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I felt the blood rushing from my head as I lifted my fingers to touch where a fresh gash had been placed. "WHY WERE YOU GONE SO LONG?!" Victor screamed at me. I didnt say anything I just laid there in the floor wishing it would end. "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING!?" he screamed again with a hard kick to my stomach. Everything went into a blur.. I saw him reach for my arm to stand me up and everything went pitch black..

Thump....thump....thump.... I felt my head throbbing almost in sync with the rythm of my heart beat. I tried to move but clinched my fist at the unbareable pain in my stomach. I looked up and there was Victor.. he was very close to kicking me in the stomach once more and I screamed "IM PREGNANT". He dropped his foot to the floor and looked at me with this look that I will never get out of my mind. I let out a heavy breath almost as a breath of relief.. but I gave in. I didn't want Victor knowing about the baby.. it would change things. Victor grabbed me up off the floor and took me to our room and laid me there. His look changed from that look I would never forget.. to a look that I knew too well. He was angry. I didn't know what he was angry about.. the fact that I hadn't told him.. or the fact that I let him do what he had been doing still. He didn't say one word to me. I laid there in bed as the aching pain in my stomach grew. He took one last long baring look at me and started towards the bedroom door. He slammed the door behind him and all I heard was the clanging of the lock outside the door trapping me in the room.

- Okay, I'm finally back. I haven't been writing lately, I've been pretty preoccupied. But I'm back now & the chapters are about to start getting more lengthy. Thank you guys for reading and please give me feedback😊 I encourage criticism.

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