were gone and never seen again. They were obviously killed, I knew that much. I was the only one who had survived and I cannot comprehend as to why. Why me?

Lily's young figure watched as her mother held her protectively. She looked at her older brother, his hazel eyes peering into her own.

"This boy has made a mockery of me! Thinking that he can get away with not doing anything and back talking to his supreme!" She had no clue as to what was occurring, only the fact that her older brother, Lane, was in trouble. He usually never got in trouble and she couldn't understand why now was any different.

Her father had yelled, "What could my son have possibly done!! We had just gotten here last night, he's a good boy I promise you!" But the man with the scarred eye wouldn't have it. It wasn't an excuse to him.

"Your son needs to learn the hard way about the fact that you cannot come here and not do anything. I brought you here for a reason, and that reason shall be completed. But your boy has failed. He has failed and has made a mockery of what I am trying to create. He has decided to disregard the rules he was given once he stepped foot on this land, and has decided to go against the generals. This is not only his fault as a boy but your fault as a parent." the man spoke with such poise but that poise had been filled with venom.

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