The Lake

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"Okay okay, let's see.." I started my story... "Once upon a time, there was this lake, and it was right outside of town. People used to go fishin' and swimmin' and canoein' in it, and this one November this flock of ducks came in and landed on that lake, and the temperature dropped so fast that the lake froze right there and then the ducks, they flew off ya see..and took the lake with them and now they say that lake is over in Georgia... imagine that." "What does it mean?" Char asked like she didn't know the answer. "It means.. things change. You can't depend on things remaining the same...don't ever forget that Char. You can't help things change." I answered. Char came closer to me and snuggled on my chest and I wrapped my arms around her. I listened to her soft breathing against my shirt. A few moments of silence went by and then Char said "Will things change between us?" I looked at her and said with a firm sweetness "Never." That must have been all she needed to hear because after that we just laid there and enjoyed each others warm embrace. Soon after Charlotte fell asleep on me and I just watched her. The sun started to peak at the edge of the sky although I didn't want to wake her I knew I had too. "Char.. wake up.." I whispered to her. Her eyes opened and she looked up at me and then smiled. "We have to go before Victor wakes up." I whispered. We both stood up and she grabbed her pocket knife and slid it in her coat pocket. We started back on our trail and she grabbed my hand this time. I felt her soft skin against mine and it made me shiver. I wanted to be with her but I knew it was a sin that I couldn't make up for. We stepped over the same branches and tall weeds until we came to the spot where me and her would take our own paths. "Thanks Ruth.. For telling me the story again." Char whispered. "You are the only person I've ever told so I figured I might as well tell you a few times so it doesn't collect dust in my thoughts." I replied. She smiled and said "I'll see you tomorrow Ruth, around 8:00?" "Yes of course." I replied. I started walking down my own path and towards my house. It took me about ten minutes but I got there soon enough. I knew I had to get some rest before I seen Charlotte tomorrow so I went inside. I dropped my coat at the front door and went to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror and said "Ruth what are you doing? This isn't right.. you will surely go to hell." I shook my head and thought to myself.. I can't stop these feelings. I don't know what it is about her, and it's not normal. I can't get her out of my mind. I can't stop wanting her to be mine. I pulled a bucket of water up on the counter top and splashed some on my face to help me refresh my mind. I slipped out of my day clothes and went to the closet. I grabbed my silk night gown and got in bed. I opened my dresser drawer and pulled out my notebook and started writing.

March 16, 1961

My love for her continues to grow. This secret we are keeping is starting to be more of a challenge than I thought. I want her and not just a portion. I want every bit of her. I want her fingers wrapped In mine and I want her laying next to me tangled together. I don't ever want to stop loving her. I know she loves me too but It gets hard when we can't show it. I have to show it, I can't keep holding this inside of me. I need her. I need to protect her from Victor and the only way is to leave far away from here.

Ruth McCallister

I set my notebook back in my drawer and went to sleep with the thought that I'd see my Char tomorrow.

Thanks for Reading! Please give me feedback or suggestions on what the next Chapter should be?

Love you Guys and don't forget to follow me! =)

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