Fears Coming In Dreams

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Patricia POV Only


I walked into an old creek's house and I'm afraid of spiders! Like I see very big spider webs and when I walk in I see like hundreds of gigantic spiders! That's my least fear but those motha fuckas eyes are red as a bat's eyes.

They all were the poisonous types! I can't say their names but and oh shit mini scorpions! I started to run away and I didn't wanna get stung by one so I hopped on the bookshelf and then hopped on a spider's back. It was walking towards the stairs so I counted to three to jump.

I made it on top of the stairs into a hallway with rats and roaches! The rats were big and the roaches were big! My medium fear! Like the rats eyes are red!

The fire was behind me and I started to jump on a couch then on the rat that was coming. I was tiny as a mouse in that crooked old house.

The fire came and destroyed everything. My heart was racing and I kept on running. The rat went the stairs but I slid under the door then the rats burned.

I made to the top and I'm glad I'm small....... Wait there's nothin here......

I heard giant steps walking and I started to grow big. "No! No!" I said.

"Hey patricia." August says as his eyes flash red.

I felt so scared but he became my number one fear.

"Wh-why ar-ar-e y-you-u d-d-o-in-g th-th-i-i-s-s-s." I started to lose words again.

"I mean there's anything yah wanna tell meh?"

Shit I hope and prey that he didn't hear wat I was assigned to do. "N-no-o."

"Yah sho?" He says as he gets up and comes to my face.

His eyes are so fuckin scary but sexy at the same time. Wait..... He's makin me fall for him oh no oh no oh no.

He touches my face and I feel a chill go in my body. Now my heart's racin.

"You look beautiful." He grins.

I couldn't even say anythin why can't I speak!

"Cats got ya tongue?"

I just noticed that I didn't have a tongue and there was a car carrying my tongue!

Now I'm so fuckin scared!

I gasped silently and he leans in. Why can't I say a word!?

The cat runs off with it so I go after the cat. Come back cat!

Before I could grab the cat the cat fell into a fire pit.

I was about to fat until august grabbed me. "Deja Vu huh?" he smirks.

"You just don't know." I thought to myself.

He takes off his shirt and all I could do is admire. He's taking over my mind!

But I must say those tattoos Lawd Jesus......

That sexy ass smile.......

His voice.......

His eye- wait his eyes are red.

Why do I feel a wet- you know what he must be doin this......

I have to fight it or I'll be in a trance.

"Look me in my eyes."

I look him in his eyes but I tried to look away but I couldn't.

He leans in again and he kisses my lips. Then all a sudden my tongue is back.....

"I can speak again..."

"I know huh." He grins.

"Here take my hand."

He grabbed my hand and I closed my eyes.

I appeared into a graveyard ....

Wait I see what the hell zombies!?

I would've shot they asses but I have no gun or no weapon.

Ima do if black people ain got no weapons.... Run like a MF!!!!!!!

I started to run and I scraped my leg on something that wasn't there.


I seen water so jumped into then started to swim. I seen sharks and alligators behind me. What the hell?

How he know my fears!?

I see a boat but it was so damn far.

Then the shark almost bit me.

Oh lord why can't I wake up now!

I need to make him fall for me.

When I get out my clothes are gone!?

What the hell!?

How they even- omfg! Like really.

The sharks and alligator took my damn clothes.

They ate too like wow.

I covered my body and ran.

I seen a mansion so I ran into it then found a towel in the bathroom.

I wrapped it around me and still had heels on.

I ran into a room to find clothes but the door slammed shut. Boom!

I jumped and turned back around.

There was august eyes got more red on the bed sitting admiring me. I am out of breath and I can't run no mo.

"Outta breath huh?"

"I wonder how you know." I said.

He gets up but damn that man tall.

Plus he was shirtless still.

His body touched mine I could feel the body heat from his to mine. All a sudden he hugs me.

I froze without sayin a word.

He goes to my ear with a smirk drawn across his face. "Wait til I tear tha ass up patricia." Lightening and thundering came when he said that while he evil laughed.

The any was pitch black the moon was red and it was raining blood as the lightening was red. The lightening was striking everything.

He pinned me to the bed and started to bite down my neck and my body. I was scared as hell. He must've known about the plan.

He ram himself into me and I felt as if I was gonna be ripped apart any minute now. Inside of me and outside was in pain!

He went faster and harder but then my legs shook. I leaked and he took it out and cummed all on me. It was a hella lot. He put his manhood into my mouth and my mouth was too damn small.

"You better suck it!" He yells and shoves it down my throat.

I started to gag and when a few minutes went by he bust all into my mouth. It tasted bitter and I wanted to throw up. "Patrica swallow it."

I took one swallow and I laid my head back and closes my eyes. This was a nightmare to remember........

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