Chuck x Reader: Valentine's Day

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Idea from crowleysmybxtch
It's almost Valentine's Day so I thought I'd do this one first. Thanks for all the ideas!
(Note: Reader doesn't know that the Supernatural book are real)

Honestly, it's not like you were expecting much. Chuck didn't make that much money and he'd never really mentioned Valentine's Day before. You were hoping for just a 'Happy Valentine's Day' at least. Nope. Chuck had forgotten altogether. He was probably writing another one of those damn books that would never get published. You were certain that those books were ruining the poor man's life. He could have been doing something productive - like getting a proper job - instead of spending all day hunched over a desk, staring at a computer screen while he drank himself to death. You didn't even know how the whole relationship came to be in the first place, it just... happened. You sighed as you turned your phone on again as you checked for any messages. All your friends were out with their husbands/fiancés/boyfriends so it wasn't as if you could call one of them to come and hang out with you. Looked like you were going to spend all day in bed with chocolate, ice cream and Netflix. Just like a single woman who didn't have anyone to spend February 14th with. You changed out of your outfit and into some sweatpants and an old oversized t-shirt that you had 'borrowed' from your older brother. With one last glance at your phone you burrowed into your duvet and selected Doctor Who - the Doctor would never ditch you on Valentine's Day.

A knock on the door jolted you awake. The clock on your nightstand told you it was 5:30 PM and that you had been sleeping for almost two hours. You groaned, knowing that you would sleep terribly that night. Practically dragging yourself from the bed, you stumbled to answer the door. It was probably some random person with nothing to do trying to sell you something useless, anyway. You were definitely surprised to see your boyfriend of two years standing on your doorstep with a bouquet of (Y/F/F - Your Favourite Flower). Chuck was wearing some of his cleaner, smarter clothes and had an almost confident expression on his face. You were incredibly confused.
"What are you doing here, Chuck?" Chuck seemed to be shocked at your question.
"It is Valentine's Day today, right? I'm not too early or too late?" Suddenly he retreated back in his little ball of nerves and anxiety.
"No, Chuck. You're right, today is Valentine's. I thought you had forgotten." You said, looking down at the floor and blushing. That was embarrassing. There you were thinking Chuck had forgotten but he was probably just busy doing something else important. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. Anyway, what are you doing here?" You asked guiltily.
"It's fine, Y/N, I swear. I was going to take you out, but," he paused for a moment to glance down at your oversized clothing,
"You don't really look ready to go for dinner."
That made you feel even worse.
"No, Chuck! We can still go out, right? We won't be late if I go and get changed, will we?" Chuck shook his head.
"No, we don't have to leave for another half hour - forty-five minutes. I just wanted to come and let you know. The reservations are at 6:30, you've got a while to get ready."
You squealed excitedly and wrapped your arms around your boyfriend, yelling 'thank you' over and over. You checked with Chuck what kind of restaurant you were going to and settled with wearing something smart but also casual. It wasn't going to be some fancy place where everything is well overpriced obviously, but you still had to look nice. (A/N I have the worst fashion sense ever, I'm possibly the least girly girl ever, so you can decide what to wear) After finally deciding on what to wear, you got changed and ran down the stairs to find out where Chuck had disappeared to. He had put the flowers in a vase for you and set them up in the kitchen while he waited. You quickly ushered him out the door, seeing that the time was 6:13, only seventeen minutes before your reservation and the restaurant was on the other side of town. Chuck drove your car since he didn't have his own due to the lack of income. The restaurant was small, more like a diner really, but the food tasted good (it was cheap too) and the staff were polite. By the time your dinner date was over, you had finally dragged Chuck out of his shell and you were both laughing and chatting about whatever came to your minds. The car ride home was the same as the dinner - loud, happy and romantic. But then you realised you weren't going in the right direction.
"Chuck, where are we going? My house is that way." You asked, pointing in the direction of your home.
"We're, uh, we're not going home just yet. I've got something else for us to do first." He answered nervously, glancing at you silently before turning his gaze back onto the road. You were confused but didn't push any more. You could trust Chuck - it wasn't as if he was some crazy axe murderer you met in the woods. You easily went back to chatting as Chuck drove you to wherever you were going.
The drive was finally over and you found yourself standing by the river, fairy lights casting a golden glow around you. It was beautiful. Your breath caught in your throat as you stared out over the water.
"Chuck, what are we-" you cut off abruptly. Your painfully shy boyfriend was down on one knee, a box containing a shiny silver ring in one hand.
"Y/N. I, uh, I love you. I always have and, uh, I always will. I might be a writer but coming up with a speech for this was ex-extremely difficult. There are no words to describe how, um, how I feel about you, but I can try. You are my everything. You are my future, hopefully my bride-to-be. I don't think I could live without you. I stopped drinking as much, I've had more sleep since we've been together than in my whole life. You're the best in me, and, and I love you so much that I want to be with you forever. I need you. So, Y/N, w-will you marry me?"
You couldn't breath. Chuck took your silence as a refusal and sighed before turning to put the ring away.
"I'm sorry, it's too so-"
Chuck was cut off by you dropping to your knees in front of him, wrapping your arms around his neck and sobbing the word 'yes' into his shoulder repeatedly.

You had spent the night at Chuck's house and after having woken up you had tasked yourself with organising at least one table of books and notes and other stationary. Chuck was still asleep and you had decided to leave him be, the poor man hardly got any sleep. A knock on the door shocked you. Who wanted to talk to Chuck at 6:38 in the morning? Cautiously opening the door you were faced with two tall handsome young men. No that you noticed of course - you were engaged.
"Who the hell are you?" The shorter one asked, glancing at the other.
"I could ask you the same. Why are you here?" You responded.
"We're here to talk to Chuck. We need his help." The one with the beautiful hair said, his voice much gentler than Shortie's. Those were going to be their nicknames. Shortie and Pretty Hair.
"Why do you need Chuck's help? He's just an author."
At that moment Chuck decided to wake up and come down stairs.
"Hey, baby, did you tidy up?" His groggy voice came from the living room and suddenly Shortie pushed past you and straight towards Chuck. Pretty Hair shot you an apologetic glance before following the other guy. Everyone was in the living room and Chuck looked shocked to see the two men.
"Sam! Dean! What're you guys doing here? I swear I haven't had anymore visions."
What? What was he talking about? Visions? What visions?
"We can't talk about it in front of her." Chuck suddenly noticed you and your confused expression.
"Oh, Sam, Dean, this is Y/N. My fiancé. Y/N, this is Sam and Dean." Those names sounded familiar for some reason.
"'Chuck, what are they doing here?
You probably shouldn't have asked, thinking about it now.
Oh, well. Too late. Now you knew. Everything.
And all you had wanted was a quiet life with Chuck.

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